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体育节,sports festival英语短句,例句大全

  • 生活
  • 2024-12-15
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  • 更新:2024-12-15 09:31:46
体育节,sports festival 1)sports festival体育节 1.Reformation framework of substituting sports festival for traditional school sports meeting;以体育节取代普通高校传统田径运动会的改革构想 2.The Practice and Research of deepening P.E course Revolution by holding the school sports festival;办好学校体育节深化体育课程改革的实践与研究 3.In the year 2002 and year 2003, We change the annual track-and-field sports meet into the sports festival, so the contest rules and the items are developing toward the trend of wide spread, highly anticipated varieties sports meets Based on the reform and questionnaire about college sports meet, the authors explore the mode and trend of college sports meet.2002和2003年连续两年将学校每年一度的田径运动会改为体育节,竞赛赛制和项目设立向着"趣味性强、普及面广、参与性高"等综合性运动竞赛方向发展。 1.as far as I can remember, there's a sports program.就我所知,是体育节目。 2.What channel is the sports show?体育节目是在哪个频道? 3.Analysis on the Phenomena of Sports Stars Acting as Sportscaster;体育明星担当体育节目主持人现象分析 4.cable TV's answer to the commercial networks' sportscasts.有线电视的节目同商业电视网的体育节目相符。 5.Okay! I'm going to watch more sports on TV!好吧!我会多看看电视上的体育节目! 6.Sports Festival will greatly improve the healthy level of the citizens.体育节必将大大提高市民的健康水平。 7.A program, especially for a sports event.节目单尤指体育赛事的节目单 8.There are two classes on Monday afternoon, PE.星期一下午有两节课,一节物理,一节体育。 9.A research on adopting comprehensive system in P.E. teaching practice;体育教育实践性环节中实习综合体系的研究 10.Cultivation of students’ sense of rhythm and body coordination ability in physical education体育教育中学生的节奏感和身体协调力的培养 11.The fourth lesson on Tuesday is PE and the fifth lesson is History.星期二的第四节课是体育,第五节课是历史。 12.How many PE lessons do we have a week? We have five.我们每个星期有几节体育课?我们有五节。 13.On the Cultivation of Consumption Groups of Tourist Festivals;旅游节庆消费群体的培育——以吴桥杂技节为例 14.birth control; fertility regulatio节育,计划生育,节制生育 15.What's on the sports channel this evening?今晚体育频道有什么节目? 16.Mary, what's on the sports channel this weekend?玛丽,这个周末体育频道有什么节目。 17.The students have three P.E. lessons a week.学生们一周有三节体育课。 18.The first lesson today is P.E.今天的第一节课是体育课。 P.E. adjustment体育调节 3)sports program体育节目 1.Situation and development of network living broadcasting for sports program;体育节目网络直播历程及发展探讨 2.with the development of our physical culture and TV broadcasting, the broadcasting amount of TV sports programs has been increased dramatically.随着体育事业和电视传播事业的发展,电视体育节目的播出量越来越大,电视体育节目对整个体育事业的发展起到了很大的促进作用,做出了不可磨灭的贡献。 4)the sports holiday体育节会 1.Making use of the methods of document study and interviews,the results show that it is necessary and feasible that the traditional sports meeting will be replaced by the sports holiday during sports changing period.通过查阅文献和实地走访调查发现,目前体育转型期以体育节会取代学校田径运动会是在思想和实践上可行的;笔者还初步构建了体育节会的模式和组织原则,探讨其制约因素,并提出解决办法。 5)sports festival体育节事 1.Tourism value and marketing plan of sports festivals;体育节事的旅游价值与营销策划 6)festival sports节庆体育 1.The local festival sports contains the characters both of rural sports and ethnic sports.寓农村体育和民族体育双重身份于一体的地方性节庆体育活动作为族际乡土社会的整合性、共生性资源,为族群的交往互动提供了平台。 体育节体育节 tly勺le体育节举办体育节是发展大众体育的一种形式。各地体育节的内容、名称、形式都有所不同。如风筝节、龙舟节、登山节、武术节、特技飞行节、冰雪节、国际滑翔节及蒙古族的那达慕等。①北京体育节〕1997年创办,每2年举行1次。以小型活动为主。体育节由北京市体育局等8家单位合办,主要内容有全市万人登山、万人骑行、全民健身方法演示、健身操汇演、中小学生轮滑、青少年攀岩、家庭趣味运动会、中老年门球、台球、保龄球、桥牌、体育舞蹈、摩托车场地障碍赛。体育节历时1个月。2001年北京市第3届体育节被命名为“体育彩票杯”。包括市级23项、区县185项活动内容〔体育节有比赛活动、示范表演、培训咨询、体质测试、多类达标、场馆开放、旅游休闲、知识竞赛、体育文化9种形式。②山东潍坊风筝节。1986年开始每年举办1届。1989年国际风筝联合会在山东维坊成立。③亚洲体育节。1998年亚洲体育节在中国沈阳举行。项目包括台球、门球、水球、保龄球、太极拳、贻拳道、健美、健美操、毓翻体育舞蹈、中国式摔跤、国际象棋、桥牌、龙舟、养生健身交流、环城自行车等18项体育比赛。④泰山国际登山节。自1987年升始,由泰安市政府与中国登山协会、中华全国体育总会群体部联合举办。于每年9月上旬举办泰山国际暨全国登山节活动。首届登山节于1987年9月25日举行。截至2000年泰山登山节共举办了13届。⑤哈尔滨冰雪节。哈尔滨市素有冰城之称,亦是世界冰雪文化发源地之一。1985年1月5日举行了首届哈尔滨冰雪节。以后每年举行1次。主要活动内容包括:举办冰灯游园会、雪雕游园会和国际冰雕、雪雕比赛;开展冬泳、冰球、速滑、高山滑雪、越野滑雪比赛等。⑥岳阳国际龙舟节。湖南省泊罗江、洞庭湖是龙船的故乡、龙舟文化的孕育地,又是爱国诗人屈原当年行吟与活动过的地方。在这里举行龙舟节,具有纪念和传播文化的双重意义。199]年6月16日(农历五月初五)举行了首届国际龙舟节,此后每年举办1次。 群体活动,group activity 1)group activity群体活动 1.Function of concept of health-oriented sport in group activity;“健康运动理念”在群体活动中的作用透析 2.The development of higher vocational education and group activity of talented personnel reflects group tropism character from macro vision,life character of vocational ability training,compound character of talented personnel,and inevitable character of group s.高等职业教育的整体取向具有规范性,高等职业教育群体活动的整体取向对高等职业教育工作理论和实践产生着日益显著的规范性作用。 3.With literature study,questionnaire,interview and mathematical statistics,the author investigated the college students' spare time activities,group activity ideology,group activity management,organization and operation of sports competition and found that there were various activities the college students took part in and sports were in the secondary place.运用文献资料、调查访问、问卷调查、数理统计等方法,对大学生余暇时间活动现状、群体活动理念、群体活动的组织管理、体育竞赛的组织与运作和构建群体活动工作网络等方面进行研究。 1.Function of concept of health-oriented sport in group activity;“健康运动理念”在群体活动中的作用透析 2.The Differences between Group Activities and Amateur Training in Schools Physical Education;群体活动与业余训练在学校体育工作中的差异 3.1. The Mass Sports Activities Plan1. 群众体育活动计划 4.the most advanced and responsible group in an activity.在一次活动中最先进、最可靠的群体。 5.an event characteristic of persons forming groups.组成群体的人的特有的活动。 6.The female sex is a special mass organization in the activities of spraying for rain.女性是祈雨活动中的一个特殊群体。 7.Research on Traditional Mass Sport Activity in Northwest Minority西北少数民族群众传统体育活动研究 8.Investigation and Study of the Mass Sports Current Situation in Weinan;渭南市群众体育活动现状的调查研究 9.Investigation on Current Condition of Mass Sports Activity in Xiamen;厦门市群众体育活动点现状调查研究 10.Survey of Mass Sports Activity Sites in Liaoning Province;辽宁省群众体育活动点情况调查分析 11.On the Status of Professional People s Sport Activity Ways in China;我国各职业人群体育活动方式的现状 12.Investigation and Analysis on the Actual situation of People s Practising Wu Shu in the Athletic Center of Tian Huo;天河体育中心群众练武活动现状分析 13.(of birds and animals) tending to move or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind.(鸟和动物)趋向于群体移动或集体生活的。 14.Investigation and analysis of physical activities of physical inferior group of students in colleges and universities;高校体育弱势群体学生体育活动的调查与分析 15.ants are social insects; the herding instinct in sheep or cattle; swarming behavior in bees.蚂蚁是群居昆虫;羊或牛的群体本能;蜜蜂成群活动。 16.Group of animals or plants living or growing in the same place(生活或生长在同一地方的动物或植物的)群,集群,群体 17.Analysis of community mass motivation and reasons for participating in sports activities;社区群众参与体育活动的动机和原因分析 18.Research on the Popularized Methods on the Community Mass Body-building Scientifically;社区群众体育活动迅猛发展的动因分析 Group Action群体性活动 1.The Ideal and Approach on Dealing witll Metropolitan Group Action in the View of Legality;法治视野下都市群体性活动处置理念和进路——以群体性事件处置为背景 2.The Idea and Approach on Dealing with Group Action in Megalopolis in the Legality View;法治视野下大城市群体性活动的处置理念和进路 3)the circus of sports体育活动群体 1.It shows that the circus of sports has the more all-round and deeper recognition to the sports,and the circus of nonsports does not.运用问卷调查与访谈等研究方法,对浙江省小康农村农民的体育需求进行调查研究,旨在了解浙江省经济较发达地区农村农民对体育的需求状况,结果显示:浙江省小康农村农民中的体育活动群体对体育的认识比较深刻,呈现出多元化、综合化的发展趋势,其参加体育活动的项目受学校体育影响较大,与浙江省独特的地理环境有关。 4)the circus of nonsports非体育活动群体 5)mode of human's social activity人类群体活动 6)Clubs[英][kl?b][美][kl?b]群体俱乐部活动 1.Investigations and Research on Status and Activities of Clubs for Vocational College Students;高职院校学生群体俱乐部活动状况的调查与研究 内群体与外群体  依照人们的归属感对社会群体所作的一种划分。内群体是指一个人经常参与的或在其间生活、或在其间工作、或在其间进行其他活动的群体。内群体又称我们群体,简称我群。外群体是相对于内群体而言的,泛指内群体以外的所有群体。外群体又称他们群体,简称他群。    内群体与外群体这一对概念最早是由美国社会学家W.G.萨姆纳在《民俗论》(1906)一书里提出来的。作者试图用这对概念描述一个人的群体归属、群众意识以及群众对于个人的影响。    内群体和外群体的概念,明确地区分了我们和他们的界限。这种内外有别的观念不仅内化在群体成员的心里,而且有时通过外在的形式加以突出和强调,如一个群体有自己的名称、符号标志,或特殊的服饰、礼仪或习俗等等。社会学文献使用内群体和外群体概念时,主要用来说明个人对于内群体的肯定和忠诚、对于外群体的排斥和疏远的态度。    内群体和外群体的性质和范围是不断变化的。比如,在原始社会里,内群体和外群体的数目极为有限,性质单纯。一个人所在的家庭、氏族或部落属于内群体,其他的氏族或部落则属于外群体。随着社会的发展,人们活动范围不断扩大,一个人参与的内群体的数量随之增多,性质不完全局限于血缘的联系或地域的联系,而是逐步扩展到工作、社交、文化娱乐和体育运动各个领域,从而形成业缘、社交、文体等多种类型的内群体。内群体和外群体的界限不是一成不变的,随着个人的加入或退出,外群体和内群体不时发生相互转换的现象。   男子运动员,male athletes 1)male athletes男子运动员 1.So, how is the psychological training statusquo of the CUBA male athletes? What are the factors affecting the psychological training of them? And what actions should be taken to deal with the psychological training? The above questions and a series of similar questions have been concerned by the sports field, and they will be further studied in this theis.那么,目前CUBA男子运动员心理训练现状如何?影响CUBA男子运动员心理训练的因素有哪些?CUBA男子运动员心理训练应该要采取何种对策?等等一系列的问题成了体育教育界一个关注的问题,也是本课题有待于深入研究的事情。 2)men athletes男子运动员 3)male athlete男子运动员 4)male rowers男子赛艇运动员 1.Objective To investigate the influence of interval hypoxic training (IHT) on the physiological performance in elite male rowers during the intensive training.目的:探讨在大负荷训练期间进行间歇性低氧训练对男子赛艇运动员生理机能的影响。 1.The Study on the Training Effects of the Elite Open-men Rowers during the Training Period;优秀男子赛艇运动员的训练效果分析 2.Statistical Analysis about Physical Enginery Biochemistry Targets of Man Rowing Athletes;男子赛艇运动员身体机能生化指标的统计分析 3.Body shape index of male rowing athletes in China;我国男子赛艇运动员的身体形态指标研究 4.Altitude Training for the Men's Rowing Athletes Aerobic Capacity高原训练对男子赛艇运动员有氧能力的影响 5.A Research on the Influence of Altitude Training over the Athletic Abilities of Male Rowing Athletes and Blood Rheology;高原训练对男子赛艇运动员运动能力及血液流变学的影响研究 6.Analysis of Altitude Training in Physical Ability of Male Rowing Athlete;高原训练对男子赛艇运动员运动能力的分析研究 7.The Analysis of the Effect of Strength Training and Biochemical Characters of the Chinese Outstanding Male Rowing Athletes;我国优秀男子赛艇运动员专项力量训练效果及生化特点的研究 8.Research of Physical Ability Characteristic and the Relationship between Physiological Variables and Rowing Performance in Elite Male Rowers;优秀男子赛艇运动员体能特征及其生理参数与成绩关系研究 9.Serum enzyme and electrocardiogram changes of female rowers during winter training;男子赛艇运动员冬训期间血清酶活性及心电图的变化 10.Isokinetic Strength of Trunk Muscles in Elite Chinese Rowing Athletes and Its Correlativity with Specialized Ability;优秀男子赛艇运动员躯干肌群等动力量特征及其与专项能力的关系 11.The research on the effects of absolute strength of the elite juvenile male rowers in Shandong province on the event-related performances;山东省优秀青少年男子赛艇运动员绝对力量与专项成绩关系的研究 12.An analysis of technical characteristics of the Chinese elite lightweight male rowers;中国赛艇优秀男子轻量级运动员技术特征分析 13.The Characteristics of Trunk Muscle Strength in Chinese Elite Rowing Sportsmen;我国男子优秀赛艇运动员躯干肌力的特征 14.A Study on the Tactics for Elite Canoeing Athletes to Compete in 1 000m;优秀男子皮艇运动员参赛1000m项目战术的研究 15.An Anaysis of Blood Lactate Threshold of Open Class Men Rowers of Wuhan Team before Match;武汉市男子赛艇公开级运动员赛前乳酸阈曲线变化分析 16.The Kinematics Analysis on the March Process of 500m MC1 Canoeists between Chinese and Foreign Male Athletes;中外优秀男子500m单人划艇(静水)运动员比赛全程运动学分析 17.Technical characteristics of the Chinese elite open male rowers湖北省男子公开级赛艇运动员划桨动作技术分析 18.Improving Models of the Relationship between Velocity and Time to Fatigue in Elite Rightman Rowing;优秀男子轻量级赛艇运动员速度——疲劳时间关系模型的优化 men athletes男子运动员 3)male athlete男子运动员 4)male rowers男子赛艇运动员 1.Objective To investigate the influence of interval hypoxic training (IHT) on the physiological performance in elite male rowers during the intensive training.目的:探讨在大负荷训练期间进行间歇性低氧训练对男子赛艇运动员生理机能的影响。 5)Male athlete of 100-meter running男子百米运动员 6)men javelin athletes男子标枪运动员 1.With the comparative analysis of delivery action of Chinese and foreign men javelin athletes,it is found that compared with foreign athletes,some throwing angles of Chinese athletes are not reasonable.对国内外部分优秀男子标枪运动员最后用力技术中出手参数的几个角度进行比较分析,发现我国男子标枪运动员出手参数的部分角度不合理,左膝角度相对偏小缓冲角度偏大、右膝角偏大缓冲角度过大、标枪出手角度合理但姿态角、攻角、晃动角偏大。 “妈妈”运动员“妈妈”运动员  “妈妈”运动员在现代奥运会历史的早期,i陈旧的观念影响了妇女对体育的参与,即使是二参加体育竞赛的女运动员也在结婚和生育后退随着妇女体育的发展,一大批“妈妈”运动员刁动场上取得了优异的成绩,令人对女子的运动能二目相看。 1936年,18岁的荷兰女选手科恩参加柏林鉴会,只取得了跳高第五名。12年后,30岁的科j多数无运刮运已是两个孩子的妈妈,却在1948年伦敦奥运会上80米低栏,100米、200米和4 x 100米接力题金牌,并以11秒的成绩创造了80米低栏的世界会以11秒的成绩平了100米跑的世界纪录,获得了行妈妈”的美称。 在1956年的奥运会上,有ro枚奖牌是由“运动员”夺得的。1%0年奥运会上,产后两年的选手鲁道夫夺得100米、200米和4“roo米接3枚金牌。而获1960年奥运会跳板跳水铜牌的英动员费里斯当时正怀有3个月的身孕。 前苏联的卡赞金娜,曾夺得过1976年和19得枚乞飞料以录︸妇国跑运年﹄降乙匕匕r飞J可口闷1奥运会1500米跑金牌。1982年生育后,于1984年打破2000米和3000米跑的世界纪录。美国短跑选手阿什福德,1984年以10秒97获得第23届奥运会100米金牌,奥运会后不到10个月生一女孩,1985年第4季度的成绩仍列世界第一,1985年....日.睡口毒﹁︸巨科恩1 948年伦敦奥运会上的荷兰短跑女选兰犷_输出,摄行测增加痛苦也是现再命有怀孕l,他的研再堕巧的以10秒86的成绩再次排名1985年100米世界乡 一些研究资料表明,孕妇的心率会加快,心量可能增大40%,红血球的数目有所增加,同时氧量也会增加。科研人员曾对一名长跑运动员进试,产后7个月,她的摄氧量增加了5%,这对耐力无疑是有利的。此外,由于分娩时所承受的和压力,在某种程度上使女运动员更加坚强,这提高成绩的有利因素。“妈妈”运动员的出色表次证明了妇女的运动能力,对延长她们的运动寿重要意义。 随着“妈妈”运动员的大量出现,有人竟把和生孩子当作一种提高运动成绩的手段加以利厂们根据怀孕第一个月时妇女肌肉力量会大大增加究结果,鼓励女选手借人工授精怀孕,比赛过后胎。在对兴奋剂严格控制的今天,借怀孕投机取做法,遭到了人们的谴责。   耐力跑,endurance running 1)endurance running耐力跑 1.A research on optimization load of endurance running teaching in middle shool;对中学耐力跑教学优化负荷控制因素的研究 2.This paper uses the method of comprehensive analysis to make a study of the student′s endurance running and teaching program,so as to look for a more scientific and move reasonable teaching approach.耐力跑是高校学生身体素质达标的项目,也是学生体育成绩考核的重要内容之一。 3.In order to improve the college students scores of endurance running in the national defense military training,this paper analyzes the causes,puts forward effective measures and methods to carry out pertinent training and to raise their interest in it,thus making sure of achieving the goal of the national defense military training and enhancing the physical quality of the college students.为了提高大学生国防军事训练耐力跑成绩,采用实验法、比较分析法等研究方法,对当代大学生在国防军事训练耐力跑项目上,如何提高运动成绩的原因进行分析。 1.Theory and Practice of Lactate Tolerance Training in Speed-endurance Runners;速度耐力跑运动员乳酸耐受训练的理论与实践 2.Utilizing a way of psychological practice in teaching running of endurance;心理训练方法在耐力跑教学中的运用 3.Discussion on Enhancing the Endurance Running Ability of College Female Students in Physical Education Teaching;关于教学中提高高校女生耐力跑能力的探讨 4.Investigation and Analysis of Students of Colleges & Universities Anxiety for Endurance Run Test;大学生耐力跑考试焦虑情绪的调查与分析 5.How to Better College Students Endurance-Running Performance in National Defense Military Training;提高大学生国防军事训练耐力跑成绩的研究 6.It takes stamina to run a marathon.跑马拉松要有耐力. 7.Long-distance runners need staying-power.长跑运动员耐力要强. 8.Comprehensive strength and endurance training of 800m racers;800m跑运动员的综合力量耐力训练 9.Marathon runners need plenty of stamina.参加马拉松长跑要有耐力. 10.Long distance runners need great endurance.长跑运动员需要有很大的耐力。 11.A marathon runner counterbalances lack of speed with endurance.马拉松跑者用耐力来弥补速度的不足。 12.Running the marathon tests a person's endurance.马拉松赛跑考验人的耐力。 13.He' s not a fast horse but he' s certainly a stayer.这匹马跑得不快, 但很有耐力. 14.The Exploring of Speed and Speed Endurance Practice In 400 Meter Race;400米跑速度与速度耐力训练的探讨 15.Study on Improving the Professional Stamina of 500m Obstacle Running;浅谈如何提高500m障碍跑的专项耐力 16.The Relationship between Strength and Endurance Training in Mid-Long Distance Runners;论中长跑运动员力量和耐力训练的关系 17.The horse was not capable of any very sustained effort, and its gallop soon subsided into a trot, and its trot into an easy walk.这马缺乏耐力,很快由奔驰变成小跑,由小跑变成便步。 18.A Research on How Pain-free Jogging Can Enhance the Durability of Junior High Students and Their Cognition on Jogging;无痛苦跑步法对增强初中学生耐久力与改善跑步认知实验研究 stamina running耐力跑 1.A Research on the Training Project of Undergraduate Stamina Running;大学生耐力跑项目改革实验之研究 2.In searching of the teaching of stamina running with humanistic theory, I have trained my students to know about themselves, hold themselves, make from themselves and improve themselves.耐力跑人本教学,着重培养学生自我了解、自我把握、自我创造、自我完善、激发兴趣,变被动接受为主动学习。 3)endurance run耐力跑 1.Study on effects of university students endurance run mutual exercises;大学生耐力跑互动锻炼法效应研究 2.It is uncontested that the college stadents endurance diathesis is decreasing gradually,while at the same time,the related decision-making departments are lowering the pass standards in endurance run.面对这一严峻的事实 ,有关决策部门却一再降低学生耐力跑及格成绩标准。 4)stamina in the long-distance running长跑耐力 1.By using literature review,experimentation and mathematical statistics and various teaching methods,the author conducted an experimental research on stamina in the long-distance running of the freshmen of Shanxi Engineering Vocational College.文章采用文献资料法、实验法和数理统计法等方法,运用多种教学手段对山西工程职业技术学院新生进行了长跑耐力的实验研究。 5)staminal run training耐力跑训练 1.The result through the eight-week staminal run training,shows that the SDH in the outside muscle of the leg increases 54.采用肌肉活检技术,运用现代组织化学方法,结合扫描显微分光光度计定量的方法,对6名普通受试者进行8周耐力跑训练前后右腿股外肌中有关代谢酶的活性的变化进行了分析对比。 2.The result is that through the eight-week staminal run training, the fast (muscle’s fiber surface) area increases 35%(P<0.采用肌肉活检技术,运用现代组织化学方法,结合扫描显微分光光度计定量的方法,对 6名普通受试者进行8周耐力跑训练。 6)speed-endurance running速度耐力跑 跑了和尚跑不了寺1.见"跑了和尚跑不了庙"。 啦啦队,cheerleading 1)cheerleading啦啦队 1.The superficial analyses of cheerleading arm motions and training;浅析啦啦队的手臂动作与训练 2.Comparative analysis on characteristics between the cheerleading and aerobics;啦啦队运动与健美操运动项目特征探析 3.Analysis the Possibility of Cheerleading s Development in Our Country s University From the Successive Games;从历届比赛分析我国高校开展啦啦队运动的可行性研究 1.the best cheerleader in town!全镇最好的啦啦队! 2.Some teams train all year long.有些啦啦队长年训练。 3.Analysis of the Development of Cheerleading from the Cheerleading Competition从啦啦队比赛分析我国啦啦队运动的发展 4.Complete movement analysis of champion at 2006 All-stars Cheer Leading championship of China;2006年中国全明星啦啦队锦标赛技巧啦啦队冠军队伍成套动作分析 5.Discussion on Difference of Sino-American Cheering Culture from the Expressive Force among the Cheerleaders;从啦啦队员表演表现力的差距谈中美啦啦队文化的差异 6.On Cultural Interpretation of Cheerleading and Organizing Operation Model of Sports Field Cheerleading啦啦队运动的文化诠释及体育赛场啦啦队活动的组织运行模式 7.World Cheerleading Championships of Competitive Cheerleading in Chinese and American Complete Choreography of Comparative Study世界啦啦队锦标赛中美技巧啦啦队成套动作编排对比研究 8.Comparision Research between the Current Situation of Chinese and Foreign Cheer Leading's Coach in World Cheer Leading Championship世界啦啦队锦标赛中、外啦啦队教练员现状的比较研究 9.Most cheerleaders in the early years were men.多数早期的啦啦队队员是男性。 10.Rita: The captain of the cheerleading squad said my legs weren't long enough.丽塔:啦啦队队长说我的腿不够长。 11.the light blues剑桥大学运动代表队(或啦啦队) 12.be a cheerleader, in American sports events.成为啦啦队的队长,用于美式运动中。 13.She be proud that she be the cheerleader of the school她以当学校啦啦队队长而自豪 14.She is proud that she is the cheerleader of the school.她以当学校啦啦队队长而自豪。 15.the purpose of cheerleading was to support a sports team.啦啦队的目的是支持一个体育运动队。 16.And cheerleading become more interesting to watch.啦啦队变得更加值得关注。 17.Their respective pupils formed cheering squads.他们各自的学生组成了啦啦队。 18.The football game was punctuated by the cheers of supporters.这场足球赛不时出现啦啦队的喝采声。 cheering squad啦啦队 1.Research on the composition of complete set of movements in performing cheering squad;表演性啦啦队成套动作创编研究 2.Through literature,questionnaire survey,expert interview and statistics,this paper analyzes the reasons of Guangxi cheering squad project development,and shows that high-density publicity is the driving force.通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究手段,对促进广西啦啦队项目发展的模式进行分析研究。 3)cheering team啦啦队 1.This paper makes simple review on developing course of cheering team in China, analyzes its current condition and predicts the development in the future.啦啦队运动已经发展了100多年。 2.The authors talk about their training experence for the beauty and graceful gymnastics cheering team and its performance during the rest time in CUBA.CUBA赛场上健美操啦啦队表演是一种深受广大学生和观众喜爱的一种表演形式。 3.The cheering team movement is one new sports with unique charm and widespread stage.啦啦队运动是一项具有独特魅力和广泛舞台的新型体育运动。 4)cheer squad啦啦队 1.The cheer squad performance should abide by the principle of fitness building and should be of aesthetic feature.随着啦啦队的进一步发展和大学生篮球联赛(CUBA)的举办,篮球宝贝已经由原来的球场文化发展为校园文艺。 5)cheer leader啦啦队长 6)cheerleader[英]['t???li:d?(r)][美]['t??r'lid?]啦啦队队长 麻啦鸡和臭豆腐可以这样做:制作材料:大骨、虾米、肉丝、香菇、麻辣锅底酱、臭豆腐、鸭血1.以熬煮完成的大骨头汤头加入四川麻辣酱制成汤底2.加入臭豆腐煮熟,不时搅动汤底3.加入干香菇调味,不时搅动汤底4.加入虾米调味,不时搅动汤底5.观察臭豆腐的熟透程度6.倒入少许米酒调味7.加入新鲜鸭血,以些许时间闷熟8.麻辣臭豆腐及鸭血煮熟后转成小火加热9.麻辣臭豆腐&麻辣鸭血成品人气所在:麻辣臭豆腐汤头独特,使用的是四川一带的独特汤头熬煮方式,在台北数一数二。没有一般麻辣汤的粘粘腻腻,在冬夜之中,更有一种透入心房的温暖。以上资料由台湾面线小宝提供 李大川 整理 中国古典舞,Chinese classical dance 1)Chinese classical dance中国古典舞 1.A Research on the Development of the Chinese Classical Dance;中国古典舞发展历程之研究 2.As a subject construction,Chinese classical dance is maturing,and body rhyme teaching plays an important role in classical dance viewpoints and study methods.本文从古典舞身韵教学的基本要点、课程特点、如何教学以及作为高校教师所应注意的要点四个方面来详细阐述和分析当前高校中的中国古典舞身韵教学。 3.Chinese classical dance and Western classical ballet are the epitomes of Eastern culture and Western culture respectively in the dance aspect.中国古典舞和西方古典芭蕾舞分别代表了东西方两种文化在舞蹈方面的集大成表现形式,这两种古老的艺术形式分别体现着个性鲜明的两种文化对舞蹈的不同审美要求。 1.The position and effect of body charm on the contemporary building of Chinese classical dance forms;“身韵”在当代中国古典舞建构中的作用 2.On the Aesthetic Characteristics and Basic Training of China s Classic Dance;谈中国古典舞的美学特征与基础训练 3.On Figure,Expression,Strength and Rhyme of Chinese Classical Dance;论中国古典舞《身韵》的形、神、劲、律 4.Comparison on “Spirit and Rhyme” Between Korean Folk Dance and Chinese Classic Dance;朝鲜民族舞蹈与中国古典舞“气韵”之比较 5.On the Body Rhyme Teaching of Chinese Classical Dance in College and University;试谈当前高校中的中国古典舞身韵教学 6.THE EFFECT OF BODY CHARM ON THE CHINESE CLASSICAL DANCE;“身韵”在建构中国古典舞中的地位与作用 7.APPLICATION OF CHINESE CLASSIC DANCE TRAINING SYSTEM TO AEROBICS TRAINING;中国古典舞的训练体系在健美操训练中的应用 8.A Study on "Improvement" of the Piano Accompaniment in Chinese Classical Dance Basic Skill Training中国古典舞基训课中钢琴伴奏的“变化”研究 9.The Constitution and Development of the Training System of Contemporary Chinese Classical Dance;当代中国古典舞教学体系的构建与发展 10.Analysis of the Rotary Characteristics of Chinese Classical Dance and Its Training Methods浅析中国古典舞旋转的特性与训练方法 11.Following "Tales of the Silk Road", a Dunhuang-style Chinese dance began to thrive, which greatly enriched and expanded the classical dance of China.由此而引发了"敦煌舞派"的兴起,丰富、拓展了中国古典舞的园地。 12.From the Construction of Genre of Dance to that of Discipline-Retrospect and Prospect of the Construction of Chinese Classical Dance;从舞种建设到学科建设——中国古典舞文化建设的回顾与展望 13.The Relationship between Chinese Classic Garden and Chinese Traditional Poesy;中国古典园林与中国古典诗歌的关系 14.The History of Chinese Dance《中国古代舞蹈史话》 15.Recent Korean Productions of Jean Racine;1999年以来韩国舞台上的法国古典剧作家拉辛 16.Reviews of Selected Chinese Classics中国古典文学名著选评 17.Selected Readings of Famous Classical Chinese Novels中国古典小说名著选讲 18.History of Chinese Classical Dramatic Theory中国古典戏曲理论史 Chinese classic dance中国古典舞 1."Spirit and rhyme" are two prominent and aesthetic features in Chinese classic dance and they command the "vigor" and "figure" in the process of teaching,acting and creating.中国古典舞最为突出的美学特征,便是讲究“气韵”。 2.Chinese Classic Dance is an outstanding part of Chinese Dance in the contemporary era, which has the typical significance and special characteristics.中国古典舞是一种具有典范意义和独特风格的舞蹈艺术,特定的历史文化背景和艺术传统赋予她别具一格的审美个性,它通过对艺术“意象”的塑造,来表达对宇宙对人生的认同感,体现了中华民族对艺术价值、功能的独特理解和追求。 3.Chinese Classic Dance is an outstanding part of Chinese Dance in the contemporary era.中国古典舞是当代中国舞蹈艺术的一株奇葩,特定的历史文化背景和艺术传统赋予她别具一格的审美个性,而“身韵”则是这一舞蹈样式最重要的审美特征。 3)Chinese Classical Dancing中国古典舞 1.On the beauty of "Circle" in the Chinese Classical Dancing;浅谈中国古典舞的“圆”之美 2.Body s role in Chinese classical dancing often has an unexpected effect in performance and leaves audience marvelous impression."身韵"的建构是中国古典舞发展过程中"破其形,扬其神"的结果。 3.The lingering charm is the spiritual core of the Chinese classical dancing,which has sublimed and evolved with the development of its parasitifer.气韵是中国古典舞的精神核心。 4)contemporary Chinese classical dance当代中国古典舞 5)creation of Chinese classical dance中国古典舞创作 6)classical China古典中国 1.The image of classical China in Singaporean Chinese Qiu shuyuan s Chinese classical poems is posed as Confucian,Taoist and chivalry.分析新加坡华侨诗人邱菽园的古典华文诗歌中亦儒亦道亦侠的“古典中国”形象及其成因 ,以论证第一代侨居东南亚的中国传统知识分子的古典华文文学创作对于东南亚的中华文化的传承和建构有着开启性的意义。 巴厘古典舞巴厘古典舞Bali,classicaldanceof印度尼西亚舞蹈。印尼巴厘岛人民有悠久的音乐舞蹈传统,每个村子都有自己的乐队和舞队,在集会或节日里表演舞蹈,成为风俗习惯。由于受印度文化的影响,舞蹈内容大多取材于印度史诗《罗摩衍那》和《摩诃婆罗多》。为了推动情节,舞蹈中插有对话,有时幕前还要介绍剧情。舞蹈的基本造型是保持腰、臀的侧曲,眼睛左顾右盼,手掌随音乐左右摆动,手指颤动。巴厘古典舞中除了表现史诗故事的,还保留着一些古老的祭祀舞蹈。如山哈央舞,是在发生流行病或遇其他灾难时跳的,通过舞蹈沟通人神。伴唱者唱着神名,扮演各种神的舞蹈者依次上场,向人们洒圣水,表示保佑。有的地方则是舞蹈者赤脚在火炭上狂舞,一直跳到昏昏迷迷、神志不清。 身体练习,physical exercise 1)physical exercise身体练习 1.Research on the Methods of Movement Guidance at the Beginning of Motor Skills' Formation——Centered for the targeted physical exercise skills运动技能初步形成阶段运动指导的方法论考察——以身体练习的选择为中心 2.The teaching procedure of physical exercise for the deaf is used in schools for the deaf.听障学生身体练习的程序教学在聋校体育中正逐渐得到应用。 3.It is characteristic that in the physical trainging class the students thought and emotion are closely related with the physical exercise,this feature helps the students to foster healthy psychology easily in the physical training process.学生在体育课中具有独特的身体练习和思维情感活动紧密结合的特点 ,使得体育教学过程中对学生进行健康心理的培养直观而易于操作 ,体育教师在教学中把传授体育知识、技能与心理健康教育有机地结合起来 ,对培养学生的良好心理品质大有裨益 。 1.Method creating the contents of physical education curriculums with body practice resources;利用身体练习资源创编体育课程内容的方法 2.The Study on the Professionally Practical Body Training as a PE Teaching Curriculum of the Vocational College;高职体育“职业实用性身体练习”课程的开发 3.Effects of Different Proportions between Observational Learning and Physical Practice on Tracking Skill Learning不同观察学习和身体练习比例对追踪任务技能学习的影响 4.The Understanding of the Domains of Physical Practice and Its Significance for Physical Education Curriculum Reform;身体练习领域的认识及其对体育课程改革的意义 5.A Study of Physical Education for Students with Poor Sporting Ability and Its Countermeasures和谐理念下身体练习障碍学生的体育课现状与关爱性对策研究 6.light exercise designed to promote general fitness.增加身体柔韧性的练习。 7.He stretched and loosened up so as improve flexibility.他伸展身体,做放松练习,以提高柔韧性。 8.Yoga is a system of exercises for physical and mental nourishment.瑜伽是一种身体和精神滋养的练习体系。 9.Discussion on Developing Physical Quality Practise in Colleges and Universities P.E Teaching;论高校体育教学中的发展身体素质练习 10.Baseball players do exercises at the beginning of the season in order to limber themselves up.棒球选手在球季开始时做练习,以使身体灵活。 11.We train regularly to keep fit for study and work.我们经常进行锻炼,为学习和工作练好身体。 12.an acrobatic dance; an athletic child; athletic playing; gymnastic exercises.特技舞蹈;身强力壮的小孩;运动游戏;体操练习。 13.Practicing Taijiquan Can Promote Good Health of the Elderly;习练太极拳对老年人身体健康的促进作用 14.Influence of Belly Dance Training on Young Female Physical Posture;肚皮舞练习对青年女性身体形态及机能的影响 15.An Experimental Analysis of Latin Dance to Students Body Self-esteem;拉丁舞练习对提高大学生身体自尊的实验研究 16.Research on Body Feature of Middle-aged Women on 28Mulan Quan Training;28式木兰拳练习对中老年女性身体形态的影响 17.A preliminary study on the influences of loaded aerobic exerciseon body composition for female college students;负重有氧练习对女大学生身体成分影响初探 18.Effects of Aerobic Body-building Exercise on Middle-aged Physique Women;有氧健身操练习对中年女性体质的影响 body quality exercise身体素质练习 1.In order to ensure physical teaching to go on smoothly and make students body develop healthily, we should take body quality exercise as the content of physical teaching.为保证体育教学的顺利进行,促使学生的身体得到健康发展,在体育课中,应将身体素质练习列为体育课的教学内容,并根据学生的实际情况,有计划、有步骤的选择练习内容,科学地采用组织教法和练习方式,使身体素质练习在体育课上起到应有的作用,完成体育课的教学任务。 3)special physical exercises obstacles身体练习障碍 4)Practice on themselves自身练习 5)professionally practical body training职业实用性身体练习 6)Body Practice Disability Students身体练习障碍学生 保持练习保持练习retention rehearsal  保持练习(ret。ntion rehearsal)通过复述与编码,将短时储存中的信息存放于长时记忆之中的过程。保持是记忆的阶段之一,记忆过的材料为了防止遗忘,必须经过此过程,使痕迹不断得到强化和巩固。保持的效果与复述的形式和时间有关。 (刘志华撰成立夫审)   竞赛体系,competition system 1)competition system竞赛体系 1.A comparative study of the competition system between the Chinese and Japanese youth soccer中日青少年足球竞赛体系的比较研究 2.According to the investigation,at present,university in Jiangsu tennis competition development situation is unoptimistic,the university tennis competition management structure has not formed,the university tennis competition system is quite chaotic,that causes university in Jiangsu to launch the interscholastic tennis match to be difficult.据调查,目前江苏省高校网球竞赛开展情况不容乐观,高校网球竞赛管理机构还没有形成,高校网球竞赛体系比较混乱,导致江苏省高校开展校际间网球比赛非常困难。 3.Basing the theory of system science and sports competitive,the author analyzes the resource of the competitive sports competition system in China s university.采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,运用系统科学、运动竞赛学等理论,对我国高校竞技体育竞赛体系的资源进行了系统分析。 1.Research on the Competition System and Training System of Chinese Football;中国足球竞赛体系和训练体系的研究 2.Theoretical Research on Athletic Competitive System of Universities and Colleges in China;我国高校竞技体育竞赛体系的理论探索 3.Constructing discipline competition system,improving students comprehensive quality;构建学科竞赛体系,提高学生综合素质 4.A comparative study of the competition system between the Chinese and Japanese youth soccer中日青少年足球竞赛体系的比较研究 5.Research of the Actuality and Development Tactics on Resources of Competitive Sports Competition System in China s University;我国高校竞技体育竞赛体系的资源现状与发展对策研究 6.Research of Present Situation and Developing Countermeasures on Organizational Structure of Athletic Competitive System of Universities and Colleges in China我国高校竞技体育竞赛体系组织结构的现状及发展对策研究 7.On the Formation of the Cultivation Model and Competing System for Chinese Student Basketball我国学生篮球培养模式及竞赛体系形成的构想 8.Exploration on the System of Students'Competitions in Experimental Skills in Science and Engineering Colleges理工科院校学生实验技能竞赛体系的探讨 9.New Explore on Teaching Competition in Gymnastic General Class in P.E. Department of Teacher Collage;高师体育系竞技性体操教学比赛新探 10.a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner.竞技者进行一系列比赛决定胜者的体育比赛。 11.The Development and Exploitation of Sports Games Online Supervision System;体育竞赛网络管理系统的研制与开发 12.An athletic competition, especially a swimming contest.体育竞赛,尤指游泳比赛 13.New explore on teaching competition in gymnastic general class in PE department of teachers college;高师体育系体操普修课竞技体操教学比赛新探 14.Competition involves the staging or participation of an event in the sport or discipline at a venue.竞赛系指在体育场馆举行的比赛大项或分项中的一场比赛。 15.Monitor system of sports security in the competitions of Chinese colleges and universities;我国高校体育竞赛运动安全监控体系研究 16.Analyzing the Relation of Competitive Times of Speed Skating and the Capacitive Level of Athletes;速度滑冰竞赛次数与运动员体能水平关系分析 17.Electronic design contest and the bring up system for the nurture of innovatory person;电子设计竞赛与创新人才培养体系建设 18.The Interactive Mechanism between the Technique System and Competition Rules of Wushu;武术竞赛规则与武术技术体系的互动机制探讨 athletic competitive system of universities and colleges高校竞技体育竞赛体系 1.were used to do research on the athletic competitive system of universities and colleges in our country.采用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法等,对我国高校竞技体育竞赛体系进行探索。 3)system of basketball competition篮球竞赛体系 4)sports competition体育竞赛 1.A research on factors influencing winning and losing in sports competitions;体育竞赛中的胜负因素研究 2.Reform and development of extracurricular college sports competitions from the perspective of lifetime sport终身体育视域下高校课余体育竞赛的改革与发展 5)athletic competition体育竞赛 1.A Study on the Interactive Relationship between University Athletic Competition and the Construction of Campus Culture;高校体育竞赛与校园文化建设互动研究 2.Since the "National Standards for Physical Culture in Institutes of Higher Learning"issued by the state Education Commission of China in 1990 was implemented, physical culture department of our university has gradually brought athletic competition activities at the levels of university,college and department into the working range of student affairs department.自1990年国家教委颁发了《大学生体育合格标准》和实施办法以来,校体育教学部将校、院、系各级体育竞赛活动逐步纳入学生工作部的工作范围,改变了校竞赛活动由体育教学部统一组织的模式,发挥了学生体育干部的积极性,培养了一批群众体育工作的骨干。 3.How to use strategies of creative thinking such as the intelligence inspination and the catching intuition to make a decision in the athletic competition is dwelt on and some problems which must be paid attention to are pointed out.论述了智力激励、捕获直觉等几种创造思维方法在体育竞赛决策中的运用及应注意的问题。 6)sport competition体育竞赛 1.The Primary Use of Excel and Word in Sport Competition;Excel和Word在体育竞赛中的初步应用 2.Through analyzing the campus sport competition model,this paper discusses the new sport competition model of college in the new times.通过分析高校校园体育竞赛模式改革的必要性,来讨论新时期的高校校园体育竞赛新模 3.aimed at unfair phenomenon in referee s execution among current sport competition,the author analysized it comprehensively by Economics,psychology,Sociology etal.运用经济学、心理学、社会学等知识对现阶段我国体育比赛中出现的裁判员越轨执法现象进行分析,认为:1)我国体育竞赛市场法律、法规监督体制不够健全;2)裁判员的培训、选拔、任用缺乏科学性;3)裁判员业务能力、职业道德修养、个人综合素质参差不齐;4)裁判员越轨执法等不正之风是当前治理的重点。 安全竞赛安全竞赛safety emulation 安全竞赛(safety emulation)一种以遵守安全操作规程、杜绝生产事故为目标的竞赛活动。它是使工人对安全生产引起重视的一种有效手段。这种竞赛,可分为个人竞赛和集体竞赛两种。两者一般都采取对口竞赛方式,即几个人或两个部门结成竞赛对子,少出事故者得奖。通常,在竞赛过程中人们普遍重视安全生产,从而减少了工伤事故;但一旦竞赛结束,有人又会忽视安全生产。故必须提高工人的安全意识,以保持常备不懈。 (张燕逸撰张觉审) 商业体育,Commercial Sports 1)Commercial Sports商业体育 1.Along with the global commercial sports rapid development,the television medium is even more prominent in the among function and the status.随着全球商业体育的飞速发展,电视媒介在其中的作用与地位愈加显赫。 1.Trying to Discuss the Development of Sports Which is in the OverseasCultural Industry and Modern Commercial Sports;域外文化产业视域中的现代商业体育 2.Promation strategies on commercial sports fitness clubs;试论商业体育健身俱乐部的促销技巧 3.Current Situation of the Construction of Chengdu s Non-commercial Sports Fields;成都市非商业体育场地建设现状研究 4.Modern commercial development of sports in sight of cultural resources;文化资源视域中的现代商业体育发展 5.Analysis and Research on Current Situation of Sports Club of Commerce in Shenzhen;深圳市商业体育俱乐部经营现状研究 6.A Research on the Consumer Behavior of Commercial Sports Clubs in Beijing;北京市商业体育俱乐部消费行为研究 7.Development of sports in the overseas cultural industry and modern commercial sports;试论域外文化产业中的体育及现代商业体育的发展 8.Researches Into the Commercial Operation in American Professional Sports and Its Revelation to China;美国职业体育的商业化对我国体育改革的启示 9.I love to compete,be it in sports,business or gaming.我爱在体育、商业、游戏中充当终结者,8)。 10.Sport has become much more commercialized in recent years.体育运动近几年更加商业化了. 11.The Power of Sports Metaphor in English Business Writings;论体育隐喻在英文商业写作中的作用 12.Influences of Beijing Olympic Games on the Sports Cultural Industry;北京奥运对体育文化产业商机的影响 13.On the Forming Factors, Influences and the Development Tendency of the Commercialization of Physical Education;体育商业化的成因、影响及其发展趋势 14.Research on the Commercialize Operation of College Sports Events in China我国高校体育赛事商业化运作的研究 15.Analysis of Sport Elements in Commercial Advertizing Creativity on Television电视商业广告创意中的体育元素分析 16.A Study on the Construction of the Evaluation Framework of the Commercial Value of the Sport Stars体育明星商业价值评估框架理论构建 17.On Financial Risk Management of Commercial Physical Games浅析商业性体育赛事的财务风险管理 18.Impact of OEM Business Model on Chinese Sports Wear Manufacturing Industry;OEM商业模式对中国体育用品制造业的影响探微 commercialization of physical education体育商业化 1.This paper discusses the forming factors of the commercialization of physical education from the analysis on the relationship between modern physical education and economy, and the promotion of mass media on the commercialization of physical education.从现代体育与经济的关系,大众传播媒介对体育商业化的促成等方面论述了体育商业化的形成因素,阐明了这些因素对现代体育的影响,并分析了中国体育商业化的发展趋势。 3)non-commercial sporting fields非商业体育场地 4)commercial sports club商业体育俱乐部 1.Adopting research methods such as documentation,statistics,logic analysis,interviews and surveys,the paper studies the current situation of women joining commercial sports clubs in Henan Province.运用文献资料、数理统计、逻辑分析、访谈和问卷调查等研究方法,对河南省参与商业体育俱乐部的女性现状进行了研究,结果表明:到商业体育俱乐部参加锻炼的女性主要集中在21~40岁这一年龄层,且学历层次较高;女性参与商业体育俱乐部的首要动机是"健身",第2位上"调节心理,缓解压力",第3位是"减肥瘦身,改善体形";"工作太忙"是干扰女性到商业体育俱乐部健身的主要因素,"家务太重","惰性"也是干扰女性参与商业体育俱乐部的重要因素;工薪阶层是商业体育俱乐部的主要群体;参与商业体育俱乐部的女性中,参加健身健美操课程的人数最多,参加瑜伽课程的排在第2位,参加动力单车课程的人数排在第3位。 2.Through investigating some commercial sports clubs in Beijing,the paper analyzes the situation and development of social organization s intervention into commercial sports.以北京市几家商业体育俱乐部为例,探讨社会组织介入商业体育的基本现状和绩效,认为北京市目前社会力量承办商办商业体育已初具规模,且发展态势良好,还有较大的市场空间和潜力,目前我国的体育产业政策有待于进一步完善。 3.The level of commercial sports club instructor reflects the overall strength of an club and it is also a kind of force for commercial sports clubs' sustainable development.商业体育俱乐部指导员的水平高低是反映俱乐部整体实力的一个重要指标,同时也是商业体育俱乐部可持续发展的推动力量。 5)professional sports event体育商业赛事 6)Sports Commercialization体育运动商业化 外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利:独立董事、外部监事除依法律规定外,不得泄露与任职商业银行有关的商业秘密。---------------《股份制商业银行独立董事和外部监事制度指引》 第29条 休闲体育消费,leisure sports consumption 1)leisure sports consumption休闲体育消费 1.Fromm’s theory of consumption dissimilation vs. leisure sports consumption;弗洛姆的消费异化论与休闲体育消费 2.Using documents method,from the view of development of leisure sports consumption,the author analyzed the relationships between city leisure sports consumption and experienced economy in the background of new economy,the value of leisure sports economy is to satisfy urban residents emotion experience,it is an important carrier of city experienced economy.采用文献资料研究方法,从休闲体育消费发展走向的视角,对新经济背景下城市休闲体育消费与体验经济的联系进行分析,认为休闲体育消费的价值在于满足城市居民的情感体验;休闲体育消费是城市体验经济的重要载体;城市人口数量、经济水平、消费意识是制约城市居民进行休闲体育消费的因素;发展城市体验经济需从横向和纵向两个维度进行价值挖掘。 3.With adoption of literature study and logic reasoning,the concept and contents,the characteristics,types and functions of leisure sports consumption are expounded on the basis of industrial economics and consumption economics.采用文献资料法、逻辑推理法等研究方法,以产业经济学和消费经济学理论为基础对休闲体育消费的几个理论问题进行探索,主要包括对"休闲体育消费"概念的界定、内容的解析、特征的描述、类型的划分和功能的诠释。 1.Fromm’s theory of consumption dissimilation vs. leisure sports consumption;弗洛姆的消费异化论与休闲体育消费 2.Symbol Consumption and Ethic Construction of Leisure Sports Consumption论符号消费与休闲体育消费伦理构建 3.Research on Leisure Sports Consumption under the Perspective of Commonage Consumption Culture;论大众消费文化视野下的休闲体育消费 4.Influence of Mozi′s Consumptive Ethics on Leisure Sport Consumption墨子消费伦理观对休闲体育消费的启示 5.Status quo of city leisure sports enterprises and people's expenditure on sports in Jiangxi Province江西省城市休闲体育企业与居民休闲体育消费状况研究 6.The Issue and Solutions to Contemporary College Students Leisure and Sports Consumption;当代大学生休闲体育消费的问题与对策 7.On the Interactional Relations between the Consumption of Recreation Sports and Economic Development in China;论我国休闲体育消费与经济发展互动关系 8.A survey on the leisure sports’consumption situation of urban residents in Anhui province;安徽省城镇居民休闲体育消费现状的调查研究 9.Inquiry about the Current Situation of Sports Relax Consumption of Town/City Citizens in Zhejiang Province;浙江省城镇居民休闲体育消费现状调研 10.The Invetigation and Development Countermeas on Leisure Sports Consumption;城市休闲体育消费调查及发展对策分析 11.An Investigation into the Leisure Sports Consumption Situation of the Zhongyuan Urban Residents中原城市群城镇居民休闲体育消费现状调查 12.Research on the Leisre Sport Consumption Actuality of the Town Resident in Region of Zhujiang Delta;珠江三角洲地区城镇居民休闲体育消费现状的研究 13.Influence of Consumptive Culture of Postmodernism on Leisure Sport Development;论后现代主义消费文化对休闲体育发展的影响 14.Study on Factors Influencing Sport Leisure Consumption;影响体育休闲消费的因素及其对策研究 15.Current Situation of Recreational Sports Consumers in Shenyang;沈阳市休闲娱乐体育消费者的现状调查与分析 16.Difference of consume groups and cultivation of urban leisure sports market in Hunan provience消费阶层差异与湖南省城市休闲体育市场的培育 17.Analysis of the demanding state and characteristics of consumer groups in "sports leisure circle around Beijing"“环首都体育休闲圈”消费群体需求状况及特征分析 18.Research on Consumer Value System of Sportswear Regarding to Chinese College Students;中国大学生休闲服消费价值体系研究 sport recreation consumption体育休闲消费 3)spending style on sporting entertainment休闲娱乐体育消费模式 4)Education on leisure consumption休闲消费教育 5)leisure consumer body休闲消费主体 6)leisure consumption休闲消费 1.A Study of Spatial Variability of Leisure Consumption of Urban Residents in China;中国城镇居民休闲消费水平空间差异研究 2.Research of Kunming Modern Space Environment in Commercial Architecture for Leisure Consumption;昆明市现代休闲消费型商业建筑空间环境探析 生产性消费和非生产性消费生产性和非生产性的区别不仅适用于劳动,而且也适用于消费。虽然并非所有社会成员都是生产者,但所有社会成员却都是消费者,而消费或是非生产性的或是生产性的。谁对生产既没有直接贡献也没有间接贡献,谁就是非生产性消费者。只有生产性劳动者才是生产性消费者,所谓生产性劳动,当然既包括执行的劳动,也包括指挥的劳动。但即令是生产性劳动者的消费也不全是生产性消费。生产性消费者也有非生产性的消费。他们在保持或改善健康、体力和工作能力,或抚养下一代生产性劳动者方面的消费,乃是生产性消费。但是娱乐或奢侈方面的消费,不论是懒惰者所为,还是勤劳者所为,因为生产既不是其目的,也不会因此而有任何进步,所以必须看作是非生产性的。不过,也许一定数量的享乐可以认为是必需的,因为缺了它,会使劳动达不到最高效率。只有用于保持和提高社会生产力的消费,才是生产性消费,而社会生产力或蕴藏在土壤、原料、生产工具的数量和效率中,或蕴藏在人民中。 有很多产品,可以说除作非生产性消费外别无他用。每年在金线带、菠萝形装饰品,或香槟酒方面的消费必须看作是非生产性的,因为这些东西既对生产毫无帮助,又不是用于维持生命或体力,而可以用便宜得多的东西来替代。因此可以说,用于制造这些东西的劳动,不应当看作是政治经济学家所说的生产性劳动。我承认,为非生产性消费者生产物品所耗费的劳动,无助于社会的持久富裕。为非生产人员做上衣的裁缝是生产性劳动者;但几周或几个月后,衣服破损了,而穿上衣的人并未生产任何东西代替它。社会财富没有因这个裁缝的劳动而有所增加,其结果和用这笔钱到歌剧院去看戏一样。不过,在上衣未被穿坏以前,社会财富却因这个裁缝的劳动而有所增加,也就是说,在该劳动产品被某一非生产性社会成员拿去消费以前财富有所增加。金线带或菠萝形装饰品的情形与此没有什么不同,只不过同上衣相比,它们距离必需品更远。这些东西在被消费掉以前也是财富。 流畅体验,flow experience 1)flow experience流畅体验 1.Based on the theory of flow experience,the paper reports a survey on college students fluency experience in PE class with factors analysis involved.基于流畅体验理论,主要对大学生在体育活动中的流畅体验做调查分析,采用因素分析的统计方法。 2.On the basis of abundant literature review about research on the physical self,physical sense deviation and flow experience,this paper uses the methods of literature and logic analysis,and conducts a theoretic analysis on the effect of the extra-curricular sports activities on students self-regulation and their psychological health.在大量查阅分析关于身体自我的研究、形体感知偏差及流畅体验研究结果的基础上,采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,对课外体育锻炼通过调节自我,增进大学生的心理健康机制进行了理论探讨和分析,并试图进一步解释大学生课外体育锻炼的心理健康效应。 3.Based on literature analysis and theory of flow experience,this paper describes the correlation between flow experience involved with PE exercises and mental health subsequently,the relational theory is elaborated.采用文献资料研究的方法,试图从运动心理学的视角、借助于流畅体验理论来描述网络游戏与体育活动的流畅体验及与心理健康相关性,阐述其相关理论。 1.A Research on College Students Flow Experience in PE Class;大学生体育活动的流畅体验特征调查研究 2.Exploration of the degree of satisfaction of college students at physical education course selection based on the theory of fluid experience;基于流畅体验理论探索大学生体育选课满意度 3.Flow Experience and Relevant Mental Health among Physical Exercises and Internet Games;体育活动与网络游戏的流畅体验及心理健康 4.An Exploratory Study on the Flow Experience in Physical Education Content of Colleges and Universities流畅体验在高校体育教学内容中的探索研究 5.Relations among Metal Health and College Students' Flow Experience in Their Physical Activities and Net Games大学生体育活动和网络游戏的流畅体验与心理健康的关系 6.There is powerful predicting of rafting flow experience on positive effect after finishing the activity.游客泛舟流畅体验对参与后感受正面影响具有明显的预测能力。 7.Its natural appearance, simplicity, smoothness and easiness字体自然、简约、流畅、从容, 8.The professor praised her fluid style.教授称赞她流畅的文体。 9.A Specific Phenomenon of Animal Fluency Test in Chinese Elderly;动物流畅性测验在中国老人中的应用 10.The same principle may make for smooth writing.同样的原则可能有助于流畅的文体。 11.His difficult style obscures his meaning .他的不流畅的文体使他的意思含糊。 12.Raters evaluate if the delivery of the response is clear and smooth, and whether the delivery is consistent throughout the response for overall intelligibility.评委们同时评价“表达”是否清晰、畅;是否在整体流畅的基础上连贯。 13.Sex Difference, Word Fluency and Stroop Task;性别差异,词语流畅性和Stroop效应的实验研究 14.The Relationship between Psychological Skills and Fluency Experience of Athletes;运动员心理技能与流畅经验的关系研究 15.Validity of Verbal Fluency in Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease词语流畅性测验对阿尔茨海默病的诊断价值 16.with fluency流畅地, 滔滔不绝 17.Psychological Characteristics and Cognitive Intervention of Flow State in Sport体育运动中流畅状态的心理特征及其认知干预 18.THE NEW CONSIDERATION ON RESEARCH OF PLEASURE FORMATION MECHANISM IN TOURIST EXPERIENCE--THE FLOW THEORY;旅游体验中研究快乐形成的新方法——畅爽理论 theory of fluid experience流畅体验理论 1.Exploration of the degree of satisfaction of college students at physical education course selection based on the theory of fluid experience;基于流畅体验理论探索大学生体育选课满意度 3)fluency experience流畅经验 1.The paper takes 217 field and track athletes in Zhejiang Province 11th College Students Games as objects to examine the relationship between psychological skills and fluency experience.研究以参加浙江省第十一届大学生运动会田径比赛的217名运动员为受试对象,针对运动员心理技能与运动流畅经验之间的关系进行研究探讨。 4)Research Summary on Flow Experience流畅体验研究综述 5)Fluent shape形体流畅 6)a free style of writing流畅的文体 通过有效的协作与通讯流畅设计过程UG产品开发通常涉及在制造公司内部与外部、在多个地区与部门中的许多人。由所有股票持有者及时参与产品工程可以帮助减少前导时间、减少更改和错误到最小、和改进质量。成功地集结延伸的团队可以变每个团队成员的知识与创新为资本去改进产品质量和它的开发过程。有效的协作使每个功能部门同时而非相继地添加价值。 Unigraphics NX 增加CAD, CAE, CAM及帮助达到这些目标的强大协作解决方案。Unigraphics NX 应用的用户可以在Internet上从不同地区从共享的作业中交换设计修改,即使他们正使用不同的平台。实时的虚拟设计评审与协作超出只是文件与显示共享之外,使团队能同时识别、固定和检查设计解决方案。也帮助消除错误和通讯延迟及减少旅行费用。 EDS是扩展企业和供应链协作工具的领先开发者。Unigraphics NX 客户可以得到支持任何多种或范围的协作范围的集成的,可伸缩的解决方案的优点。这些 包括工程、企业和制造数据的管理;可视化和虚拟实物样机;和允许技术和非技术用户和供应链的合作伙伴参与开发过程的团体工具。 Unigraphics NX允许围绕全球的设计师实时地连接去交换各自的想法与设计解诀方案。 设计协作是一突破性的功能允许来自不同位置的Unigraphics NX 设计人员进行工作如同他们是同一位置的团队。设计协作的虚拟会议促进在设计人员间自由讨论发表创见解。团队能够试验想法并立即见到在产品所有方面的结果。通过消除通讯瓶颈 ,设计协作辅助解决在工程师,供应商与客户间关键产品设计问题的发布。当团队成员是位于不同国家或城市及设计团队正工作在产品设计的不同方面时, 设计协作使这个成为可能。即使位于同一大楼的团队将大大地从能实时共享与检查设计改变中受益。 功能 设计协作集成Unigraphics NX 与标准的会议管理与协作应用(白板、聊天、文件交换) 。它也提供在虚拟设计团队间的实时设计、可视化、协调与通讯。 实时设计设计 由每个工程门在他们自己设计的上下文中做改变和立即的评估。 通讯参数化的改变、视图描述,和标注,加速在多用户间的通讯和减少带宽的需求。 参加会议迟的团队成员利用同步工具可以追上。 体育中介市场,Sports intermediary market 1)Sports intermediary market体育中介市场 1.Operation research of supplies and demand subjects of sports intermediary market in Hunan province;湖南省体育中介市场供需主体分析 2.The prediction study on Chinese sports intermediary market;我国体育中介市场发展预测研究 3.Functions,significance and problems of the constitute subjects in the sports intermediary market were discussed.认为,体育中介市场的出现和逐渐成熟对于促进体育产业的发展,激活体育市场的运作具有深刻意义。 1.On the Status and Marketing Function of the Sports Medium Market in China;论我国体育中介市场的地位与市场功能 2.Research on the Present Situation and the Development of the Sports Agency Market in Hunan;湖南省体育中介市场现状及发展研究 3.Research of Influence Factors of Transaction Costs in China Sports Intermediary Market;我国体育中介市场交易费用的影响因素研究 4.Analysis on Factors Affecting the Present Sports Intermediary Market of Hunan Province;影响湖南省体育中介市场发展的相关因素分析 5.Problems and developing countermeasures of intermediaries marker in China;我国体育中介市场存在问题及发展对策 6.Influence of China Enter to the WTO on China Sports Agenoy Market Development;加入世贸组织对我国体育中介市场发展的影响 7.Present Situation and Developing Measures of Sport Intermediary Market in China;我国体育中介市场现状与发展策略研究 8.Internationalization of Sports Intermediary Market and Our Countermeasures;体育中介市场国际化及我国应采取的对策 9.The Setting-up of the Original Industrial Sports Media Agencies:On the Development of Guangxi Sports Madia Markets and its Channels;创建独特实体结构的体育中介组织——论广西体育中介市场的发展及途径 10.Analysis on Several Environment Factors Affecting Sports Intermediary Market in China;影响我国体育中介市场发展的若干环境因素分析 11.Theoretical Research of the Development of the Sports Intermediary Market in our Country under the Construction of Harmonious Social Background构建和谐社会背景下我国体育中介市场发展的理论探究 12.Development of sports competition market intermediary service;体育赛事市场中介服务业培育与发展 13.Thought on Development of Agencies in China Sports Market;对我国体育市场中介组织建设的几点思考 14.Consideration for Regularizing Sports Agent Organization in Market Economy in China;市场经济条件下体育中介组织规范问题的思考 15.The market intermediary institution is an important carrier of market mechanism.市场中介机构是市场机制的重要载体。 16.On Cultivation and Development Countermeasures forSports Medium Industrial Market in China;论我国体育媒介市场的产业化培育与开发 17.Chinese sports market in numbers从数字看中国体育市场 18.Improving the Modern Market Economic System by Developing the Intermediary Enterprise;发展中介事业 健全现代市场经济体系 sports agency market体育中介市场 1.This paper analyzed the behaving form and producing causation of government interference in the sports agency market.通过分析目前政府行为干预体育中介市场的表现形式及原因表明,以行政行为分配体育市场资源,参与体育中介执业,是行政干预体育中介市场的共性;组织形式、部门利益、监管失控是造成体育行政部门大量介入体育中介市场的重要原因。 2.By analyzing deeply WTO regulation relating to sports agency management,discussing the innuence of China enter to the WTO on China sports agency market development,The authors put forward to key problem watchful of sports agency organization replying to internationalize competition and challenge and management developmen通过对与体育中介经营相关的WTO规则的深层分析 ,多方面探讨了加入WTO对我国体育中介市场发展的影响因素 ,提出了体育中介组织应对国际化竞争挑战和经营发展中应注意的主要问 3)Sports medium market体育媒介市场 4)market agency市场中介 1.It concludes that agricultural asymmetrical market is an important factor to reduce Jilin Province s peasant income and the key is to speed up market agency development so as to change the existing asymme.农业产业通常被认为是完全竞争市场的典型,运用产业经济学和现代产业组织理论,基于工业化思维基础之上,对农业产业及其产前产后关联行业的市场结构进行深入分析,明确农业非对称市场结构是导致吉林省农民收入减少的一个重要因素,若改变现有非对称市场结构的关键在于市场中介的发展及现行的市场结构。 5)agency market中介市场 1.At present,the dominant problems in China s real estate agency market are:low proficiency,insufficient credibility,easy access to stock market and lag information,etc,which result from low-quality practitioners,inperfect legislation,lack of intercommunication between administrations and consumers′ lack of sense of self-defense.当前 ,我国房地产中介市场存在的主要问题有 :专业化水平低、诚信不足、入行门槛低、信息不对称等。 6)intermediary market中介市场 1.The intermediary market of real estate in our country is at the stage of establishing, a lot of substandard behaviors exist in practice.我国的房地产中介市场正处于创建阶段,在实践中存在许多不规范的行为。 什么是保险市场中介? 保险市场中介又称保险辅助人,包括保险代理人,保险经纪人,保险公估人等。保险市场中介是保险市场的重要组成部分。 流畅状态,Flow state 1)Flow state流畅状态 1.Evolution of study on flow state in sports psychology;运动心理学领域流畅状态的研究进展 2.In order to discuss different gender,major and training year in the flow state s discrepancy and effects of elite athletes, by using the flow state scale made by Jackson, 128 elite athletes are investigated.为了探讨不同性别、项群以及训练年限的高水平运动员在流畅心理状态上的差异和作用,采用澳大利亚学者Jackson编写的《流畅状态量表》对128名高水平运动员进行了调查分析。 3.Flow state in sport was universal,and the psychologicalcharacteristics of both the dispositional flow and the state flow can be included in thenine dimensions of flow experience.对运动员和教练员而言,达到最佳表现是首要目标,而流畅状态则可对此起到促进作用。 1.Evolution of study on flow state in sports psychology;运动心理学领域流畅状态的研究进展 2.The Relationship between Company Employees Work Flow State and Their Values.;公司员工工作流畅状态及其与价值观的关系 3.Psychological Characteristics and Cognitive Intervention of Flow State in Sport体育运动中流畅状态的心理特征及其认知干预 4.The Study on the Flow Stat of Athletes;运动员流畅心理状态的影响因素研究 5.The Research of Fluent Psychology of Chinese Basketball Athlete;我国篮球运动员流畅心理状态的研究 6.On the Current Research and Evolution of the Flowing Psychological State of Athletes;运动员流畅心理状态的研究现状与进展 7.The Character of Fluent Psychology of Excellent Basketball Athlete;优秀篮球运动员流畅心理状态的特征表现 8.The Main Characteristics of Flow State of Baseball and Softball Athletes in China;棒、垒球运动员流畅心理状态的主要特征研究 9.The Structure of Competition Flow State and Characteristics for Soccer Players;足球运动员比赛流畅心理状态维度构成及特征的研究 10.Inducing Factors of Tennis Elites Easy Psychological Status and Their Controllability;优秀网球运动员流畅心理状态的诱发因素及其可控性 11.Research on Influential Factors of Flow Psychology of Chinese Excellent Teen-age Table-tennis Athletes;我国优秀青少年乒乓球运动员流畅心理状态影响因素的研究 12.Research on Flow State Characteristic of University Soft-tennis Athletes;大学生软式网球运动员流畅心理状态的特征研究 13.Inducing Factors and Their Controllable Level for Easy and Smooth Psychological Status of Sportsmen in the Group of Skill-showing Category;技能表现类项群运动员流畅心理状态诱发因素及其可控性研究 14.Research on Characteristics of Athletes Flow State Structure in Skill-showing Category;技能表现类项群运动员流畅心理状态结构特征的研究 15.The Comparative Study of the Characteristics of Flow State of Volleyball Athletes between China and America;中美优秀女子排球运动员流畅心理状态特征的比较研究 16.The Research on Relationship between Flow Mental State and Performance of Female Elite Volleyball Players in China;对我国优秀女子排球运动员流畅心理状态与比赛成绩的关系研究 17.The substitute was rapturously acclaimed, but the resumption of something approaching normal service from the crowd could not trick their team into the fluidity they conjured in the Philips Stadium.这次换人受到了热烈欢呼,但观众状态的恢复却不能使他们的球队恢复在菲利普大球场的流畅。 18.Housing balance means the smooth state of energy information communication in the living place.居室平衡:居住场所能量信息的通畅状态。 State flow状态流畅 3)flow state流畅心理状态 1.The article introduces the general concept and major characteristics of flow state.介绍流畅心理状态的一般概念、流畅心理状态的主要特征以及国内外对于流畅心理状态研究的动态,并对当 前对于流畅心理状态研究的现状进行简要的评述,旨在为我国运动心理学工作者更好地了解流畅心理状态的研究动 态提供参考和借鉴。 2.The results showed that the four most important characteristics of the flow state in baseball and softball athletes were as follow:challenge skill balance, action awareness merging,sense of control and loss of self consciousness,respectively;There existed an inseparable relation between athletes flow state and performance;The structural characteristic.通过对 2 0 0名棒垒球运动员的调查 ,结果发现 ,棒垒球运动员流畅心理状态最主要的四个特征是 :挑战 技能平衡、行动 意识融合、高度控制感和自我意识的丧失 ;运动员流畅心理状态主要特征与比赛成绩高度相关 ;棒垒球运动员流畅心理状态的结构特点为 :流畅心理较低型占总人数的 33% ,优秀型和良好型共占总人数的 67% ;棒垒球运动员流畅心理状态具有一定的稳定性 ,流畅心理状态主要特征中心坐标 95% 置信区间值可作为运动员流畅心理水平的评价标 3.By using the flow state scale(FSS),the flow state of athletes(n=328) were investigated.研究采用《运动员流畅心理状态量表》对 32 8名运动员进行了调查 ,结果发现在流畅心理状态的9个特征上 ,男运动员比女运动员得分高 ;训练年限长、运动等级高的运动员比训练年限短、运动等级低的运动员得分高 ;大学生排球运动员比排球甲级队的运动员的得分高。 4)flow state scale流畅心理状态 1.Eighty-three athletes from the skill-showing category are investigated with the flow state scale(FSS), which has been translated in Chinese and verified before.研究采用已翻译和检验的运动员《流畅状态量表》对83名技能表现类项群运动员进行了调查,结果发现在流畅心理状态的9个特征中,精确的反馈、挑战-技能平衡、清晰的目标、高度控制感和注意力集中是五个主要特征;运动等级是技能表现类项群运动员流畅心理状态差异的影响因素;技能表现类项群运动员流畅心理状态总体达到中上水平,流畅心理状态优秀型运动员占总人数的60。 2.The results of players are closely connected with the mentality of them some projects in flow state and the performance have been revised based on the existing the flow state scale.随着世界足球运动的不断发展,各国球员在技战术方面的差距在日益的减小,运动员的比赛心理状态与运动成绩关系更加密切,运动员的流畅心理状态研究是当今运动员心理学领域的重要课题,它对运动员取得有优异的成绩有着积极的意义。 5)free-flow traffic state交通畅通状态 6)fluency[英]['flu:?nsi][美]['flu?ns?]流畅 1.The analysis proceeds through the articulating force and fluency in mandarin.要提高普通话的流畅度应从单音练习入手,然后过渡到绕口令朗读。 应力状态和应变状态  构件在受力时将同时产生应力与应变。构件内的应力不仅与点的位置有关,而且与截面的方位有关,应力状态理论是研究指定点处的方位不同截面上的应力之间的关系。应变状态理论则研究指定点处的不同方向的应变之间的关系。应力状态理论是强度计算的基础,而应变状态理论是实验分析的基础。    应力状态  如果已经确定了一点的三个相互垂直面上的应力,则该点处的应力状态即完全确定。因此在表达一点处的应力状态时,为方便起见,常将"点"视为边长为无穷小的正六面体,即所谓单元体,并且认为其各面上的应力均匀分布,平行面上的应力相等。单元体在最复杂的应力状态下的一般表达式如图1,诸面上共有9个应力分量。可以证明,无论一点处的应力状态如何复杂,最终都可用剪应力为零的三对相互垂直面上的正应力,即主应力表示。当三个正应力均不为零时,称该点处于三向应力状态。若只有两对面上的主应力不等于零,则称为二向应力状态或平面应力状态。若只有一对面上的主应力不为零,则称为单向应力状态。      应力圆  是分析应力状态的图解法。在已知一点处相互垂直的待定截面上应力的情况下,通过应力圆可求得该点处其他截面上的应力。应力圆也称莫尔圆。图2b即为图2a所示平面应力状态下表示垂直于xx平面的面上之应力与x、x截面上已知应力间关系的应力圆。利用它可求得:①任意 α面上的应力;②"最大"和"最小"正应力;③"最大"和"最小"剪应力。由应力圆上代表"最大"和"最小"正应力的A、B点可知,这些正应力所在截面上的剪应力为零,因而"最大"和"最小"正应力也就是该点处的主应力。      应变圆  也称应变莫尔圆,是分析应变状态的图解法,其原理与应力圆类似,但应变圆的纵坐标为负剪应变的一半,横坐标为线应变 ε。在已知一点处的线应变εx、εy与剪应变γxy时,即可作出应变圆,从而求得该点处主应变 ε1与ε2的大小及其方向。在实验分析的测试中常用各种形状的应变花测量(见材料力学实验)一点处三个方向的应变,例如用"直角"应变花可测得一点处的线应变ε0°、ε45°、ε90°。根据一点处三个方向的线应变也可利用应变圆求得该点处的主应变ε1与ε2。    广义胡克定律  当按材料在线弹性范围内工作时,一点处的应力状态与应变状态之间的关系由广义胡克定律表达。对于各向同性材料,弹性模量E、剪切弹性模量G、泊松比v均与方向无关,且线应变只与正应力σ有关,剪应变只与剪应力τ有关。三向应力状态下,各向同性材料的广义胡克定律为                           τxy=Gγxy         τyz=Gγyz         τzx=Gγzx平面应力状态(σz=0, τyz=0, γzx=0)下的广义胡克定律应用最为普遍         单向应力状态下的胡克定律则为σ=Eε。   体育社会化,sport socialization 1)sport socialization体育社会化 1.Through using the method of literature review,this paper makes discussion on vari- ous socialized theories and basic concept of sport socialization.运用文献资料调研,对社会化的不同理论和体育社会化基本概念进行了讨论和评述。 1.Identification between socialization of school sports and school-style social sports;学校体育社会化和社会体育“学校化”辨识 2.Socializing Physical Culture and Building Socialist Spiritual Civilization;体育社会化与社会主义精神文明建设 3.The Impact of Japanese Community Sports on the Socialization Course of College PE in China;日本社区体育对我国高校体育社会化的启示 4.On the Mutual Influences of Sports Socialixation and Man s Socialization;体育社会化与人的社会化之间的互动关系 5.On the mutual influences of sports socialization and man s socialization;试论体育社会化与人的社会化之间的互动关系 6.The Conflict and Fuse of Citizen s Role During the Course of Mass-sports s Socialization;社会体育社会化进程中公民的角色冲突与融合 7.The Socialization of Military Sports and the Socialized Military Sports;军事体育的社会化和社会化的军事体育 8.Sports and socialization--review of Physical Education;体育与社会化——体育教育中的再审视 9.On hamonious sociery and the construction ofadministrant culture of social physical education;论和谐社会与社会体育管理文化建设 10.On Chinese Community Sports Strategy in an Aging Society试论高龄化社会的中国社区体育战略 11.The Reconfirmation of the Value on Cultural Education What Had Specialized Over the Physical Social Science Around;体育社会科学的文化教育价值再认识 12.Socio-cultural changes and school P.E. reform;论社会文化变迁与学校体育教育改革 13.On the Socializationed Function of School Physical Education;试论学校体育“健身育人”的社会化功能 14.On the Integration of Family Sports, School Sports and Social Sports in View of Lifelong Sports;从终身体育看家庭体育、学校体育和社会体育一体化 15.Sports Integration Research of "school,family and social";“学校、家庭、社会”体育一体化的研究 16.Socialization of the Sport System in the National Government and Its Revelation;国民政府体育体制的社会化及其启示 17.On the integration of family,scholastic and social physical education from the point of lifelong physical education;从终身体育角度看家庭、学校和社会体育一体化 18.Examination and Inspection of Combination of Sport and Media from the Angle of Social Culture: Reading Television Sport;体育和媒体结合的社会文化审视——解读电视体育 Sports socialization体育社会化 1.Sports socialization and man s socialization are two different conceptions,which are closely related and mutually influeced.体育社会化与人的社会化是两个不同的概念,但二者有着密切的联系,具有互动的性质。 2.Starting from the essence of man s socialization,the author analyzes sports socialization s promotion to man s socialization and expounds the contents and requirements for mutual influences of sports socialization and man s socialization.体育社会化与人的社会化是两个不同的概念 ,但二者有着密切的联系 ,具有互动的性质。 3.The leisure time sport of college students reflects sports socialization in colleges and universities.大学生余暇体育反映高校体育社会化的程度 ,对于构建高校体育课内与课外一体化、学校与社会一体化的终身体育教育体系有其重要的意义 ,为高校体育改革提供参考依 3)function of sports socialization体育社会化功能 4)integration of society and education社会教育一体化 5)socialization of military sports军事体育社会化 6)Social sports社会体育 1.Identification between socialization of school sports and school-style social sports;学校体育社会化和社会体育“学校化”辨识 2.On the possibility of building social sports major in physical education department of Hubei Normal University;对我院增设社会体育专业的可行性思考 3.Relationship between health quality and social sports in all-round construction of well-off society;全面建设小康社会中健康素质与社会体育的关系研究 社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决   超重与肥胖,Overweight and obesity 1)Overweight and obesity超重与肥胖 1.Study on Comprehensive Intervention Therapy of Simple Overweight and Corpulent University Students;单纯性超重与肥胖大学生的综合干预方法研究 2.Dieting Characteristics of the Overweighted and Fat Adolescents in Hebei Province;河北省青少年超重与肥胖人群膳食特点研究 3.Diagnosis of Exercising Condition of Obese Adolescents in Hebei Province;河北省超重与肥胖青少年活动现状调查分析 4.Current situation and influential factors of overweight and obesity among middle school students in Shenyang沈阳市中学生超重与肥胖患病现况及影响因素 5.Influences of gender and age on correlation of BMI and BF% in adult性别、年龄对成人BMI超重与肥胖诊断标准影响 6.Change in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among residents in Jiangsu province江苏省居民超重与肥胖发生率变化的研究 7.The effects of overweight or obesity on laparoscopically classical intrafascial supracervical hysterectomy超重与肥胖对腹腔镜筋膜内子宫切除术的影响 8.The Analysis and Reason about the Excess or FatOf the Junior in High School中学生体重超重与肥胖的原因及其干预因素分析 9.Survey and Analysis of Dieting Characteristics of the Overweight and Obese Middle-Aged People in Hebei Province;河北省中年超重与肥胖人群膳食特点的调查与分析 10.Exercising and Dieting Intervention in the Overweighted and Fat Adolescents in Hebei;河北省青少年超重与肥胖人群运动与营养综合干预措施的研究 11.Diagnosis and Analysis of Exercising Condition of the Overweight and Obese Middle-Aged People in Hebei Province;河北省中年超重与肥胖人群活动现状调查与分析 12.Design and Analysis of Exercise Intervention for Hebei Over-Weighted and Obese Middle-Aged Adults河北省中年超重与肥胖人群运动干预方案的设计与分析 13.Design and Analysis of Nutrition Intervention for Hebei Over-Weighted and Obese Middle-aged Adults河北省中年超重与肥胖人群营养干预方案的设计与分析 14.The methods of changing habit of food and sports for overweight waddle aged and fat people;改变成年肥胖人群体重超重的手段与方法 15.Investigation of Overweight or Obesity and Blood Fat Level Abnormality in 246 Children246例体检儿童超重或肥胖与血脂异常调查 16.Logistic Regression Analysis on TCM Constitutional Factors of Overweight and Obesity中医体质类型与超重/肥胖关系的Logistic回归分析 17.Relationship Between Serum Adiponectin and Hypertension in Overweight or Obese Adolescents超重或肥胖青少年血清脂联素与高血压的关系 18.Research on Association Between High Blood Glucose,High Plasma Lipid and Overweight/Obesity高血糖、高血脂与超重和肥胖关系的研究 Overweight/obesity超重/肥胖 3)Overweight-obesity超重肥胖 1.Epidemiological Study on Overweight-obesity and the Relation of It with Hypertension and Other Related Factors in Population under Prevention and Cure for Cerebral-cardiovascular Diseases in Guizhou Township;贵州省社区心脑血管病防治人群超重肥胖及其与高血压流行病学关系的研究 2.Objective The present study was conducted to explore the relationship between leptin receptor(LEPR) gene Gln223Arg polymorphism and overweight-obesity, as well as multiple risk factors of overweight-obesity.目的探讨瘦素受体(LEPR)基因Gln223Arg多态性与超重肥胖的相关性,以及超重肥胖的相关危险因素。 4)Obesity overweight肥胖超重 5)overweight and obesity超重肥胖 1.Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in overweight and obesity children and adolescents超重肥胖儿童青少年代谢综合征流行现状调查 6)Simply obesity and overweight单纯性超重与肥胖 “鼠”式超重型坦克 “鼠”式超重型坦克 1942年6月8日,德国著名的坦克设计师波尔舍博士在会见希特勒的时候提出发展超重型坦克,希特勒当日即任命波尔舍为总设计师,研制一种安装有128mm或150mm火炮的超级重型坦克,这就是“鼠”式坦克的来历。1943年1月12日,德国陆军兵器局召集了各有关厂家下达研制任务,参加研制的厂家有:克虏伯公司,西门子公司,戴姆勒-奔驰公司,斯可达公司和阿尔凯特公司等,有阿尔凯特公司负责总装任务。1943年12月23日,在阿尔凯特公司的试验跑道上进行了“鼠”1坦克的行驶试验,获得成功,不过当时炮塔没有浇铸,用的是55t的混凝土炮塔作为替代品。1944年1月10日,该样车被运到斯图加特附近的博普林根试验场,进行了更广泛的试验,除了悬挂装置强度不够和出现一些其他的小故障外,都还令人满意。但是它的最大速度只有22km/h,持续速度只有13km/h。随后希特勒命令波尔舍博士在1944年6月之前制造出有炮塔的装有武器的完整“鼠”式坦克。1944年3月20日,第二辆样车“鼠”2式坦克的车体被运到了博普林根,不过其他的部件直到6月9日才全部运到,并开始新的试验。1944年10月,“鼠”1坦克和“鼠”2坦克都被运到柏林郊区的库麦斯道夫试验场作进一步的试验,试验开始不久,“鼠”2式样车由于发动机和发电机轴匹配不当,发生了柴油机曲轴损坏的严重故障,而新制造的发动机直到1945年3月才运到库麦斯道夫,组装没有出现什么问题,但是随后不久德国就战败了。“鼠”式超重型坦克只生产了两辆样车,还有9辆正在生产过程中。原计划生产150辆,但是由于二战的进程,基本上“鼠”式坦克没有发挥什么作用。“鼠”1坦克装上了炮塔,炮塔上装有一门128mm的火炮和一门并列75mm火炮,动力装置是mb509汽油机,车体表面涂三色迷彩。“鼠”2坦克未装炮塔,动力装置为mb517柴油机,表面涂两色迷彩。这两辆样车在德国投降前并没有参加最后的战斗,在苏军最后攻克柏林前,德军把这两辆样车都炸毁了。苏军在战后将各处缴获的车体部件拼凑成一辆完整的“鼠”式坦克。“鼠”式坦克火力强大,防护坚固,但是它极差的机动能力几乎使它只能在原地作为固定的火力点,而且生产的比较晚,数量也很少,根本无法挽救第三帝国必然灭亡的命运。 追踪任务,tracking task 1)tracking task追踪任务 1.Effects of feedback frequency on tracking task learning;反馈频率对追踪任务技能学习影响的实验研究 2.During two days of acquisition, two groups performed the tracking task with feedback provided under the following conditions: (a) i.采用单维简单和两维复杂电脑追踪任务,探讨任务复杂程度对结果反馈(KR)时间点适宜值的影响。 3.During three days of training, three groups performed the tracking task under five different augmented feedback conditions.采用二维轨迹追踪任务探讨年龄对结果反馈(KR)时间点适宜值的影响。 1.3) Do you want to continue to ^1track this task^2 on your My Tasks grid?是否要在“我的任务”网格中继续 ^1追踪任务^2 ? 2.3) whether you want to continue to ^1track the task^2 on your My Tasks grid.是否要在“我的任务”网格中继续 ^1追踪任务^2 。 3.Effects of feedback frequency on tracking task learning;反馈频率对追踪任务技能学习影响的实验研究 4.Performance of Athletes in Visual Multiple-Object Tracking Task;运动员在多目标视觉追踪任务中表现的研究 5.Performances of General College Students and Athletes in Multiple-Object Tracking Task;运动员与普通大学生在多目标追踪任务中的表现 6.Effects of Different Proportions between Observational Learning and Physical Practice on Tracking Skill Learning不同观察学习和身体练习比例对追踪任务技能学习的影响 7.Mechanism of Different Moving Pattern on Nontarget Inhibition in Multiple Object Tracking多目标追踪任务中不同运动方式非目标的抑制机制 8.Tracing the progress of business projects and tasks through measurement of available data.通过已有数据追踪项目和任务的进展。 9.2) Do you want to continue to ^1track this task^2 on your Tasks grid?要在任务网格中继续 ^1追踪此任务^2 吗? 10.Multiple Targets Tracking Oriented Collaborative Task Allocation Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks面向多目标追踪的无线传感器网络协同任务分配研究 11.The SCM tool is responsible for keeping track of everything.源码控制工具有责任追踪任何事情。 12.any dog trained to assist police esp. in tracking.任何训练辅助警方特别是追踪的狗。 13.Any vehicle on a mission in the southern half of the heavens remains continuously" visible" to an antenna at the pole.在南半球的太空中执行任务的所有飞行器都可被极点上的天线持续追踪。 14.Can I track multiple shipments using this service?我可以使用此服务追踪多个货件吗? 15.Research on Countermeasures to Denial of Service Attack and IP Traceback;拒绝服务攻击对策及网络追踪的研究 16.Research on IP Traceback in Denial-of-Service Attacks;拒绝服务攻击中IP追踪技术的研究 17.DDoS Attack Detection and Trackback Research;分布式拒绝服务攻击检测及追踪研究 18.The IP Traceback Research to Distributed Denial of Service Attack in IPv6 Environment;IPv6下拒绝服务攻击追踪的研究 repetitive tracking tasks重复追踪任务 3)Scout service追踪服务 4)Tracker[英]['tr?k?(r)][美]['tr?k?]追踪服务器 5)skip tracing逃债追踪服务 6)The militiaman was on the trail of the secret agent.民兵在追踪特务。 I·费雪利率追踪物价论I·费雪利率追踪物价论 【卜费雪利率追踪物价论1关于利率与物价关系的一种理论。费雪认为,传统的理论均认为利率与物价总是呈反向变动,当D.李嘉图和图克提出利率与物价呈同方向变动的现象时,许多学者对此迷惑不解,其原因有二:(l)在传统理论的熏陶下,人们均从利率出发去研究利率对物价的作用。因此,传统理论都认为利率变动是原因,物价变动是结果。这种分析方法自然不能说明为何利率与物价循相同方向运动。事实上,现实经济中的大多数情况,物价变动总是发生在利率变动之前。也就是说,物价变动是原因,利率变动是结果。是利率跟踪物价而变动,并不是物价跟踪利率而变动,所以应该以物价为出发点去研究它对利率的影响(费雪《利息理论》)。(2)许多学者把货币利率(名义利率)的高低误认为是真实利率的高低。 费雪提出,与物价上涨携手同行的利率是名义利率。名义利率有别于真实利率。所谓名义利率是指实际的市场利率,它由实际利率和预期通货膨胀率两部分组成。而真实利率则是校正过货币价值变动后的名义利率。他认为当物价提高时,工商业利润将随之提高,此时借款人能支付较高的货币利率。如果企业家预期物价将继续上涨,就会增加投资需求,从而提高货币利率。相反,当物价下降时,工商业利润也将减少,利率随之下降。在现实世界中,各个人的预期是极不均等的,只要存在不完全的预期,则未调整的利率将仅仅是产生一种由放款人向借款人的财富转移,不均等的预期将在物价上升时期产生过度的投资使货币利率升高,并在物价下降时期造成相对的经济停滞,结果使货币利率下跌。这些至少可以部分地解释价格的高低与利率的高低的互相联系。 隐性市场,ambush marketing 1)ambush marketing隐性市场 1.As the corporate sponsorship of sports events has grown,so too has the practice of ambush marketing.随着企业对体育赛事赞助热情的增长,隐性市场行为也随之而来。 2.Based on the analysis of its meaning,forms and the defects,the paper gave an advice on the legal regulatory system against ambush marketing for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.本文对奥运会隐性市场的涵义及其行为的主要表现形式进行了相应的阐述,并针对我国现行的法律规范的缺陷,提出了对2008年奥运会隐性市场行为的法律规制措施。 3.Legal restrictions on ambush marketing have been established in both home and broad,but there exist disadvantages.奥运会隐性市场行为是指奥运会非官方赞助商通过各种商业行为明示或暗示其与奥运会存在某种联系,从而达到营利目的的侵权行为,具有行为隐蔽、手段多样、影响广泛等特点,需要寻求一个界定该行为的合理标准。 1.On the Legal Regulation of Ambush Marketing in 2008 Olympic Games;2008年奥运会隐性市场行为的法律规制 2.Legislative Attempts on the Restrictions of Ambush Marketing in Olympic Games;规制奥运会隐性市场行为的立法探索 3.Analysis on Basic Issues of Ambush Marketing in Olympic Games奥运隐性市场行为基本法律问题辨析 4.Sports Ambush Marketing and its Causes of Emergence and Development of Such Conducts;体育赛事隐性市场行为及其产生发展的根源 5.On the Legal Regulation of Ambush Marketing in Olympic Games;奥运赞助中的隐性市场行为及其法律规制 6.Sports Events Ambush Marketing and Its Digestion Countermeasures体育赛事隐性市场透析及其消解策略研究 7.Research on Sponsorship Ambushing and Evasion Tactics in Major Sports Events;对大型体育赛事中隐性市场行为的分析及其规制方法的探讨 8.Research on Sports Ambush Marketing of Great Race on Main Illustration by Olympic Games;以奥运会为代表的大型体育赛事隐性市场行为研究 9.Factor Liberalization and Implicit Incentive of Managerial Labor Market;要素市场化与经理人市场的隐性激励 10.Implicit Insurance,Market Discipline and the Reform of Banking in China;隐性保险、市场约束与我国银行业改革 11.The Implicit Tax Incidence in Different Market Structures;不同市场结构下隐性税收的归宿分析 12.Market Discipline Behavior of Urban Commercial Banks under the Institution of Implicit Insurance;隐性保险体制下城市商业银行的市场约束行为 13.The Social Reasons for the Transfer from Recessiveness to Dominance on the Information Market信息市场由隐性到显性转变的社会原因 14.A Study on the Hidden Ideological and Political Education of Army in the Circumstance of Market Economy;市场经济条件下军队隐性思想政治教育研究 15.Research on Implicit Incentives to Managers Based on Managerial Labor Market;论经理人市场对企业经营者的隐性激励 16.A Game Study on Engaging Tech-entrepreneurs in the Recessive Manpower Capital Market;科技型企业家隐性资本市场的选聘博弈分析 17.Concealed Non- Tariff Barriers:The Best Choice of Protecting Domestic Market For China;隐性非关税措施:我国保护国内市场的策略选择 18.Research on Trading Strategies Based on Implicit Trading Costs on the Futures Markets基于隐性交易成本的期货市场交易策略研究 the hidden money market隐性资金市场 3)ambush marketing隐性市场行为 1.Ambush marketing cause considerable damage and threats to the sponsorship and interests of the Olympic Games.奥运会隐性市场行为是指一个企业或组织把它自己直接或间接地和奥运会联系起来,以便获得一个官方赞助商应有的某些认可和利益的一个有计划的努力或运动。 2.With the gradual improvement of legislation, overt and direct violation of intellectual property has declined, which is substituted by an indirect form of violation---Olympic ambush marketing.随着知识产权相关立法的逐步完善,堂而皇之直接侵犯奥林匹克知识产权的现象已相对减少,取而代之的是另一种间接的侵权行为——奥运会隐性市场行为,该行为直接威胁着奥林匹克权利人的利益,成为了奥林匹克知识产权保护面临的新的挑战。 4)Recessive market of the rural real estate隐性农村房地产市场 5)invisible land market土地隐形市场 1.Through analyzing the invisible land market from the angle of economics, the authors find that the property entering the invisible land market is characterized by a measure of monopoly.从经济学角度对土地隐形市场进行了分析,认为进入土地隐形市场的产权都具有一定的垄断性,对消费者剩余最大化的追求是买方进行土地隐形交易的动机,隐形交易所承担的风险成本决定人们进行交易的积极性,并提出了土地隐形市场规模的数学模型。 6)concealed in the form landed property marketplace隐形地产市场 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——  证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。 力量耐力,strength endurance 1)strength endurance力量耐力 1.Test and analysis of strength endurance ability training of rowing athletes;赛艇运动员力量耐力训练的测试分析 2.This paper analyzed the functional characteristics of the sailing,and performed the maximum power test and the strength endurance test with 4 elite female athletes from the national female NEIL PRYDE RS:X(NP) team.对国家队4名优秀女子帆板运动员进行了最大功率和60s力量耐力的测试,通过测试看出,不同的运动员在不同的重量下出现最大功率,完成25kg重量的60s力量耐力训练其功率也是不同的,训练效果差别很大。 3.Through using the method of maximum strength capacity threshold,this paper made test and study on strength endurance of 10 male and female elite speed skaters in short distance in China.运用“最大力量能力阈”的测试方法,对国内10名男子和10名女子优秀短距离速滑运动员的力量耐力进行测试与研究。 1.Test and analysis of strength endurance ability training of rowing athletes;赛艇运动员力量耐力训练的测试分析 2.Comprehensive strength and endurance training of 800m racers;800m跑运动员的综合力量耐力训练 3.An Analysis of Test Endurance of Strength of Wuhan Institute of Woman s Open Rowing;女子公开级赛艇运动员力量耐力测试分析 4.On The Method Of Specific Endurance Land Training For Racing Boat Athletes;赛艇运动员陆上专项力量耐力训练方法探讨 5.Regulating Effect on circle moxibustion to rice skeletal muscle force endurance艾灸对大鼠骨骼肌力量耐力的调节作用 6.An act of skill, endurance, imagination, or strength; an achievement.手艺有技术、耐力、想象力或力量的行为;本领 7.In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience. --W. H. Prescott在任何力量一耐力 的比赛中,把宝押在耐力 上。——普雷斯科特 8.All human power is achieved by a compound of patience and time.人类所有的力量,只是耐心加上时间和力量。 9.Stamina :- Unlike a feral druid we get no boost to our healthpool making stamina even more important for us to offset that weakness.耐力:与熊德不同,鸟德没有额外血量,因此需要足够的耐力。 10.He is willing to measure his power of endurance with yours, any day.他随时愿意同你较量耐力。 11.Changes in the maximal oxygen uptake during endurance training;最大摄氧量在耐力运动训练中的变化 12.Our patience will achieve more than our force我们的耐力会远胜于我们的力量所能达到的 13.Advances of Research on the Correlation between Genes And the Diathesis of Endurance and Strength;耐力素质与力量素质相关基因的研究进展 14.Physiology Analysis and Training of Power,Speed,Endurance in Sanda;散打力量、速度、耐力的生理学分析与训练 15.The Effect on the Strength and Endurance Quality of the Rower by the Activated Peptide Capsule;生物活性肽对赛艇运动员力量、耐力素质的影响 16.The training of the strength and speed endurance of teenagers′ short-distance swim;浅谈青少年短距离游泳的力量与速度耐力训练 17.A Comparison of the Physiological Reaction of Concurrent Strength and Endurance Training;耐力训练和力量训练相结合时的生理适应比较 18.The Relationship between Strength and Endurance Training in Mid-Long Distance Runners;论中长跑运动员力量和耐力训练的关系 strength and stamina力量和耐力 1.A research has been carried out to compare the heart function of strength and stamina athelets before and after a short-term training.通过对短期运动训练前后力量和耐力组运动员心脏功能变化的比较,发现短期运动训练后力量和耐力组运动员心脏功能都发生了变化,变化程度非常显著。 3)strength endurance training力量耐力训练 4)tolerance[英]['t?l?r?ns][美]['tɑl?r?ns]耐力 1.Aim: To verify the hypothesis that repeated body position change training can improve human head-down tilt(HDT) tolerance.目的:检验反复体位改变训练可提高人体头低位耐力的假设是否正确。 2.Objective To explore the changes of cardiac function and lower body negative pressure tolerance after self-generated Lower Body Negative Pressure device training and provide experimental evidences for its appliance.目的探讨利用自行下体负压训练器锻炼后心血管功能及下体负压耐力的变化 ,为其应用提供实验依据。 3.Objective: To study the effect of Chrysophanol on the hypoxia and tolerance of mice.目的 :探讨大黄酚对小鼠缺氧及耐力的影响。 5)endurance[英][?n'dj??r?ns][美][?n'dur?ns]耐力 1.Effects of different kinds of training on endurance capacity of recruits;不同方案训练对新兵耐力素质的影响 2.Effect of Lowered Cholesterol Quail Egg Yolk Power and Its Complex Jujube Power on Endurance and Antioxidative Capacity of Rats;低胆固醇鹌鹑蛋黄粉及其复合红枣粉对小鼠耐力及抗氧化能力的影响 3.A comparative study of trunk extensors endurance in youthful patients with chronic low back pain;青年慢性下腰痛患者腰背肌耐力比较研究 6)Stamina[英]['st?m?n?][美]['st?m?n?]耐力 1.The weight,stamina and biochemical indexes of mice in different groups were compared.方法 饲养条件完全相同 ,给不同组别的小鼠分别饮用活性水、矿泉水、纯净水和市政自来水 ,比较各组小鼠体重增长状况和实验结束时的各脏器系数、耐力、体力恢复能力及血清生物化学指标。 2.Objective: Study the effects and find out their maxiumum activity of the extracts of Toona ciliata on mice s memory and stamina.目的:研究红楝子提取物对小鼠耐力、记忆能力的影响并寻找它们的最高活性部分。 3.By analyzing,summarizing and appraising the testing results of 11301 students from Grade 2000 to 2003 in Shangqiu Teachers College with their height and weight indices,stamina indices and gripping indices,we analyse and probe into some problems and cognition in trying out Fitness Criterion of Students physique.通过对商丘师范学院2000级至2003级4个年级11301名学生的身高体重指数、耐力指数、握力指数等测试结果进行统计学分析和总结评价,从而对《学生体质健康标准》实施中存在的几点问题与认识进行分析探讨。 耐力耐力  坚持的能力。   成都大学,Chengdu University 1)Chengdu University成都大学 1.The Analyses about Student Health Testing Current Situation in Chengdu University;成都大学学生体质健康测试现状分析 2.The Probe and Practice of Advancing the Reform of Collegiate Teaching Administration——A Case Study in Chengdu University推进学院制教学管理改革的探索与思考——以成都大学为例 3.Analysis on Physical Health Status of College Students of Chengdu University and Corresponding Advice成都大学学生体质健康现状分析与建议 1.The Analyses about Student Health Testing Current Situation in Chengdu University;成都大学学生体质健康测试现状分析 2.Research on the Formation and Cultivation of Core Competence of Chengdu University成都大学核心竞争力的形成及培育研究 3.Analysis on Physical Health Status of College Students of Chengdu University and Corresponding Advice成都大学学生体质健康现状分析与建议 4.The Study of Mental Health of Freshmen and Mental Interfering In Our University;成都大学新生心理健康状况调研及干预对策 5.Explorations on Improving the Quality of High-quality,Application-oriented Personnel Training成都大学提高高素质应用型人才培养质量初探 6.Journal of Chengdu Unversity of Tarditional Chinese Medicine成都中医药大学学报 7.The primary design of "the Project of Digital Chengdu University of Technology;“数学成都理工大学”校园工程初步设计 8.Sexual Attitude and Behavior Among University Students in Chengdu;成都市大学生性观念性行为现况调查 9.A Survey and Analysis of the Undergraduates Consumption in Chengdu Area;成都地区大学生消费状况调查与分析 10.The Contrast between College Student Health Testing of Grade 2003 and Grade 2004 in Chengdu University of Technology;成都理工大学2003、2004级大学生体质健康标准测试成绩对比 11.JOURNAL OF CHENGDU UNIVERSITY OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE CONTENTS OF MAIN ARTICLES Vol .28 2005成都中医药大学学报2005年(第28卷)总目次 12.Research and Analysis of Students' Physical Health Results of Chengdu Textile College对成都纺织高等专科学校大学生体质健康测试成绩的研究与分析 13.How he became a good student is known to all.他怎样成为一个好学生是大家都知道的。 14.All universities contribute to the prosperity and success of their country.所有大学都对本国的繁荣和成功做出了贡献, 15.He has a lot going for him. He will have no trouble getting into college.他很多方面的条件都很好,进大学不成问题。 16.Most of the friends we knew at school have now paired off and had families.我们在学校时的朋友大多数都有了配偶, 成了家。 17.Research on the Decision-making Process of College Students Sports Consumption Behavior in Chengdu;成都市大学生体育消费行为决策过程的研究 18.Investigation and Analysis on the College Students Participation in Physical Exercise of Chengdu;成都市普通高校大学生课余体育锻炼的研究 Chengdu University of Technology成都理工大学 1.Thinking on Geological Education for Undergraduates at Chengdu University of Technology;成都理工大学地质类本科专业教育的思考 2.After the 5·12 earthquake, Chengdu University of Technology participated deeply in investigation and assessment of geological disasters and reconstruction work."5·12"地震发生后,成都理工大学全方位深度参加地质灾害的调查、评估及灾后重建等工作。 3.Chengdu University of Technology has been developed from a traditional geological college.为此,成都理工大学地质类本科专业教育对打造地学类专业的办学特色、在专业建设上实施品牌战略、理顺通才教育和专才教育以及大众化教育和精英教育关系等方面进行了积极探索和实践;建议重塑地质专业精神、加强野外地质实践教学环节以及给予必要的政策扶持,努力打造西部地区资源、环境、地质基础研究的知识创新平台。 3)Journal of Chengdu University of Technology成都理工大学学报 1.It expounds the developing history of Journal of Chengdu University of Technology(Science & Te.侧重介绍了《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》的历史和发展,统计、分析了该刊1996~2003年被EI的收录情况及对学校发展做出的贡献。 4)digital Chengdu University of Technology数字成都理工大学 1.Digitalizing campus: digital Chengdu University of Technology;数字成都理工大学校园空间信息系统的构建与实现 5)Chengdu Studies成都学 1.On View of Starting "Chengdu Studies";关于建立“成都学”的思考 6)metropolitan university都市大学 成都社会大学是民盟成都市委主办的一所民办大学成都社会大学是民盟成都市委主办的一所民办大学  梦 成都社会大学是民盟成 都市委主办的一所民办 大学胡文琪供稿   文化抉择,Cultural Choice 1)Cultural Choice文化抉择 1.The Cultural Choice of Social Changes;社会变迁中的文化抉择——章太炎儒学思想演进述略 2.Qiancao-Chenzhong Association made their cultural choice under the background of the sharp collision between Chinese and Western cultures.浅草—沉钟社是在中西文化激烈碰撞的文化背景中进行文化抉择的。 3.A clue can be found in changes of their value concepts:cultural choice changes from rational cognition to puzzle dom which shows east culture s acceptance and refusal to west culture.20世纪中国留学生文学创作的叙事模式为个人话语与民族寓言相交织 ,价值观念的衍变中可梳理出这样一条线索 ;由启蒙救亡的理想主义烛照到后现代式意识形态的崛起 ,文化抉择由理性取舍到困惑茫然 ,这体现出东方文化对西方价值语码既迎且拒的复杂姿 1.The Cultural Choice of Qiancao-Chenzhong Association;浅草—沉钟社的文化抉择与传统文化 2.The Cultural Choice and Duality in Literature View of Association of Qiancao-Chengzhong;浅草—沉钟社的文化抉择与二元文学观 3.The Bewilderment and Embarrassment Under the Vogue Halo--On the Contemporary Situation of Online Literature网络文学创作的文化抉择与现实困境 4.The Globalization Wave and the Choice of Feng Xiaogang films in Culture;全球化浪潮与冯小刚电影的文化抉择 5.The Demonstration of Culture in the Narration of Water Margin by the Lower-class People底层叙述在《水浒全传》中的文化抉择 6.Confucianism reflection on cultural transition--Brief on cultural philosophy of Ma Yi-fu;文化抉择的儒学省思——马一浮文化哲学导论 7.Hard to Part-with the Ethnical Emotions;难以割舍的民族情怀——浅谈千重子的文化抉择 8.China's Cultural Choices and Commitments中国文化的抉择与承诺 9.On Dilemma and Choice of Moral Education in Multicultural Times;多元文化时代道德教育的困境与抉择 10.Cultural Reflection on Mao Zedong s Choice of the Road for Chinese Revolution;毛泽东抉择中国革命道路的文化思考 11.The Strategic Choice between Cultural Globalization and Modern Chinese Culture;文化全球化与当代中国文化的战略抉择 12.The Determination to Reconstruct Our National culture Out of the Collision of Chinese and Western Cultures in the 21st Century;21世纪中西文化的碰撞与重构民族文化的抉择 13.On the cultural connotation of LU Xun s novels;文化冲突中的审美抉择——论鲁迅小说的文化内涵 14.Research on Development of Chinese Traditional Sports Culture and Humanistic Spirit Revert;传统体育文化的现代抉择与人文精神的复归 15.Cultural defendism and political choice--a comparative study of Xu Fuguan and Qian Mu;文化卫道与政治抉择——以徐复观、钱穆为例的讨论 16.Credit Culture:the Stratigic Choice to Promote the Core Competitive Power of Enterprises;信用文化:提升企业核心竞争力的战略抉择 17.The Inevitable Choice of Chinese Culture: The Second Comment on Qing Empire in the World History;汉文化的必然抉择——再论世界历史上的大清帝国 18.Development of Yoga and the fusing of the East and the West s fitness culture;瑜伽的现代抉择与东西方健身文化融合 The Flat Choice"平面化"抉择 3)choice[英][t???s][美][t???s]抉择 1.A Necessary Choice in 21st Century:Developing Green Economy;发展绿色经济是21世纪的必然抉择 2.Game analysis on formation choices of horizontal industrial group;组建横向型企业集团抉择的博弈分析 3.Common Sensen Education Thonght and Choice of Vocational College;高职通识教育的思考和抉择 4)option[英]['?p?n][美]['ɑp??n]抉择 1.Impingement of Market Economy and Option of Petroleum Colleges and Universities;市场经济的冲击与石油高校的抉择 2.This article analyzes the phenomenon from the aspects of openness and brilliance of Tang society and points out that the appearance of phenomenon is the option of history and the necessity of age.唐代出现的女着男装现象,是中国服饰史上的闪光点,本文试从唐代的社会开放、灿烂文明等方向来 剖析这一现象,指出这一现象的出现是历史的抉择,是时代的必然。 5)choices[英][t??is][美][t???s]抉择 1.For Hamlet,the topic "to be or not to be" reveals his ambivalence and conflicts in the face of choices,but also is a demonstration of his calm and determination while making choices in conflicts."生存还是毁灭"于哈姆雷特而言,既反映了他面临选择时的矛盾心理,更显示了他在矛盾中抉择的冷静和决绝。 2.Choices for Buddhist Scriptures.为起中国佛教于衰颓,使能“应导现代人心正思”,民国太虚大师以“人生佛教”为旗帜,全面抉择佛教现代化改革道路。 6)selection[英][s?'lek?n][美][s?'l?k??n]抉择 1.So far none perfect theory has been formed in the field of intuition judgement and selection.提出并从理论上探索了人们基于参考点的事物效用值直感判断与抉择模型,并利用此模型对实例进行了解释。 2.Working away from farm becomes the rational selection with necessity, which conforms to the conditions and the development strategy of China.非农就业成为农民的理智抉择。 抉择挑选;选择:从速作出~。 节奏策略,pacing strategy 1)pacing strategy节奏策略 1.Reviewed on the research reports about pacing strategy,this paper found out that there were four types pacing strategies were adopted by athletes:(1) an all-out pacing strategy;(2) a slow start strategy;(3) an even paced strategy;(4) a variable pace strategy.全面综述了体育运动领域内关于"节奏策略"的文献,普遍采用的节奏策略主要有4种:1)全冲型;2)慢起型;3)匀速型;4)变化型。 2.Based on the supportive evidence gained from "pacing strategy" study,this paper hypothesized that the "fatigue management strategy" of CNS could be influenced by the changes of cognitive beliefs on fatigue and volitive efforts improved through mental training.以已有实证研究对“节奏策略”的支持性结论为基础,提出假设:对疲劳的认知信念的改变和通过心理技能训练改变意志努力,可以影响中枢神经系统的“疲劳管理策略”,并且会对运动表现产生积极影响。 3.Athletes always make full use of pacing strategy to improve their performance , especially in the high intensity of trains and competitions.在高强度训练比赛中,运动员往往会采用节奏策略以延缓疲劳使其表现达到最优化。 1."Pacing Strategy"and psychological endurance in high-intensity training;“节奏策略”与极限负荷下的心理承受力训练 2.Study on Strategy of Adjusting and Monitoring High School Teaching Rhythm in the New Curriculum on Physics;新课程下高中物理课堂教学节奏调控策略研究 3.Analysis on Factors Influencing the Rhythm in Volleyball Match and Its Controlling Countermeasure;排球比赛节奏的影响因素及控制对策 4.a slight arrhythmic imperfection when the car idles(bGarrison Keillor)汽车空转时略微缺乏节奏的缺点(b加里森 谢勒) 5.a slight arrhythmic imperfection when the car idles&b{Garrison Keillor)汽车空转时略微缺乏节奏的缺点(加里森 谢勒) 6.The Discussion About How the Basketball Coach Uses the Rhythmic Strategies in the Guidance on Spot;篮球教练员临场指导对节奏谋略的运用 7.Discussion on rhythm of basketball movement and countermeasures of improving its control level;篮球运动的节奏及提高其控制水平的对策 8.They play uptempo numbers.他们演奏快节奏的曲调。 9.A Cognitive View on Piano Sight-Reading and Its Training Strategy;钢琴视奏认知过程解读及训练策略初探 10.Strategy of narration plays a role in novels--Take "Bamboo" for example;叙述策略演奏小说乐章——以文本《竹林中》为例 11.Seeing the World from Children s Eyes: On the Children s Narrative Strategy in Eudora Welty s "June Recital";童眼看世界——评《六月演奏会》的儿童叙事策略 12.Secondly, we should grasp rhythm correctly with the sense of collectivity.其次,要准确把握节奏,演奏中要有集体的节奏感。 13.The use or an instance of simultaneous contrasting rhythms.复合节奏同时对照节奏的运用或例子 14.The key is action. Pick the idea and strategies that apply to you. Then take action and make then work!关键在于行动。找到适合自己的思路和策略,然后付诸行动,使之奏效! 15.Reflection on Training College Students Piano Improvisatorial Accompaniment Ability;学前教育大专生钢琴即兴伴奏能力的渗透性培养策略 16.Pulse is the underlying regular beat in a piece of mensural music.节拍是有固定节奏音乐中的有规律的节奏。 17.Jazz is also polyrhythmic, which means many rhythms revolve around one basic one.爵士乐也是多重节奏的,即多种节奏围绕一个基本节奏而进行。 18.Research on the Control Strategy of the New Kind of Bending Joint and the Multi-Joint Finger;新型弯曲关节及其多关节手指的控制策略研究 rhythmic strategies节奏谋略 1.The paper analyzes how the coach uses the rhythmic strategies correctly as well as how to use it to control the initiative rights.本文分析、阐述了教练员如何运用节奏谋略和利用节奏控制场上主动权。 3)energy conservation strategy节能策略 4)energy saving policy节能策略 1.All sensor nodes of the network employ the sleep/wake up energy saving policy based on time slice,under which nodes enter active state with certain probability at each time slice.传感器网络所有节点均采用基于时间片的休眠/唤醒节能策略,使得节点在每个时间片以一定的激活概率进入活动状态。 5)energy saving strategy节能策略 1.An energy saving strategy, which aimed at the problem of arc welding transformer with high open energy wastage and low power factor, is proposed.本文针对弧焊变压器空载能耗大、功率因数低等问题,提出了一种节能策略,并基于微处理器控制的微功率辅助供电电源,研制了智能型弧焊变压器空载降压装置,该装置使弧焊变压器二次侧空载输出电压小于3V,装置本身的功耗极小,且针对不同型号的电焊机,该装置无需调节,具有普适性,实验结果表明本文提出的节能策略及其装置具有显著的节能效果。 2.This paper introduces the intention of the green manufacturing,analyzing the importance of reducting the energy consumptions and increasing the energy comprehensive utilization ratio in the product manufacturing process,putting forward the energy saving strategy in the product manufacturing process.介绍了绿色制造的内涵 ,分析了产品制造过程降低能耗、提高能源综合利用率的重要性 ,提出了产品制造过程的节能策略。 6)water-saving strategy节水策略 节奏感1.指乐曲的节奏性或对乐曲节奏的感觉能力。 2.指人们对社会运动进程的感受。 静力拉伸,static stretching 1)static stretching静力拉伸 1.The results indicated that a moderate volume of static stretching did not alter the MVC and the isom.静力拉伸作为提高运动员柔韧性素质的主要手段之一,可以有效提高运动员柔韧素质,但有研究指出大强度、长时间静力拉伸会影响运动员的爆发力水平。 2.In order to explore effective techniques for Sanshou athletes,the contrast test is done among 48 Sanshou athletes who have performed different stretching exercises(static stretching or PFN stretching techniques) during warming-up.为了探讨散手运动员有效的拉伸练习方法,本实验通过对48名散手运动员进行拉伸练习的比较实验研究,分析散手运动员在准备活动中分别进行两种不同的拉伸练习(静力拉伸练习和PFN法拉伸练习)后,其对散手运动员柔韧性的影响。 3.The athletes were asked to conduct two different kinds of stretching exercise(PNF stretching and static stretching exercises) during the warming-up exercises.为了探讨跨栏运动员有效的拉伸练习方法,通过对45名跨栏运动员进行拉伸练习的比较实验研究,分析跨栏运动员在准备活动中分别进行两种不同的拉伸练习(静力拉伸练习和PFN法拉伸练习)后,其对跨栏运动员柔韧性的影响。 1.A Comparative Research on the Effect of Static and Dynamic Stretching Improving Flexibility静力拉伸和动力拉伸对提高柔韧素质的对比研究 2.Adopting static draught and stretching improving the student s pliability;采用静力拉伸法提高学生柔韧素质的实验研究 3.Static Tensile Test on Diaphragm-Through Joints of Concrete-Filled Square Steel Tubular Column方钢管混凝土柱隔板贯通节点静力拉伸试验 4.The Effect of Static Stretching on MVC and EMG in Taekwondo Players;静力拉伸对跆拳道运动员最大肌力及肌电的影响 5.Comparative Analysis on Effects of PNF Stretching and Static Stretching Techniques on Improving Flexibility of Hip Joint for Hurdle Athletes;PNF法拉伸和静力拉伸练习对改善跨栏运动员的髋关节柔韧性作用的比较 6.Research on Static Tensile Test of Typical T-Shape and π-Shape Joints典型T型和π型接头的拉伸静力试验研究 7.The Influence of Adding Static Muscle Stretch to Warm-up on Children s Athletic Ability;准备运动引入肌肉静态拉伸对少儿运动能力的影响 8.Atomic Simulation of Two-dimentional Mechanical Behavior for Nano-single Crystal and Nano-bicrystal Copper under Static Tensile Loading;纳米铜单晶及双晶静拉伸二维力学行为的原子模拟 9.Study on Effect in Improving the Shanshou Athletes skills Made by Using the Warming-up of Statics Stretch;静力性拉伸准备活动对提高散手运动员技术质量的研究 10.fibre tensile strength tester纤维拉伸强力试验仪 11.open back double action drawing press后开式双动拉伸压力机 12.Errors Correction of experimental results for material static tension;金属材料静拉伸实验结果的误差及修正 13.Study on the Jet Stretching of Electrospinning Polyvinylalcohol(PVA) Nanofibers and Numerical Simulation静电纺PVA纳米纤维射流的拉伸研究与模拟初探 14.Effect of M_η on PS electrospinning process and tensile properties of PS fiber membraneM_η对PS静电纺丝及超细纤维膜拉伸性能的影响 15.Research on Electrostatic Deformation of Space Membrane Mirror静电拉伸空间薄膜反射镜面形控制机理研究 16.Model YG026 T Electronic Table Fabric Strength Tester is used for testing the breaking strength and breaking elongation.用于织物的抗拉伸断裂强力及断裂伸长的测定。 17.Development of Stretch Force Digital PID Control System for Aviation Plexiglass Stretcher;航空有机玻璃拉伸机拉伸力数字PID控制系统开发 18.This shape allows only tensile strain.这种形状使膜片只允承受拉伸压力。 Statics Stretch静力性拉伸 1.Study on Effect in Improving the Shanshou Athletes skills Made by Using the Warming-up of Statics Stretch;静力性拉伸准备活动对提高散手运动员技术质量的研究 3)static streching exercise静力伸拉练习 1.The follow-up study was made by using the muscle hardness equipment to test the effectiveness of eliminating fatigue after hurdlers training followed by static streching exercise.本研究采用静力伸拉练习消除跨栏运动员训练后肌肉疲劳,并运用肌肉硬度计对其效果进行长期追踪。 4)static tensile test静力拉伸试验 1.In order to investigate the structural behavior of the connection between concrete-filled square steel tubular col-umn and steel beam flange,eleven cruciform specimens of diaphragm-through joint model were studied by static tensile test on the basis of load-bearing capability theory of joints.为研究方钢管混凝土柱与钢梁受拉翼缘连接的结构性能,基于隔板贯通节点承载力理论,对11个十字形节点试件进行了静力拉伸试验。 5)static tension静载拉伸 1.The experiment of the static tension for medium carbon 45# steel was done.通过开展中碳45#钢试件的静载拉伸实验,采用磁记忆检测技术,研究了在线及离线2种检测环境下、不同加载阶段试件磁信号变化情况。 2.The variation of the magnetic intensity, Hp(y), in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the 45 carbon steel shaft-shaped tensile specimen with a variable cross-section was determined during the static tension testing.本文研究了变截面45钢轴状试件静载拉伸过程中表面法向磁场强度Hp(y)值的变化规律。 3.In order to study the relationship between magnetic memory signal and stress,magnetic memory testing(MMT) technology is employed to detect normal component Hp(y) of scattering magnetic field intensity of 18CrNi4A steel samples in the static tension tests.为了研究磁记忆信号和应力之间的关系,采用磁记忆方法检测单向静载拉伸后18CrNi4A钢板表面磁场强度法向分量Hp(y)。 6)Static tension静拉伸 1.The magnetic memory effects of low carbon steel X70 and medium carbon steel 45 under conditions of static tension.研究静拉伸情况下低碳X70管线钢和中碳45#钢的金属磁记忆效应。 2.A calculating formula of static tension damage is also deduced and the measurement of the parameters in this formula is easy to handle.还导出了参量测量简便易行的静拉伸损伤计算式,给出了静拉伸损伤测量结果。 磁流体静力分选磁流体静力分选magnetohydrostatic separation  e一l一ut一J ingl一fenxuon磁流体静力分选(magnetohydrostatic sepa-ration)在不均匀磁场中以铁磁流体或顺磁性溶液为介质,根据物料密度或磁化率的差异进行分选的磁流体分选方法。这种分选方法是20世纪60年代发展起来的。80年代一些国家采用磁化率更高的铁磁流休作分选介质,配以永磁磁系、多层重叠分选槽、高梯度格栅,研究了磁流体静力分选的应用。美国和日本已完成了利用该分选方法从废弃物焚烧炉残渣中分离回收所含铜、铅、锌、铝等有用金属的半工业试验。中国从70年代开始在地质矿业部门用磁流体静力分选法进行矿物密度的测定,并研制出供分离单矿物用的磁流体静力分选仪;进而开展了在选矿和其他领域的应用研究。该方法可用于各种金属矿石煤和非金属矿石的分选;从工厂金属废料或旧汽车碎片中回收有色金属及合金;在岩矿鉴定中代替有毒重液分离;还可以用于浮选所得精矿和尾矿的快速分析等。磁流体静力分选具有分选密度大、分选效率高和精度高等优点,而且设备简单,操作维护方便,易于实现自动控制,是一种颇有发展前途的分选方法。 磁流体静力分选的分选原理是,假定在铁磁流体中有一体积为v、密度为尸的固体颗粒,将其置于沿垂直方向减小的梯度磁场中,此时固体颗粒所受作用力可用下式表示: F~V[(尸一洲)g一刃甲H/4二]式中耐为固体颗粒所在位置处磁流体的平均磁化强度(4二I),洲为铁磁流体的密度,甲H为磁场梯度,g为重力加速度。当F~o时,固体颗粒悬浮于铁磁流体「},;当F>。时,固体颗粒下沉;当F 拓展运动,Outward bound 1)Outward bound拓展运动 1.After analyzing the function of Outward Bound,it has been concluded that it can cultivate personal potential ability and team work,it not only meets the need of modern enterprise reformation,but also the development of school sports.对拓展运动的功能进行分析、归纳,认为拓展运动挖掘个人潜能和培养团队合作精神的功能,不仅符合现代企业改革的需要,还符合学校体育改革和发展的需要,对于充分发挥个人能力和培养人的全面发展具有积极意义。 2.So we can say that the outward bound is the development of P.拓展运动是一种现代人和现代组织全新的学习方法和训练方式,是一种全新的体育课内容,把原有的仅限于学校体育课堂的、竞技性很强的跑、跳、投、攀爬、跨越等基本内容,扩展到社会和大自然中,将体育活动与社会、自然、环境融合在一起。 3.Outward bound produc但目前的大部分研究是描述性的,缺少形式多样的干预措施,本文就从户外拓展运动的角度,对中学生网络成瘾者进行了干预研究,为防治网络成瘾提供了一种既经济、健康又可行的方法。 1.Research on the Outward Bound in Universities of China;对我国高校拓展运动研究现状的述评 2.Discussion on the future popularization and development of outward bound in terms of its characteristic and function;从拓展运动的特点和功能谈其普及和发展前景 3.The Research of Current Situation and Prospects of Development about the Outdoor Sports Industry of Jinan济南市户外拓展运动产业的发展现状及前景 4.Discussion on Developing Strategy of Outward Exercise in College Physical Education Teaching论拓展运动在高校体育教学中的发展策略 5.Movement on the expansion of tourism professionals to promote the overall reform of the institutions--Great Wall Tourism Development Institute of The Case of the Games;拓展运动对旅游类专业院校整体改革的推动——长城旅游学院拓展运动会的案例分析 6.On the Value of Outward Bound for Undergraduate Students in the Process of Socialization;论拓展运动在当代大学生社会化中的价值 7.Intervention Research of Alleviating Adolescent's Internet Addiction Disorder by Outward Bound户外拓展运动对青少年网络成瘾的干预研究 8.Values Research on Develope Outward Bound in Shanxi Universities--Base on the Improvement of the Quality of University Students' Employment山西省高校开展拓展运动的价值研究——基于大学生就业素质的提高 9.The Meaning of Outward--bound to Physical Education of College From The Perspective of Humanism;人文视角下拓展运动对高校体育教学的意义探讨 10.The Exploitation & Research on Photogrammetry Teaching System of Biomechanics--Expanding The Experimental New Course of Biomechanics运动生物力学影像解析教学系统的开发与应用——拓展运动生物力学实验教学新课程 11.Developing Directive Athletics Improving Students Comprehensive Capabilities;拓展定向运动课程,提高学生综合素质 12.On the Development of Leisure Sport in the College;论运动休闲在高校中的意义及其拓展 13.Research into Fujian College of Outdoor Sports and Extension Training Courses Development福建省高校户外运动拓展训练课发展研究 14.Search the Expansion Ways of the Large-Scale Opening Ceremony Performance the Properties;探悉大型运动会开幕式表演道具的拓展途径 15.Development of Track and Field Sports and Return of Its Characteristics;休闲体育:田径运动的拓展与特性的回归 16.Development of School and Community Playground based on the Mode of Mutual Advantage基于互惠模式的学校与社区体育运动场所拓展 17.Research on Comparing Expansion and Orientation Sports Games with Traditional Athletic Games;拓展和定向运动会与传统田径运动会的比较研究 18.An Empirical Study of Using Extracurricular Activities for Extending College English Teaching;运用第二课堂活动拓展大学英语教学的实证研究 expanding sports运动拓展 3)expansion and orientation sports games拓展和定向运动 1.It is a definite trend to add expansion and orientation sports games into school s PE teaching and competition,a reform and innovation of traditional PE teaching in school and a new attempt of realizing education for all-around development.将拓展和定向运动会与学校传统田径运动会在目的意义、价值取向、教育理念、项目设置、参赛学生比率等方面进行了分析研究。 4)the movement of colonization拓殖运动 1.Europe—the Prime of the Middle Ages—the Movement of Colonization;欧洲中世纪盛期拓殖运动的社会经济意义 5)quality developing activities素质拓展活动 1.The paper first analyzes the problem from three different levels, then tells how to understand it in view of quality-oriented education and how to deepen it along with quality developing activities.随着社会对人才要求的不断提高,随着职业技术教育改革的逐步深化,应该用新的视角审视和研究实践教学问题:从三个层面剖析实践教学;在素质教育的视野中认识实践教学;结合素质拓展活动深化实践教学。 6)extensional movement伸展运动 1.The investigation indicates that the complex structural patterns within the Liaohe intracontinental rift basin were dominated by the extensional movement and simultaneously deformed by the late down tilting movement just in Mesozoic era.裂谷盆地的形成、演化是在伸展活动发生复杂而有规律的运动中进行的,表现为水平伸展运动、垂直升降运动、掀斜或翘倾运动等,这是裂谷盆地的主要特征。 2.Based on the analysis of tectonic deformation,extensional unconformity,sedimentary facies and paleogeographical rebuilding of southern Tibet,it is recognized that the extensional movement consists of active extension of Hercynian,Indo Chinese and Early Yanshan epochs,and passive extension of the Himalayan epoch.藏南特提斯域内伸展运动和伸展作用非常普遍 ,根据构造变形分析和伸展不整合、沉积岩相、古地理再造及岩相对比方法 ,对藏南海西期以来的伸展构造进行了较为系统的厘定 ,确定了海西期、印支期、早燕山期的主动伸展运动和晚燕山期和喜山期的被动伸展作用 ,并对这些运动特征进行了探 玫瑰湖拓展训练中心“玫瑰湖拓展训练中心”占地500余亩,是目前山东省境内面积最大、设施齐全的拓展训练基地。基地拥有60余项地面、低空、高空、水上、室内组成的大型训练项目,可以为企事业团队提供最有效最、最全面的拓展训练。拓展训练课程设置分为七大类,十二项主题课程,涉及团队建设、高效沟通、新人融入、学习型组织、海岛品格训练、野外训练、家庭成长训练、大学生素质训练、中学生素质训练等内容,无论是企业、事业、机关公务员、还是家庭、学生,都有相应的课程可选择。 体育后备人才,sports reserve talents 1)sports reserve talents体育后备人才 1.Based on the present situation and the cultivation mode of sports reserve talents,various methods of strengthening the combination of sports and education are put forward,in order to perfect the cultivation system of Guangdong sports reserve talents and the cultivation of 2008 Olympic talents.通过对广东省20多所专业、业余体育运动学校和传统体育项目定点中、小学的调查分析,在了解体育后备人才培养模式和现状的基础上,提出了运用各种手段强化“体教结合”,进一步完善广东省体育后备人才培养机制,为2008年奥运会培养人才的措施。 2.With the methods of the documentary review,questionnaire,expert interview and mathematical statistics,the present situation of 65 Shaanxi pilot schools of training sports reserve talents is analyzed.采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法及数理统计法,对陕西省65所培养体育后备人才试点学校的现状进行了分析。 1.On the System of Training the Reserve Force of Sports in China;对我国体育后备人才培养体制的探索 2.Cultivating mode for the Chinese sports reserve forces;体教结合培养体育后备人才模式研究 3.A Study on Developing Chinese Comptitive Sports Reserve Talents;对我国竞技体育后备人才培养的探析 4.Study on Sports Reserve Talents Cultivation in China;我国竞技体育后备人才培养模式研究 5.Analysis on Resoures Development Characterisitics of Competitive Sport Reserve Talent;竞技体育后备人才资源开发特点探析 6.On Training of Physical Human Resource in Support From View of Investment and Return;从投资与回报谈体育后备人才的培养 7.Research on system of talents training for athletics;竞技体育后备人才培养机制理论研究 8.Current Situation and Countermeasures of Fostering Sports Reserve Talents in Guangdong Province;广东省体育后备人才培养现状与对策 9.Analysis on the Cultivation of Jiangsu Athletic Sports Reserve;浅析江苏省竞技体育后备人才的培养 10.An analysis of the present condition of the Chinese competive sports reserve forces;我国竞技体育后备人才培养现状分析 11.On the Cultivation of Competitive Sports Talents in “the Sports Circle of the Yangtse Delta”;对“长三角体育圈”竞技体育后备人才培养的研究 12.Challenge faced in athletics sports of our country and reserve personnel training of athletics sports;论我国竞技体育和竞技体育后备人才培养 13.Present situation and countermeasures of the logistic safeguard in experimental schools of sports reserve forces;体育后备人才试点学校的后勤保障现状与对策 14.Cultivation Talented Reserves in Chinese Competitive Sports after Olympic Games“后奥运时代”我国竞技体育后备人才培养研究 15.Reserve Training of Competitive Sports in Jiangsu Province:Present Situation and Reform;江苏省竞技体育后备人才培育现状及改革 16.Discussion on the Education and Cultivation of the Comprehensive Quality of Sports Reserved Talents;竞技体育后备人才综合素质的教育与培养 17.Comparision between leading roles of reserve force training for Chinese competitive sports;对我国竞技体育后备人才培养主体的比较研究 18.System of Bringing Up Competitive Sports Reserves in Shanghai primary and middle schools;上海市中小学竞技体育后备人才培养体系 sports reserves体育后备人才 1.By the methods of literature study, interview and questionnaire, the author made a comparative study on the training and competition of the sports reserves in Shanghai and in some other countries.采用文献资料法、访问调查法、问卷调查法等对上海市与国外大、中学体育后备人才的训练与竞赛的现状进行对比分析。 2.By using statistical ,documentary and contrastive method ,this article analyzes physical qualities of 4285 sports reserves in Shandong Sports School from 1999 to 2002.采用数理统计、文献资料和对比分析等方法,对山东省体育学校1999 ̄2002年4285名参加选拔的体育后备人才的素质进行了分析研究,结果显示:四年来中专学生的各项身体素质成绩均有不同程度的下降,大专学生除男生立定跳远和原地推铅球成绩有显著性提高外,其余变化不大;男生大专学生成绩总体优于中专,女生立定跳远和原地推铅球成绩优于中专,而100m、800m成绩比中专差。 3)sports reserve talent体育后备人才 1.Since the Network of middle schools is set up that train sports reserve talent for Kunming,great success has been achieved.自昆明市设立培养体育后备人才网点中学以来,已取得了较好的成绩,但也存在一些问题。 2.Using the method of literature, this paper has made an approach of the characteristics of only child and influential factors in the cultivation of sports reserve talent.采用文献资料法,论述了体育后备人才培养中独生子女的特点及影响因素。 4)sports reserve forces体育后备人才 1.Present situation and countermeasures of the logistic safeguard in experimental schools of sports reserve forces;体育后备人才试点学校的后勤保障现状与对策 2.Physical quality of the only child in a family and the cultivation of sports reserve forces;独生子女身体素质与体育后备人才的培养 5)Cultivating Young talents for the competitive Sports竞技体育后备人才培养 1.Lately, Wenzhou pattern of Cultivating Young talents for the competitive Sports shows its own features.本研究运用文献资料法、质的研究方法、实地调查法、个案调查法、数理统计法等方法对温州的区域经济发展与竞技体育后备人才培养问题进行了调查与研究,以期为我国竞技体育后备人才培养展示出新的视角。 6)reserved high-level athletic talents高水平体育后备人才 洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles) 洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。 通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:[email protected]:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。 竞赛焦虑,competitive anxiety 1)competitive anxiety竞赛焦虑 1.Research on elite race walking athletes influencing factors of competitive anxiety;第七届大运会竞走运动员竞赛焦虑及影响因素的分析研究 2.To investigate the relationship between perfectionism and competitive anxiety in athletes during competition.目的:探讨竞赛过程中运动员的完美主义与竞赛焦虑之间的关系。 1.Study of Competition Anxiety in Excellent Chinese High Jumpers;我国优秀跳高运动员竞赛焦虑的研究 2.Study on Anxiety before Martial Art Contest for Undergraduate Athletes;大学生武术套路运动员赛前竞赛焦虑研究 3.Study on the Relationship between Perfectionism and Competitive Anxiety of Athletes;运动员的完美主义与竞赛焦虑关系的研究 4.Research on Over Strain in Competition of High-level Athletes of Trackand Field in colleges and Universities of Shanxi Province;山西高校高水平田径运动员竞赛焦虑的研究 5.Perspective and Analysis of the Competition Anxiety of Professional Coaches in National Football League and CBA;中国足球、篮球职业教练竞赛焦虑透视与分析 6.On the Individual Factors that Influence Soccer Players Sport Anxiety;试论影响足球运动员竞赛焦虑的个体性因素 7.Study of Competitive Anxiety in Chinese Elite High Jumpers;对我国优秀跳高运动员竞赛焦虑的研究 8.The Research on Race High-level Anxiety of Women's Volleyball Athletes in Lanzhou University兰州大学高水平女排运动员竞赛焦虑研究 9.Influence of Anxiety State on Performance Stability of Top Rhythmic Gymnasts;我国高水平艺术体操运动员竞赛焦虑水平对比赛稳定性的影响 10.A Study of 400m-Hurdlers′ Anxiety State in 1996 National Athletics Championships;1996年全国田径锦标赛400m跨栏跑运动员竞赛焦虑状态的研究 11.Research on elite race walking athletes influencing factors of competitive anxiety;第七届大运会竞走运动员竞赛焦虑及影响因素的分析研究 12.Investigation on Trait Anxiety and Competition State Anxiety of Disabled Athletes;残疾人运动员的特质焦虑与竞赛状态焦虑研究 13.Correlative study of college students exam anxiety and their competitive state anxiety;大学生考试焦虑与竞赛状态焦虑的相关研究 14.Investigation on Shooters’Trait Anxiety and Competition State Anxiety;苏州市射击运动员的特质焦虑和竞赛状态焦虑分析 15.Study on Competition State Anxiety and Anxiety Direction of Table Tennis Athletes;对乒乓球运动员竞赛状态焦虑及焦虑方向的研究 16.Precompetition Anxieties of Aerobatic Athletes竞技健美操运动员赛前紧张和焦虑现象的剖析 17.On the Psychological Training for High Jumpers Tensions in Competition;跳高运动员竞赛中焦虑问题的心理训练研究 18.Researching and Analyzing the Anxiety of Competitive State in Xinjiang Wushu Atheletes;新疆武术运动员的竞赛状态焦虑的研究与分析 competition anxiety竞赛焦虑 1.The reasons for the changes of their competition anxiety and the factors causing different anxiety degrees were analyzed and studied.通过对我国60名优秀跳高运动员竞赛焦虑的调查,分析研究跳高特殊竞赛形式下,我国优秀跳高运动员竞赛焦虑变化的原因以及引起不同焦虑程度的相关因素。 2.The purpose of this paper was to investigate the characteristics of competition anxiety of the professional coaches with the Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory.采用斯皮尔伯格状态—特质焦虑量表、问卷调查中国甲A足球和CBA联赛教练,揭示职业教练竞赛焦虑现状和特点。 3)competition state anxiety竞赛状态焦虑 1.We make an investigation to more than 50 athletes who had attended the state tennis ranking-match by questionaire surver,find that their competition state anxiety were in high level before game.竞赛状态焦虑是影响运动员竞技能力发挥的一个重要因素,尤其对于青少年运动员来说,适宜的竞赛状态焦虑水平是取得优异成绩的保证。 2.TAI and CSAI-2 were used to test the trait anxiety and competition state anxiety of the shooters from Suzhou,participating in 2006 National Championships.利用状态-特质焦虑量表中的特质焦虑测试量表和竞赛状态焦虑量表-2,对参加2006年射击全国个人冠军赛的苏州市射击运动员在赛前进行测试。 4)competitive trait anxiety竞赛特质焦虑 1.The results showed:(1) The public self-consciousness,competitive trait anxiety and approach coping style could totally explain 37.研究表明:(1)青少年篮球运动员的公众自我意识、竞赛特质焦虑和积极应对方式能有效解释37。 5)competitive state anxiety竞赛状态焦虑 1.Correlative study of college students exam anxiety and their competitive state anxiety;大学生考试焦虑与竞赛状态焦虑的相关研究 6)Analysis of Competitive Anxiety浅析竞赛焦虑 安全竞赛安全竞赛safety emulation 安全竞赛(safety emulation)一种以遵守安全操作规程、杜绝生产事故为目标的竞赛活动。它是使工人对安全生产引起重视的一种有效手段。这种竞赛,可分为个人竞赛和集体竞赛两种。两者一般都采取对口竞赛方式,即几个人或两个部门结成竞赛对子,少出事故者得奖。通常,在竞赛过程中人们普遍重视安全生产,从而减少了工伤事故;但一旦竞赛结束,有人又会忽视安全生产。故必须提高工人的安全意识,以保持常备不懈。 (张燕逸撰张觉审) 人文危机,humanistic crisis 1)humanistic crisis人文危机 1.Analysis on Humanistic Crisis in Olympic Games;漫谈奥林匹克的"人文危机" 2.Analysising humanistic crisis of Olympics to prospect Beijing Olympic Games;从奥林匹克人文危机看北京奥运 3.This paper discussed classifications of humanistic crisis and the concept of Humanistic Olympic Games.现代奥林匹克商业化、职业化的发展所带来的人文危机已经阻碍了现代竞技运动的健康发展,引起人们对奥林匹克发展前景的反思。 1.Philosophical Speculation of Beijing Humanistic Olympics--Eastern and Western Cultural and Spiritual Crisis in the Humanities北京人文奥运的哲学思辨——东西方人文精神与人文危机 2.Tendency to Harmonious School Culture Development走向和谐的校园文化发展——现代教育人文危机的视角 3.Evolution of Scientism and Humanism and the Human Crisis of Existence;科学主义、人文主义的演进与生存危机 4.Civilization Crisis:Reconsideration of Modernitic Anthropology;文明危机论:现代性的人类学反思纲要 5.On Humanistic Care of Network Media Coveraging the News of Crisis Events危机事件中网络新闻报道的人文关怀 6.Singapore's Chinese community will soon face a critical shortage of people who are proficient in the Chinese language.我国华人社会不久将面临华文人才短缺的危机。 7.The Legitimation Crisis of Contemporary Intellectual in China;论当代中国人文知识分子的合法性危机 8.Crisis & Shift of Vocational Humanistic Education Paradigm: Context & Input;职业人文教育的范式危机及转型:语境和进路 9.On Significance of Chinese Traditional Humanism in Solving the Present Ecological Disturbance;中国传统人文精神对解决当代生态危机的意义 10.The Consideration on Enhancing the Humanistic Education in Higher Vocational Colleges under the Background of Financial Crisis金融危机下加强高职院校人文素质教育的思考 11.The Crisis of Brain Drain and Crisis Management in Chinese Enterprises;中国企业的人才流失危机与危机管理 12.The Essence of Environmental Crisis: the Crisis of Human Reason;环境危机的实质——人类理性的危机 13.Again, the concern is not that India's public borrowing causes a financial crisis.与上文相同,印度公债让人担心的问题也不是财政危机。 14.The Introvert Nature of Taiwan s Hakkas and their Ethnic Responses to the Cultural Crisis;台湾客家人“隐而不显”及其文化危机中的族群反应 15.Crisis Caused by Ecology Unbalance and Community Culture--The Eco-anthology Introduction of Worm Sacrifice and Pesticide;生态型不均衡与共同体文化的危机——虫祭与农药的生态人类学 16.Modernity and the Crisis of Modern Chinese Cultural Identity and Its Reconstruction;现代性与近代以来中国人的文化认同危机及重构 17.Bordering on Extinction--Cultural Adaption and Identification Crisis of the Manchu Offspring in Shijia Village行走在消逝中——十家村满族守陵人后裔文化适应与认同危机 18.Russia Faces Population Crisis俄罗斯面临人口危机 Humane education crisis人文教育危机 3)humanism crisis人文精神危机 4)Cultural Crisis文化危机 1.First, the mordern positivism concept of science had contributed to the European cultural crisis, because of it s refusal of corcern about all metaphysics problems.胡塞尔的科学批判主要有三点:①现代实证主义科学观排除一切形而上学问题,导致了欧洲文化危机及自身意义基础的丧失;②现代科学将自然数学化,且远离生活世界,使人们误把数学化的自然当成自然本身,形成封闭的、客观主义的自然观;③结果是物理主义的客观主义成为现代科学的形而上学基础,因此导致了科学的认识论之谜,使得自然科学知识何以可能成为问题。 2.From Hu Xuewen s novels:Journey,Convention inside the Winter Sun and Who to Be Enemy,the author s description and experience on spirit plight of modern native persons due to cultural crisis was stated.从《旅途》《冬日里的套子》《谁是谁的敌人》等胡学文小说文本出发,阐述了作者对现代乡土人物因文化危机而导致的精神困境的体验与描写。 5)civilization crisis文明危机 1.This paper aims to reconsider the modernitic crisis from a long term anthropologic point of view and tries to explore its primary source-the civilization crisis.本文从人类学的长时段视野反思现代性危机 ,并还原到更根本的文明危机。 6)literary crisis文学危机 东南大学人文学院 东南大学人文学院 [学院概况]人文学院现设有哲学与科学系、政治与公共管理系、法律系、旅游学系、中国语言文学系、医学人文系、艺术传播系和mpa研究中心。学术研究机构有:心理咨询与人力资源测评中心、东方文化研究所、现代社会发展研究所、韩国研究所等十多个研究机构。人文学院现有在编教师108人,其中博士生导师10人,教授、副教授70余人。设有艺术学、伦理学、科技哲学、马克思主义思想政治教育四个博士学位授权点;有马克思主义理论与思想政治教育、科学技术哲学、伦理学、艺术学、政治学、行政管理、西方哲学、马克思主义哲学、旅游管理、宪法学与行政法学、民商法学、法学理论、中国古代文学、设计艺术学、应用心理学、现当代文学16个硕士授权点及哲学、艺术学两个一级学科硕士授权点,并有艺术硕士(mfa)、公共管理硕士(mpa)两个专业硕士学位授权点。学院现有在校学生近1700人,其中本科生1134人,硕士生近600人,博士生近200人。人文学院1984年始创设“马克思主义基础”本科专业,20多年来,随着教育事业的发展,先后设置了法学、旅游管理、政治学与行政学、汉语言文学、社会学、动画等6个本科专业。人文学院承担了全校公共政治理论课、思想品德课、以及人文选修课的教学工作,曾先后为全校学生开设了80余门人文社会科学类选修课程,为提高全校学生的思想政治素质和人文素质,营造健康而活泼的校园文化氛围,发挥了积极的作用。学院拥有一个国家哲学社会科学创新基地。长期以来,学院承担了各级各类课题百余项,近三年来,获“211”、“985”工程资助,经费总额已超千万,出版学术著作和教材数百部,发表论文2千多篇,科研成果曾获国家社科奖、省部级奖及其他奖项数十项,并与美、英、德、韩、日本、俄罗斯等国以及台、港、澳地区的学术界和文化艺术界进行了广泛的合作和交流。[历史沿革]东南大学人文学院的历史最早可以追溯到三江师范学堂(1902~1905)体现张之洞“中学为体”理念的修身、历史、文学等文科类课程设置;两江优级师范学堂(1905~1911)时期,1910年设地理历史部和国文外语部;南京高等师范学校(1915~1923)时期,初设国文部,1919年设国文史地部,1920年设文理科(其中人文学科的系有国文系、英文系、哲学系、历史系);国立东南大学(1921~1927)时期,先后设文科、文理科(文科设有国文系、历史系、外国语文系、政治系、经济系、哲学系);第四中山大学和江苏大学(1927~1928)时期,设社会科学院(下设史地学系、社会学系、经济学系、政治学系、法律学系)、哲学院(下设哲学系)和文学院(初设中国文学系、外国文学系、语言学系,1928年调整增加哲学系、史学系、社会学系);中央大学(1928~1949)时期设文学院(初设中国文学系、外国语文系、哲学系、社会学系、史学系,1930年又增加地理系,1941年,社会学系并入法学院);(国立)南京大学(1949~1952)时期设文学院(下设中国语言文学系、外国语言文学系、历史学系和哲学系)。历史上的东南大学文科,人文荟萃,群星灿烂,也形成过在中国现当代史上产生深远影响的学术流派——学衡派。1952年院系调整后,在原中央大学校址成立南京工学院。1978年,学校提出“向文理工结合方向发展”的战略,开始恢复文科。1984年在原马列主义教研室的基础上建立社会科学系,并设立马列主义基础理论专业,1985年,设立哲学与科学系。复名后的东南大学在1990年设立人文社会科学学院,2002年3月4日更名为人文学院。 体育生态,sports ecology 1)sports ecology体育生态 1.Rules of transfer and emergy of sports ecology and demonstration;体育生态的迁移与潜移规律及其实证 2.In order to do research on the issue of sports ecology, we have to attain correct realization or awareness to ecology, especially sports ecology.研究体育生态问题,可以引发对体育相关的多种问题的研究,可以对体育的内涵有深层次的认识。 3.It Expounded the present situation of the research on sports ecology of our country from the aspects of the rudiment of sports ecology thought,the environment and structure of sports ecology,the systematical function of sport and ecological balance etc.从体育生态思想的萌芽、体育生态环境、体育生态结构、体育系统功能及生态平衡等方面,对我国体育生态研究现状进行了论述。 1.To Establish Awareness and Strengthen Education of Sports Ecology;树立体育生态意识加强体育生态教育 2.Sensitive Factors of Sport Ecology and Virtuous Circle of Sport System;体育生态的敏感因素与体育系统的良性循环 3.Examining University P.E.Ecologization In View Of Continuative Development Theory;以可持续发展观审视高校体育生态化 4.Green Conception of Sports-An Ecological pondering over Sports;体育的绿色之思——对体育的生态学思考 5.Students Motivation of Sport, Attitude to Sport and Reform of Physical Education in Colleges and Universities;大学生体育动机、态度与高校体育改革 6.Tech-Sport and Eco-Sport-the New Models of the Development of the Future Sport;科技体育和生态体育——未来体育发展的新模式 7.A Research in Physical Attitude Physical Action and Physical Requirement of Girlstudents in Colleges;高师女生体育态度、体育行为与体育需求的研究 8.On Individual Activity:the Life Vigor of Education Ecological Environment;个体活动:教育生态的生命活力所在 9.Research on the Physical Attitude,Interest and the Physical Exercises in College Weak Group;大学生体育弱势群体体育态度、兴趣与体育锻炼行为研究 10.Ecology of college physical education from the view of educational ecology;教育生态学视野下的大学体育教育研究 11.Research on University Students Sports Manner and Sports Behavior in Chang Chun City;长春市大学生体育态度与体育行为的研究 12.The Curricular Reform of Physical Education and the Changes of the Students Attitude towards Physical Education in Zhangzhou Normal University;我院体育课程改革与学生体育态度变化 13.Study Physical Attitude and Behavior of Female Students from Universities;对女大学生体育态度及体育行为的调查研究 14.Survey and Analysis of the University Students Attitude and Behavior to PE;大学生体育态度和体育行为现状的调查与分析 15.Views from teachers and students on reforming of undergraduate physical education curriculum;体育院系师生对体育专业课程改革的态度 16.Research into the causality between sports behaviors and sports attitudes of university student;大学生体育态度和体育行为的因果关系 17.Analysis of Sports Behaviors and Influence of Sports Attitudes in the Freshmen of Local Teachers Colleges;地方性高师新生体育行为及体育态度的分析 18.The Research on College Students Attitude and Behavior to Physical Education in China;我国大学生体育态度和体育行为的调查研究 ecology sports生态体育 1.It is indicated that the traditional culture of keeping health is comprised of the essential factors of the ecology sports,and the integration of both of them is the requirement of the modern sports for harmony development,the purpose for this is to spread the ideas of ecology sports to the society and evolves gradually into the man s existence ideas.认为传统养生文化蕴涵着生态体育几大构成要素,传统养生文化同现代体育生态观的融合是现代体育和谐与发展的要求,其目的是把体育生态理念推向社会,进而演变成人们的生存观念。 2.This paper discusses the connotation and characteristics of ecology sports from the angle of ecology, the writer puts forward the construction of ecology sports of its environment system.从生态学和环境学的视角阐述生态体育的内涵、揭示生态体育的特点,提出生态体育的环境体系构建,为研究体育与自然、与社会、与人自身的相互关系提供理论依据。 3)Ecological sports生态体育 1.Construction of ecological sports teaching mode in P.E teaching in colleges and universities;“生态体育”教学模式在高校体育教学中的构建与应用 2.Based on the methods of questionnaires,expert consultation,statistics and logical analysis,taking the beautiful Mount Tai and the popular sports in Tai an city as the subject,this article makes analysis on the main factors influencing the development of ecological sports in Mount Tai tourism area.本文以环境优美的泰山、泰安城市居民的体育活动为研究对象,采用问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和逻辑归纳法等研究方法,对影响泰山旅游区生态体育发展的主要因素进行了分析。 3.Harmony, fit, ecological sports have been growing soberly aware.初步探寻出体育生态学中的一些规律;总结体育生态学中的一些基本原理;构建出体育生态系统的结构模型;归纳出生态系统中各要素之间的关系和规律;初步构建出体育生态学的学科体系;并提出对人们进行生态教育,强化人们的体育生态意识与观念,促进人们遵循生态体育的行为。 4)ecological sport生态体育 1.Philosophical contemplation of deep ecological sport view深层生态体育观的哲学思辨 5)sports ecology体育生态化 6)PE Ecology体育生态学 1.Preliminary Research on the Construction of PE Ecology;体育生态学构建的初步研究 昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)昆虫个体生态学(见昆虫生态学)  昆虫个体生态学见昆虫生态学   两侧性迁移,bilateral transfer 1)bilateral transfer两侧性迁移 1.Research on Bilateral Transfer in the Learning of Dart Throw;运动技能两侧性迁移及其机制的研究 2.Experimental study on the bilateral transfer of movement coordination对运动协调两侧性迁移的实验研究 3.There are two kinds of hypotheses on bilateral transfer of motor skill,one is cognitive hypothesis and the other is neuromuscular activation.关于运动技能两侧性迁移的机制主要有认知学说和肌肉激活学说,但对于两侧性迁移的特征与模式依然存在争议和不确定性。 1.Research on Bilateral Transfer in the Learning of Dart Throw运动技能两侧性迁移及其机制的研究 2.On the Role of the Bilateral Transfer in the Sports Training浅谈两侧性迁移在运动训练中的应用 3.Overeas Researches Hypothesis About Bilateral Transfer and Asymmetry of Bilateral Transfer in Motor Learning;运动技能两侧性迁移机制及迁移不对称性的国外研究学说 4.Contamination and Migration of Heavy Metals in the Soil-Wheat System on the Both Sides of Zheng-Bian Highway;郑汴公路两侧土壤—小麦系统重金属污染及迁移 5.It has to do with the reducibility of two-sided weighted shifts.它与两侧的加数移位的可约性有关。 6.An Experiment Study on Bilateral Transfer Theory in College Teaching of Girl Students Shuttlecock Elective Class;双侧性迁移理论在高校女生毽球选项课教学中的实验研究 7.The relative movement between the two sides of a fault.断层位移断层两侧的相对位移 8.Research into Bilateral Transfer in the Process of Learning Skills;运动技术掌握过程中肢体对侧迁移效果研究 9.EFFECT OF MONOLATERAL VAGAL DENERVATION ON MIGRATION OF THYMOCYTES IN RAT THYMUS单侧迷走神经切断对大鼠胸腺细胞迁移的影响 10.Migration is a generic term used to refer both to immigration and to emigration.迁移是一个用于有关移入和移出两者的总名词。 11.transport properties in macromolecular solution高分子溶液的迁移性质 12.The markedness of not…until and transfer;not…until的标记性与母语迁移 13.Study of Integrity Detection for Migrating Instance in Migrating Workflow System;迁移工作流系统中迁移实例完整性检测研究 14.The Research on Females Migration People s Migration Aspiration and Influencing Factors;我国女性迁移人口的迁移意愿及影响因素研究 15.The Research of Mobile Agent s Strong Migration and Security;移动Agent的强迁移及其安全性的研究 16.The Effect of Callosotomy on Transhemispheric Cortical Plasticity Following Contralateral C7 Nerve Root Transfer: An Experimental Study in Adult Rats;胼胝体切断对健侧颈7移位术后跨大脑两半球功能可塑性影响的实验研究 17.To change location periodically, especially by moving seasonally from one region to another.迁移,移栖定期变换所在地,尤指季节性地从一地迁移到另一地 18.Major changes in a river course result in both lateral shifts of the old meander belt and in the development of new belts.河道中大的变动,造成老河曲带的侧向迁移和新河曲带的产生。 bilateral transfer双侧性迁移 1.Based on experiment study on inquiring into the effectiveness of bilateral transfer in shuttlecock basic skill teaching.通过对高校女生毽球选项课教学的分组实验研究,探讨双侧性迁移理论在毽球基本技术教学中的应用效果。 3)lateral migration侧向迁移 4)rostral migratory stream嘴侧迁移流 1.Expression of bone morphogenetic protein-2 in the rostral migratory stream in developing rat brain;骨形态发生蛋白-2在大鼠脑内嘴侧迁移流中的发育学表达(英文) 2.However, little is known about the changes in the rostral migratory stream (RMS) through which the new neurons produced in the subventrcular zoon (SVZ) migrated into the OB.为此,本研究建立了成年SD雄性大鼠右侧嗅球切除模型,利用Nissl染色、PSA-NCAM和GFAP免疫组织化学染色的方法观察了成年SD大鼠嗅球切除后存活不同时间两侧嘴侧迁移流(RMS)的形态学特征及RMS细胞的密度和单个细胞的面积,并进行统计学分析;同时利用Westernblot方法检测PSA-NCAM在RMS的表达。 5)rostral migratory stream喙侧迁移流 1.Expression of inhibitor of DNA binding-2 in the pathway of rostral migratory stream of adult rat brain;目的 明确Id2在成年大鼠脑内室管膜前下区(SVZa)、喙侧迁移流(RMS)、嗅脑(OB) 3个不同区域内的表达模式。 6)bilateral[英][,ba?'l?t?r?l][美]['ba?'l?t?r?l]两侧性的 放射性核素迁移放射性核素迁移radionuclidemigration在放射性废物最终处置的过程中,放射性核素由废物向周围环境迁移的现象。放射性核素迁移研究可分为实验室研究和现场研究,研究的对象主要是那些半衰期长、毒性大的放射性核素,如钚239、镎237、碘129、锝99等。研究内容包括:地质材料对核素的吸附性能和不同地质条件对核素迁移速率的影响,核素在地质材料上滞留的机理和核素迁移的数学模型等。这些研究,特别是现场研究,涉及到水文学、放射化学、地球化学等,是多学科交叉的研究领域。把放射性废物埋藏于地层的方法,即所谓地质处置法,被认为是处置放射性废物的最可靠方法。废物被处置于地下以后,经过漫长的岁月,地下水将浸透回填材料,蚀穿废物容器,最终与废物本体接触。在地下水的长期浸蚀下,废物中的核素会缓慢地溶于水中,随着地下水的流动,进入周围地质材料的孔隙、断层和裂缝中,发生迁移。由于地质材料对核素的吸附作用,阻止了核素与水发生同步迁移,大大降低了核素迁移的速率,也降低了核素在水中的浓度。这种地下水对核素的溶解和地质材料的吸附阻滞,构成了核素迁移的基本图像。放射性废物处置的目的,就是要设法避免放射性核素向人类生活环境迁移,或者是大大降低核素迁移的速率和降低环境中放射性核素的浓度,以免危害人类。因此,核素迁移的研究,日益受到人们的重视。通过核素迁移研究,可以掌握核素在地质材料中迁移的规律,预测核素在地下的行踪,为放射性废物的安全处置提供科学依据,从而确保地质处置方法的可靠性。 外显认知,explicit cognition 1)explicit cognition外显认知 1.Current research illustrates that compared with explicit cognition, implicit cognition is not only independent in function, but also more capable of testing subtle and complicated relation than conscious thinking that has been discovered.现有研究表明:与外显认知相比,内隐认知不仅具有功能上的相对独立性,而且比已发现的有意识思维更能检测微妙的和复杂的关系,无须意志的努力便可自发进行认知活动,在某些方面表现出巨大的优越性。 2.The author thought that in motor skill acquisition the implicit cognition not only had the existence and universality but also had the independent nature like the explicit cognition.众多研究表明 :内隐认知在技能“习得”中不仅具有存在性、普遍性 ,而且同外显认知一样还具有功能上的相对独立性 ;外显认知和内隐认知在认知中相互协同 ,在一定条件下可以相互转 3.During the explicit cognition of motor skills,when the explicit instructions are accurate,concrete and in accordance with the target skill principles,they will enhance the cognition of motor skills,otherwise,they will hinder the skills acquisition.外显认知与内隐认知是运动技能认知的两种模式。 1.Can Social Approval Regulate the Relations Between Implicit Cognition and Explicit Cognition?;社会赞许能否调节内隐认知与外显认知的关系 2.Progress of Study on the Interaction between the Implicit and Explicit Cognition in Motor Skills运动技能获得中内隐认知与外显认知的相互作用研究进展 3.The Difference of Explicit and Implicit Learning in Junior Middle School Students with Different Cognitive Styles;不同认知风格初中生外显与内隐学习的差异 4.The Relationship Between Cognitive Style and Implicit/Explicit Memory;认知风格与内隐/外显记忆关系的实验研究 5.The Social Orientation of Field-dependent and Field-independent Individuals in Explicit Memory and Implicit Memory;外显、内隐记忆中不同认知方式个体的社会定向 6.The Influence of Verbal-imagery Style on Explicit and Implicit Memory;言语-表象型认知风格与外显、内隐记忆的关系 7.Implicit and Explicit Social Cognitive Experimental Study on Competitive Attitude竞争态度的内隐与外显社会认知的实验研究 8.A Cross-Cultural Study of Cognitive Styles and Pictures to the Effects of Implicit and Explicit Memory;不同认知风格儿童对图形的外显、内隐记忆的跨文化研究 9.Cognitive Neuroscience Research on the Dissociation between Implicit and Explicit Memory;从认知神经的角度看内隐记忆和外显记忆的分离 10.MCM Cognition Mechanism of Processing Emotional Words among Depressed Individuals: Implicit or Explicit抑郁个体识别情绪词的MCM认知机制研究:内隐还是外显 11.A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of Explicit and Implicit Social Cognition on Aggressive Behaviors Between Gong-du and Normal Students;工读学生与普通学生攻击性行为外显和内隐社会认知特点的比较研究 12.Display a New Mail Desktop Alert (default Inbox only)显示新邮件桌面通知(仅对默认收件箱) 13.The Task、Cognition and Information Display in C3I System;C3I系统中任务、人的认知和信息显示 14.Neither can it know two objects simultaneously, itself and that which is external to itself.知觉者及其外部对象不能同时被认知。 15.Relationships of Cognitive Performances and Cognitive Styles with Extraversion;认知操作、认知方式与外倾性人格特质的关系 16.Cognitive Communicative Approach and the Differences of Learners Cognitive Style in English Teaching;外语教学中认知交际法与认知风格的差异性 17.Cognitive Approach,Cognitive Style And Their Application In English Teaching;认知法和认知风格及其在外语教学中的运用 18.On the Cognitive Theory and Cognitive Therapy of Paranoia;国外关于偏执狂认知理论与认知治疗述论 cognitive salience认知突显 3)cognitive profile认知凸显 4)cognitive prominence认知显要性 5)explicit knowledge外显知识 1.The research of explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge is hot in applied linguistic and psychological fields abroad.外显知识和内隐知识的研究是国外应用语言学界和心理学界的热点话题之一,二者之间的接口之争对第二语言教学产生了重要的影响,国内外学者对两种知识接口的研究多建立在语法学习和教学的基础上。 2.This paper presents the survey of explicit knowledge studies abroad, following the introduction of its definition , measurement and explanations of basic concepts related.本文在介绍国外关于外显知识的界定和测试、阐述与其密切相关的基本概念、回顾近年来关于外显知识研究状况的基础上,得出结论认为,无论是从理论角度还是从教学实践角度,增加外显语法信息的渠道,提高学习者对语言形式的注意程度,运用外显否定反馈,帮助学习者获取归纳性知识,乃是促进语言理解和输出的有效途径。 6)Extension of cognition space认知空间外延 外显子分子式:CAS号:性质:基因的DNA的一部分,对蛋白质中原有的氨基酸序列的信息进行编码,在许多真核基因中,编码序列由一系列外显子和内含子系列交替组成。在转录之后,内含子被删除,而外显子序列则拼接在一起形成mRNA,用于蛋白质的合成。 道德主题,moral theme 1)moral theme道德主题 1.In addition, the author is concerned with the role that the narrative techniques play in enriching and expanding the moral theme.本文首先从小说的叙事技巧的分析入手,继而阐释了该书叙事技巧对于道德主题的深化与延伸的重要意义,目的在于引起人们对该书中叙事技巧对主题发掘所起重大作用的关注。 2.The basic features of his works include the integration of thrilling plots and serious moral theme, the personalized setting "Greeneland" and the unique cinematographic technique.格雷厄姆·格林是20世纪重要的现实主义作家,其作品的基本特色表现为惊险的小说情节同严肃的道德主题的完美结合、"格林兰"的个性化背景以及独特的电影技巧。 3.The moral theme of the prose is to show the remarkable atmosphere.汉大赋的道德主题,却并非体现在有无“《诗》之风谏”,而是展现了后人惊叹回首的大汉气象,其审美主题,就是在于以独特的艺术形式和表现手法,创造了大美的艺术境界,成为后世莫能继焉的一代之文学。 1.An Analysis to Moral Themes in the Mill on the Floss;《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》的道德主题解读 2.Talk about the Brothers Karamazov s Moral Topic and Religious Consciousness;论《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》的道德主题和宗教意识 3.Freedom and Lover--The Ethical Theme on A Room with a View;自由和爱——论《看得见风景的房间》的伦理道德主题 4.The Development of the Ethic Topic in Modern English Literature;英国现代文学中道德主题的发展与流变 5.Moral Personality:A New Theme of Moral Psychology道德人格:道德心理学研究的新主题 6.Moral Regeneration in Malamud s the Assistant;论马拉默德《店员》中的道德再生主题 7.Train Moral Ability: the Theme of Moral Education of School in New Century;培养道德能力:新世纪学校德育的主题 8.The debate revolved around the morality of abortion.辩论以堕胎的道德性为主题而进行。 9.A Moral Criticism on the Growing-up Theme in To Kill A Mockingbird《杀死百舌鸟》中成长主题的道德批评 10.Analysis of the Issue of Moral Centralism in the Field of System;制度领域中的道德中心主义问题分析 11.Moral order: the theme of innovation on enterprising management theory;道德序化:企业管理理论创新的主题 12.The Subject of The teaching in Mind and Morality Accomphishment --Reasonably Conducting Oneself;明理做人是“思想道德修养”教学的主题 13.The Morality in the Lurch--A Tentative Study of the Dilemma of Erich Fromm s Humanistic Ethics;道德的囚徒困境——弗洛姆人道主义伦理学的难题 14.ON DESCRIPTION OVER ETHICAL CULTURE OF MAGIC REALISM论魔幻现实主义对伦理道德文化主题的描写 15.Morals of Non-Moralism-- Philosophical Study of Nietzsche Morality;非道德主义的道德——尼采道德哲学研究 16.Finders keepers, losers weepers” can become an ethical question.(拾到失物是否应该归还失主,变成一个道德问题。 17.Research on the Issue of Legislation of Morals under Marxist Philosophical Vision;马克思主义哲学视野下的道德法律化问题研究 18.Different Concepts On Human Nature and Common Issues In Moral Education in Ancient China and the West;中西传统人性论的分野及道德教育的共同主题 moral education issues道德教育主题 3)orientated moral education主题德育 4)permanent motif德育主题 5)ethical issues道德问题 1.This paper introduces three important models solving ethical issues in foreign competitive intelligence practice,which are CHIP Model,Ethics Dimension Model and Public Disclosure Test Model.道德问题是竞争情报实践中的一个重要问题。 2.As an important parameter to assess Educational Research,ethical issues have hot been given enough considerations in China.但是作为教育研究的一个重要参数,研究所涉及的道德问题在国内并没有得到充分的认识和尊重。 6)Moral problems道德问题 1.Under the guidance of materialism,culture secularize and value multiplication,many original moral standards start to change from convergence to variation,and as a social problem,moral problems also appears quickly and has the bad effects in various domains of social economy,politics,and culture.在物质实利化、文化世俗化和价值多元化路径引导下,原有的许多道德标准开始由趋同走向变异,道德问题作为普遍社会问题也很快浮出水面,并在社会经济、政治、文化诸领域产生危害。 《标准文献主题词表》《标准文献主题词表》ROOT Thesaurus  B旧ozhun勺Venxian ZhUtieibico《标准文献主题词表》(Ro口T刀晚sa~)标准化领域中使用的规范化的标准文献检索辞典。又称叙词表。随着计算机在标准情报工作中的应用,标准文献主题标引的工具—主题词表的编制就提上了日程。l叨6年,国际标准化组织(】50)编写了《150主题词表》(了义)介曰~)。在此基础上,1981年法国和英国各自编制了一部多语种主题词表。法国标准化协会(月刊OR)编制的词表名为《国际技术主题词表》,由字顺表、范畴表、主题词轮排索引等部分组成;英国标准学会(璐】)编制的词表名为《根主题词表》,中文版译名为《标准文献主题词表》。它是一部主题分类合一的词表。其主表是一部按层累制分类原则和概念种属词族原则编制的分类表,全部主题词都排人体系分类表并配有惟一等级制词号,附表为字顺表。国际标准化组织(】50)分别将《国际技术主题词表》和《根主题词表》确定为150工作词表,用于国际标准信息的交流。有若干国家分别采用了两个词表。由于《根主题词表》选词立类新颖,较适于手工标引,因此中国选择了《根主题词表》作为中国标准化系统的标引词表,并编译出版了中文版,分为分类表、字顺表、英汉对照表三卷出版,现已在全国标准情报系统推广使用。为了解决两部标准主题词表不统一的问题,目前150拟议编制一部统一的150主题词表。(周洁)   运动直觉,sport intuition 1)sport intuition运动直觉 1.This study constructs the theory of sport intuition primarily and puts forward some points of view such as: (1) Sport intuition is a kind of thinking for athletes to solve the problem directly and rapidly with limited information in the complex sport situations.初步建构了运动直觉的理论,提出了一些观点与认识,如:1)运动直觉是个体在复杂的运动情境中,根据有限的信息,对问题进行直接地和迅速地解决的思维。 2.This article reviewed research on sport intuition from visual angle of theory discussion and empirical research.运动直觉是个体在复杂的运动情境中 ,根据有限的信息 ,对问题进行直接地和迅速地解决的思维。 3.The study on psychological mechanism of sport intuition is still on its infant phase.运动直觉是直觉的一种独特形式,它历来为很多心理学家关注,从专家-新手模式分析到过程分析,有关运动直觉的研究从未停止。 1.The Experiment on Intuitive Decision-making in Handball Situation & the Primary Theory Construction on Sport Institution;手球运动情境中直觉决策的实验研究与运动直觉理论的初步建构 2.Characteristics of Representations of Intuitive Sport Thinking among Elite Athletes;优秀运动员直觉性运动思维的表征特点 3.Cognitive research on relationship between logic thinking and intuitive thinking in sport thinking运动思维中逻辑与直觉关系的认知研究 4.Experimental Research on Intuitive Thinking of Athletes in Basketball Situation;运动进攻情景中我国高校篮球运动员直觉思维准确性的实验研究 5.Difference between Cognitive Decision-making and Intuitive Decision-making of Male Handball Players in Simulation Situation;男子手球运动员模拟运动情境中认知决策与直觉决策的差异 6.Experimental Research on Cognitive and Intuitive Decision-making of Female Players in Simulated Handball Situation;女子手球运动员模拟运动情境中认知决策与直觉决策的实验研究 7.visuo motor flexibility视觉运动伸缩性视觉运动伸缩性 8.perception of motion size运动大小知觉 运动大小知觉 9.movement self perception本体运动知觉 本体运动知觉 10.Reid movement illusion瑞德运动错觉 瑞德运动错觉 11.object motion perception客体运动知觉 客体运动知觉 12.Nevertheless, it remains asymmetric in early-onset strabismus.但是在早发性斜视的病人,则一直维持看不对称的运动觉。 13.Man never directly perceives motion with speed greater than a tiny fraction of the speed of light.人们从来未曾直接觉察到速率比光速大极小一个因子的运动。 14.Experimental Research on Intuitive Thinking of Athletes in Basketball Attacking Situation;篮球比赛进攻情景中运动员直觉思维的实验研究 15.Development and Examination of Player Intuitive Thinking Test System in Basketball Aggression Situation;篮球比赛进攻情境中运动员直觉思维测试系统的研制与检验 16.Of the Influence of Different Logic Backgrounds on the Effect of Taekwondo Athletes' Intuition Thinking不同逻辑背景对跆拳道运动员直觉思维效果的影响 17.We sometimes act on instinct.我们有时凭直觉而行动。 18.a flash of inspiration, intuition, etc灵机一动、 直觉的感触. Cultivation motor intuition运动直觉培养 3)intuitive sport thinking直觉性运动思维 1.To explore the characteristics of representations of intuitive sport thinking among elite athletes, 20 experts and 22 novices were involved in simulated competitive situations in badminton.采用口语报告法 ,对 2 0名优秀羽毛球运动员 (专家 )和 2 2名体育专业大学生 (新手 )在 6种访谈情景中的问题表征特点进行了研究 ,以期揭示直觉性运动思维的本质特征。 4)Theory of Sport Intuition运动直觉理论 5)On motorintuition试论运动直觉 6)sport intuitive thinking运动直觉思维 1.This paper summarizes the impact of logical thinking on sport intuitive thinking and analyzes cognitive research on relationship between logical thinking and intuitive thinking in sport thinking.运动直觉思维是复杂运动情境中的主要运动思维形式,是运动思维能力的核心。 义务直觉主义(见直觉主义伦理学)义务直觉主义(见直觉主义伦理学)obligatory intuitivism  丫lwU zhljue之卜口丫l见义务直觉主义 直觉主义伦理学。(obligatory intuitivism)   核心力量训练,core strength training 1)core strength training核心力量训练 1.Applied Research on Core Strength Training Being Used in the Action Chain of Final Push in the Throwing核心力量训练在投掷项目最后用力动作链中的应用研究 2.Recently,the core strength training has aroused in motor-boat anglicizing.核心力量训练作为摩托艇驾驶训练中较新的训练观念正在逐渐被重视。 3.By literature,expert interviews,experimental method and mathematical statistics,with 6 boys in the Wushu athletes as the experiment object of study,on the basis of the theory of the specific strength training and the core strength training,it leads the core stability strength training into the specific strength training for the first time.运用文献资料、专家访谈、实验及数理统计等研究方法,以三峡大学高水平武术运动员6名男生为实验研究对象,以专项力量训练理论和核心力量训练理论为理论依据,结合武术专项力量训练的特点及多年从事武术专业教学与训练的实际,首次将核心稳定力量训练理论引入到武术运动员的专项力量训练之中,其目的在于通过提高运动员核心区域的核心稳定力量水平,提高其核心区域相关肌群协同做功的能力及神经对肌肉的控制能力和完成高难度动作的稳定性。 1.Experimental Research on Sling Exercise Therapy in Core Strength Training悬吊训练技术在核心力量训练中的实验研究 2.A Experimental Research of Core Strength Training for Tennis Players网球运动员核心力量训练实验性研究 3.Exploration on the Core Strength Training of Wushu竞技武术套路运动核心力量训练研究 4.The Traditional Wushu Power Training Methods and Modern Core Strength Training中国传统武术功法与现代核心力量训练的研究 5.Preliminary Studies on Chinese Excellent Male Sanda Athlete of Core Power Training我国优秀男子散打运动员核心力量训练初探 6.Applied Research on Core Strength Training Being Used in the Action Chain of Final Push in the Throwings核心力量训练在投掷项目最后用力动作链中的应用研究 7.Effect of core strength training on improving athletic ability of women sprinters核心力量训练对提高女子短跑运动员竞技能力的研究 8.Core strength can and should be developed at every level of the Pilates repertoire and not only at the fundamental stage.在各个级别的普拉提动作中,都需要进行核心力量训练。 9.College Tennis Players the Forceat the Core of the Preferred Means of Training and Applied Research高校网球运动员核心力量训练手段的优选与应用研究 10.On the Core Pow er Training of Skill- ruling Antagonistic Group of Combat技能主导类格斗对抗性项群核心力量训练的研究 11.Core training of elite free air skiing athletes自由式滑雪空中技巧项目运动员核心力量训练研究 12.Experimental study of core stability strength training leading into the specific strength training in Wushu武术专项力量训练引入核心稳定力量训练的实验研究 13.Monitoring for Outstanding Female Rowers During Core Training and Normal Strength Training优秀女子赛艇运动员核心力量与一般力量训练监控的研究 14.Core Strength has become the focus of many exercise programs today, and justifiably so.现在,核心力量已经成为许多训练方法的焦点,这不是没有根据的。 15.Discussion on Core Strength and Training in Competitive Sports--Origin,Problem,Development;论核心力量及其在竞技体育中的训练——起源·问题·发展 16.Competitive ability is the kernel concept of training theory.竞技能力是运动训练学的核心概念。 17.Exploration on Working Thoughts of Technological Innovation and Students Core Ability Training;科技创新与学生核心能力训练的探索 18.Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Centre安卡拉核研究训练中心 core ability training核心能力训练 1.Ideological-political education and undergraduate quality education in our college considered,the scientific and technical inno- vation and core ability training are the most sinificant jobs in the next phase.科技创新工作和核心能力训练工作是下个阶段我院进行思想政治教育和大学生素质教育的重要抓手,是我院进行人才培养的重要手段。 3)core training核心训练 1.This paper emphasizes on the summary of core training,functional training and recovery training combining the new training methods which have great effects on the sports training modes and sports results in recent years.结合近年来对运动训练模式和运动成绩产生重大影响的新的训练方法,重点介绍了核心训练、功能性训练、康复性训练,指出这些训练方法在军人体能训练中的移植与借鉴,对丰富军事体能训练内容与方法,为战斗力更好更快地生成服务起到积极作用。 4)strength training力量训练 1.Effect of strength training on depression and manoamine transmitters in female college students with depression symptoms;力量训练对抑郁女大学生抑郁状态、单胺递质水平的影响 2.New perspectives on strength training for sprinters;短跑运动员力量训练方法学新探 5)power training力量训练 1.Experimental research on applying approach run and touch basket board to power training for high jump;助跑摸高在跳高力量训练中应用的实验研究 2.The research of three different down squat action on power trainingto increase velocity on the midway in sprint;三种不同下蹲动作的力量训练对提高短跑途中跑能力的研究 3.A further discussion of the sprinters power training;对现代短跑运动员力量训练的再认识 6)strength training auxiliaries力量训练器 1.The pressure-giving strength training auxiliaries that we exploited can be easily controlled,puffing and adjusting pressure accurately, it is easy to be operated.本课题研制的加压力量训练器充气加压迅速,压力控制准确,操作使用方便,成本低廉。 法人权利能力和行为能力的准据法  关于法人的权利能力和行为能力,按照抵触规则所应适用的某一有关国家的实体法。    法人的属人法  法人是由法律赋予以独立的法律人格的。一个组织或实体在什么情况下才可以成为法人,具有法律人格即法人资格,各国法律的规定很不一致。例如法国的法律对于任何民事或商业性质的合伙,都可赋予独立的法律人格,而英、美及瑞士等国家的法律,却不认为合伙可以具有独立的法律人格。关于这种法律人格的有无问题或关于法人的一般权利能力的有无问题,如果发生法律抵触,在国际私法上,历来认为应依法人的属人法来解决。但确定法人的属人法的标准,在各国理论和实践中又有以下两种主张:    本座说  认为法人的属人法应依它的"本座"来决定;其属人法即其"本座"所在地的法律。但对本座又有两种不同的理解:一种理解认为本座是指管理中心地或称主事务所而言。一般说来,这里是法人的董事会作出重要决定和实行中央控制的地方,也是它完成许多重要的法律行为的地方,如签订关于收购原料、出售产品等的重要合同,大都是集中在这里进行。欧洲大陆许多国家以及日本和南美阿根廷、巴西、墨西哥、委内瑞拉等国,都采取这种主张。另一种理解认为本座是指营业中心地或称开发中心地而言,就是公司进行生产、交易、投资或其他活动的地方,如工厂、矿山等都是。这种营业中心地可以同时分散在几个不同的国家,因而这种主张在实际上是很少采用的。    成立地说  认为法人的属人法应依它的成立地来决定,其属人法即其据以成立的那个国家(或法域)的法律,亦即它的成立地的法律。根据这种主张,法人是按照一定国家的法律创设起来的,它是从该法律而获得其存在的,因此,一个法人依什么国家的法律成立,该国的法律就是它的属人法。英美法系国家,以及秘鲁、古巴、危地马拉、菲律宾等国,都采取这种主张。    不过,一个公司的创办人,往往可能为了自身的利益,故意规避本国法律的较严规定,而选择在另一国家依该国较为宽大的法律成立法人;这种法律规避的情况在美国尤为常见,特别是规避本州的法律。第二次世界大战以后,国际上有一种明显的倾向,即主张以成立地和本座地相结合作为确定法人的属人法和承认法人的法律人格的一个标准。 例如1951年第7届海牙国际私法会议制订的《承认外国公司、社团和财团法律人格公约》(截至1983年3月1日尚未生效)就规定:在一个缔约国内依该国法律注册成立的法人,其他缔约国应予以承认;但如其他缔约国认为其真正本座是在内国或甚至是在第三国内,则对依上述法律所取得的法律人格可不予承认。又如1965年10月9日国际法学会关于股份公司的决议,也有类似的主张。    法人的属人法,不仅决定法人是否存在,是否具有独立的法律人格,是否具有一般的权利能力,它还决定:①法人机关的组织、其代表权的范围和限制、法人与社员的关系、社员的权利和义务。②法人能享有什么权利,即特别权利能力问题;能为什么法律行为,即行为能力问题。这不仅决定于法人的属人法,同时还决定于行为地法及其他应适用的法律。③法人的解散和效果等等。    对外国法人的承认  法人虽然依其属人法具有独立的法律人格,但不是在所属国家以外的任何国家也当然具有这种独立的人格。一个外国法人,通常必须经过内国的承认才能在内国作为一个法人而存在,才能被认为具有独立的法律人格。    法人的国籍  一个国家在承认外国法人以前,必须先解决该法人的国籍问题。关于法人是否也象自然人那样可以具有国籍,在学者中间虽有争论,但多数学者认为法人的国籍这个概念十分必要。至于确定法人国籍的标准,英美国家的学者一般主张以法人的成立地为标准,欧洲大陆国家的学者一般主张以法人的本座为标准。这和确定法人的属人法的标准完全一致。因此法人的属人法也就是法人的本国法。    承认的行政手续  大多数国家对外国法人的承认,并不需要有特殊的行政手续,只要外国法人依其属人法已经成立,内国即可予以承认。如英、美就是这样。但有些国家比较严格,外国法人必须经过行政机关的特别许可,才能予以承认。例如联邦德国对于非商业性质的法人组织,就需要有这种特别许可,否则这种组织在联邦德国境内就不具有法人资格。而对于商业性质的组织,如股份有限公司,则不需要有这种特殊的承认行为。又如法国甚至对商业性质的公司,也需要有特殊的命令才能予以承认。    承认的性质  承认一个外国法人,并不是把它转变为一个内国法人,而只意昧着这个外国法人在内国也被认为有法人资格。这种承认,只具有确认或宣示的性质,而没有创设的性质。应当认为某一外国组织是法人,或应认为它不具备独立的法律人格,而只是若干自然人的总和,应依该组织的属人法来决定。承认只是确认依外国属人法应认为是法人的外国法人在内国也是法人。    对外国法人权利能力和行为能力的限制  一个外国法人在内国被承认为法人后,虽具有法人的一般权利能力,但并不意味着就可自由地在内国享有任何权利或进行任何活动,而不受任何限制。外国法人在内国能享有什么权利和进行什么活动,即它在内国的特别权利能力和行为能力的范围,除应受它的属人法的支配外,还必须同时受内国法的支配。除条约另有规定外,每个国家都有权自由规定外国法人在内国享有权利和进行活动的范围。例如有些国家规定外国法人不得在内国享有土地所有权,不管依其属人法它是否能享有这种所有权。还有些国家严格限制甚至绝对禁止外国法人在内国经营公用事业、金融、保险等企业。一个国家如何规定外国法人在内国的权利能力和行为能力,主要取决于各国政权的性质、各国的对外政策以及它与外国法人的本国的关系。一般的原则是:外国法人被承认后,可以在其章程的范围内,享有内国的同类法人所能享有的权利,但不能享有较内国的同类法人更多的权利。特别是外国法人如要在内国从事营业活动,内国完全可以根据自己的政策,分别按照各类法人的不同情况,加以限制甚至禁止。   体育用品产业,sports goods industry 1)sports goods industry体育用品产业 1.Analyzing the present situation of the sports goods industry and the competition between the foreign and the native enterprises.针对目前我国体育用品产业的现状和国内外企业的竞争态势进行了分析,强调其组织结构战略的发展方向为大集团战略和虚拟组织战略,并加以讨论。 2.This paper studied the pertinent concepts and the internal operation mechanism of sports goods industry standardization.对体育用品产业标准化的相关概念进行分析,探讨了体育用品产业标准化战略的内部运行机制。 3.This paper analyzed the promoting effect of Beijing Olympic Games on China's sports goods industry with the methods of theoretical analysis and literature material.采用理论分析和文献资料法,分析了北京奥运会对我国体育用品产业发展的促进作用。 1.The Current Situation and Development Countermeasure of Sports Goods Industry in China;我国体育用品产业的现状与发展对策 2.Influence of China s entry into WTO on Chinese sport goods industry;加入WTO对中国体育用品产业的影响 3.A Research on the Industrial Infrastructure and Distribution of China s Sports Requisites;我国体育用品产业结构和布局的研究 4.A Comparison on Sporting Goods Industry Cluster between Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province浙江、广东体育用品产业集群比较研究 5.Study on Regional Brand Construction for Sporting Goods Industrial Cluster in China我国体育用品产业集群区域品牌建设探讨 6.The Regional Brand of Sports Goods in Manufacture Industrial Clustering in China我国体育用品产业集群的区域品牌建设研究 7.The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Sporting Goods Industry Standardization in China;我国体育用品产业标准化现状与对策研究 8.Study on the Present Situation and Development Countermeasures of China s Sporting Goods Industry;我国体育用品产业的现状及发展战略探究 9.Discussion on Sporting Goods Industry Collection in Jinjiang Area of Fujian Province;浅议福建省晋江地区体育用品产业集群化 10.Research on Development and Governmental Policies of Sports Product Industrial Clustering in China;我国体育用品产业集群发展及政府政策研究 11.Research on China Sporting Goods Industry Market Mechanism;对我国体育用品产业市场结构特征的研究 12.Research on Current Condition and Development of Sports Product Industrial Clustering in China;我国体育用品产业集群的现状与发展研究 13.The Oppprtunities and Challenges Brought by WTO to the Chinese Industries of P.E Appliances;加入WTO对我国体育用品产业的机遇与挑战 14.Discussion on the Innovation of the Strategy of the Organizational Structure on the Sports Goods Industry in China;我国体育用品产业的组织结构战略创新 15.Discuss of Internationalization Expand of Our Country s GymThings Industry After Entering WTO;加入WTO后我国体育用品产业的国际化拓展 16.Evaluation and Analysis on Innovation Capability of Sporting Goods Industry of Fujian,Zhejiang and Guangdong Province闽、浙、粤体育用品产业创新能力的评价与分析 17.Analysis On the Industry Upgrade of China's Sport Goods in the Global Value Chain全球价值链下我国体育用品产业升级的研究 18.Foundation of the Sports Industry in Our Country--Sports Gads Industry;我国体育产业的基础——体育用品业 sporting goods industry体育用品产业 1.Using the theoretical analysis and the method of literature material,this paper studied the conception of sporting goods industry standardization,based on it discussed the necessity in carrying out sporting goods industry standardization.采用理论分析和文献资料法,对体育用品产业标准化的概念进行分析,在此基础上探讨我国大力推进和实施体育用品产业标准化的必要性。 2.Through studying the international competitiveness in other industry,combining the feature of Chinese sporting goods industry,the authors put forward the evaluation system of the sporting goods industry,and gave the index meaning and evaluation method.运用文献资料法及比较研究法,在借鉴其他产业国际竞争力评价指标体系的基础上,结合我国体育产业特点,从现实竞争力和潜在竞争力两个方面对我国体育用品产业国际竞争力指标评价体系进行设计,并进一步给出了指标体系内指标的含义及测定方法。 3)sports product industrial clustering体育用品产业集群 4)sports goods company体育用品生产企业 5)sport goods industry体育用品业 1.However,E-commerce grows slowly in Chinese sport goods industry.然而,电子交易在中国体育用品业中发展缓慢,制约发展的因素包括网络普及程度和体育用品企业电子商务化程度不高、与电子交易配套的相关体系不健全、消费者对网上购物不信任等等。 2.According to the selecting criterion of the sport leading industry which based on the theory of industrial economics, sport fitness industry, professional sport industry and sport goods industry should be select as the sport leading industry in China.以产业经济学理论为指导确定的体育主导产业选择的三大标准,并以此为立足点认为我国应把健身娱乐业、竞赛表演业和体育用品业作为体育主导产业。 6)sports goods industry体育用品业 1.The Discussion of the Developmemt of Rural Market for Sports Goods Industry;试论体育用品业的农村市场拓展 2.The study of our sports goods industry how to development through China's sporting-goods fair by the law of date,logic and so on.通过文献资料法、逻辑分析等方法对中国体育用品业如何借助体博会这一平台进行研究,以便更好地促进中国体育用品业的飞速发展,并为我国相关的体育用品业主管部门提供参考依据。 3.After entering the WTO,our sports goods industry will not only face the intense competitiveness from domestic sports goods industries,but also encounter big challenge from international corporations.在加入WTO的今天,我国体育用品业不仅要面对日益激烈的国内同行业的竞争,同时还将面临国际同行业的强大挑战,因此了解当前体育用品业发展现状,深入分析影响我国体育用品业国际竞争力的因素,培育和提升我国体育用品国际竞争力是当前我们需要深入研究的一项重要课题。 苏联体育  苏联管理体育运动的最高机构是部长会议体育运动委员会。它的任务包括:制订和实施有科学依据的群众体育锻炼制度,建立高水平运动员的训练体系;协调科研计划,收集体育运动情报;制订竞赛规程、比赛规则,登记最高纪录;组织比赛和监督其他团体举办的比赛,监督所有团体与单位的体育工作;宣传体育运动,与工会、共青团和其他组织一起,加强运动员的思想教育工作;培训和有效地使用体育干部;协调体育器材、设备的生产与分配,修建体育场馆;组织国际交往等。它通过各加盟共和国及边疆区、州、市、区体委行使管理职能,形成全国统一的领导体育运动的国家机构系统。    苏联的社会体育组织主要包括志愿体育协会和单项运动协会,在体委领导、协调下开展工作。目前苏联有40个志愿体协, 其中 10个属于行业系统(公安、军队、机械、军工、 地方工业、 铁路、海运、职业技术教育、高教、中小学),30个属于加盟共和国。全国现有体协基层组织22万个;从1960年起,基层体协完成一定指标,即可授予运动俱乐部称号,运动俱乐部有权颁发等级运动员称号,组织集训、派队参加全苏比赛,此类运动俱乐部全国已有7000多个。单项运动协会是在1959年由体委领导下的单项运动部(创立于1924年)发展成立的。目前除技巧、登山、羽毛球、篮球、拳击、摔跤、柔道、自行车、水球、滑水、排球、竞技体操、韵律体操、击木、划船、皮划艇、速度滑冰、马术、田径、滑雪、冬季两项、高山滑雪、帆船、游泳、消防、跳水、蹦床、橄榄球、手球、雪橇、现代五项、碟靶射击、射击、射箭、网球、乒乓球、举重、击剑、花样滑冰、足球、冰上曲棍球、曲棍球、冰球、国际象棋、跳棋等项目建有协会外,尚有体育宣传、体育电影电视、运动医学、体育记者等协会。另有支援陆海空军志愿协会,领导开展全国的飞机、 直升飞机、跳伞、 滑翔、汽车、摩托车、无线电、潜水、摩托艇、射击、模型及其他国防体育项目。    据1981年上半年统计,苏联现有体育学院25所(包括分院3所),大学和师范学院体育系94个。设在莫斯科的全苏体育科学研究所是体育科研的大本营,此外尚有列宁格勒、第比利斯两个体育科研所,以及9所体育学院的研究机构。现有体育场(1500个座位以上者)3400多个;室外运动场约60万个;球类,体操等馆、房近7万个;室内游泳池1400多个。     近年来,苏联中、小学生中参加学校体育团体锻炼的接近2000万,每年通过《劳卫制》的有1000多万。1954年以来每两年举行 1届全苏中学生运动会;1964年起举办全国学生单项比赛;1975年开始举行以班级为单位参加的"希望之起点"儿童运动会。课余训练的主要形式是少年儿童体育学校、体育班级和体育寄宿学校。目前全苏有少年体校6000余所。    《准备劳动与卫国》全苏体育综合制度(简称《劳卫制》,自1930年开始推行以来,屡经补充修订,目前包括6级(7~60岁),1935年又创立全苏运动员统一等级制度,按奥运会周期,每4年修订1次标准,包括3级运动员、2级运动员、1级运动员、候补运动健将、运动健将、国际级运动健将(奥运会、世界锦标赛前6名水平);少年运动员(多数项目规定为15~18岁)另设3级、2级、1级;民族体育设"加盟共和国民族形式项目运动健将"为其最高级别。近年来每年通过等级运动员约2000万,其中运动健将8000名左右。教练员、裁判员也各自建立相应的等级制度。    苏联除了按单项组织全苏锦标赛、杯赛、重点地区或重点训练单位对抗赛等多种形式的全国性竞赛外,还举办全苏综合性运动会,包括:"希望之起点"儿童运动会、中学生运动会、青年运动会、农村运动会、全苏运动会。苏联自1952年、1956年分别参加奥林匹克运动会、冬季奥林匹克运动会以来,非正式团体总分一直居第1、2位,迄今总共获得奥运会前3名奖牌1018枚。(见彩图)    综合分类,comprehensive classification 1)comprehensive classification综合分类 1.The comprehensive classification system of mire (CCSM) is based on the single element classification of mire, therefore it is a more complex and higher classification of mire.国内外沼泽的综合分类仍在探索中。 2.Based on the systematic comparison of existing classification systems, a comprehensive classification system for wetlands is presented in this paper, from wh.本文在总结吸收湿地分类已有成果的基础上,比较了已有方法的优劣,提出了一种动力与成因相结合的综合分类法,并讨论了各个分类等级上分类因子的定量描述方法,从而在一定程度上保证了湿地分类的通用性和定量性。 1.International Organization of Plant Biosystematists国际植物综合分类学家组织 2.Comprehensive Classified Management of Hospital Drug Storeroom医院药库药品综合分类管理方法研究 3.Studies on Classfication and Synthesis of Composite Dynamic Loads;综合动态负荷特性的分类与综合研究 4.Preschool Integrated Education Resources Classification Based on Rule and Rocchio Classifier基于规则和Rocchio分类器的学前综合教育资源分类 5.Integrated System of Classifications of Activities and Produces活动和产品分类综合系统 6.Analysis and Synthesis of Some Classes of Constraint Hamilton Systems;几类约束Hamilton系统的分析与综合 7.Analysis and Synthesis for a Class of Discrete-time Switched Systems;一类离散时间切换系统的分析与综合 8.Application of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Inventory Classification;模糊综合评判法在库存分类中的应用 9.Economic Types and Comprehensive Economic Districts in Xinjiang;新疆经济类型的划分及综合经济区划 10.Strategies on Classified Vocabulary Teaching in Comprehensive Chinese Course to Foreigners;对外汉语综合课词汇分类教学的策略 11.Utilization of the waste material from the filleting process of sea fish海洋鱼类分割加工废弃物的综合利用 12.A Design Plan of A Cross-classify-integrate Individual Income Taxation交叉型分类综合个人所得税税制设计 13.The Application of Fuzzy Clustering Method in the Classification of Urban Comprehensive Competitiveness;模糊聚类在城市综合竞争力分类中的应用 14.The flrst grade─ class of the comprehensive and sequential classification adopted a numericalclassification.草原综合顺序分类法的第一级─类采用数量化的分类方法。 15.A Sole Feasible Solution for Personal Income Tax Reform: Accelerating to Integrate the Comprehensive Income Tax System with the Classified One;个税改革:还是要加快向综合与分类结合制转轨 16.Application of classified modificative integration method of benchmark land-price in the land-price evaluation.;基准地价分类修正综合法在综合用地地价评估中的应用 17.Evaluation of Mine Ventilation System Based on Gray Cluster Analysis and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation基于灰色聚类分析—模糊综合评价的矿井通风系统综合评价 18.Selecting The Most Appropriate Mining Method by Means of Fuzzy Comprehensive Multistage Evaluation分等分类多级模糊综合评判优选采矿方法 overall classification综合分类法 3)Classification and synthesis分类与综合 1.The classification and synthesis are the effective ways to solve the time-varying problem in electrical load,as well as the key link in load modeling utilization.分类与综合是解决负荷时变性问题的有效途径,是负荷建模实用化的关键。 4)classified and aggregate分类和综合 5)BAGGING Classification AlgorithmBAGGING综合分类 6)integrated classifier综合分类器 1.Design of a new type integrated classifier for network intrusion detection system;网络入侵检测系统的新型综合分类器 茶叶的分类——按茶树品种不同来分类茶叶的分类——按茶树品种不同来分类  因为中国地大物博,茶树品种种类繁多。这里选择我国台湾省常见品种介绍:青心乌龙(软枝乌龙、小叶乌龙)、台茶27号(金萱)、台茶29号(翠玉)、铁观音、水仙、四季春等品种,在这里仅以台湾的茶树品种来分类。又因茶树为杂交之灌木植物,故其变化也很大。  青心乌龙:属于小叶种,适合制造部分发酵的晚生种,由于本品种是一个极有历史并且被广泛种植的品种,因此有〔青心乌龙〕,〔种仔〕,〔种茶〕,〔软枝乌龙〕等别名。树型稍小,属于开张型,枝叶较密生,幼芽成紫色,叶片狭长椭圆形,叶肉稍厚柔软富弹性,叶色浓绿富光泽。本品种所制成的包种茶不但品质优良,且广受消费者喜好,故成为本省栽植面积最广的品种,可惜树势较弱,易患枯枝病且产量低。  青心:属于小叶种,适制性极广的中生种茶树,常用的别名有〔青心〕。树型中等属于稍横张型,幼芽肥大而密生洱毛,呈紫红色,叶片为狭长略成披针型到长椭圆形,以正中央部位最阔,叶缘锯齿较锐利,叶色呈暗绿色,叶肉稍厚带硬。本品种因树势强,产量高且适制性广,因此种植面积经常居全省第一,其中以制造乌龙及俗称口风茶的台湾乌龙茶品质最高。但近年来的种植面积则居第二,主要分布于桃园,新竹,苗栗三县。  台茶十二号:别名金萱,系统代号-2027,经过四十三年的选育后,才在民国七十年命名的新品种,由于所制造的包种茶具有独特的香味,因此广受消费者的喜好,加上其中早生,强健,高产且适合机采的特性,因此种植面积在稳定的增加中。台茶十二号树型较大,属于稍具直立性的横张型,芽密度高,幼芽大,绿中带紫,洱毛密度略少于青心乌龙,但制造时较不易脱落,故成茶上可看到明显的洱毛。叶片大型呈椭圆型,叶缘锯齿较疏,叶肉稍厚,浓绿且富光泽。由于树势强健,环境适应力强,高产,品质佳且广受消费者欢迎,因此全省各茶区均有种植。  台茶十三号:别名翠玉,系统代号-2029,与台茶十二号同一时期选育所得。属于中早生适制包种茶的新品种,树型较大,芽色较紫,洱毛密度略低,叶片则较狭长,略大且厚,叶片两侧较上卷,叶缘锯齿较大且粗钝,叶色较绿且更具光泽。本品种较疏且不易机采,加上产量略低于台茶十二号,故初期种植不多,但由于滋味奇佳,并具强烈花香,因此日渐受到欢迎。  硬枝红心:别名大广红心,是从福建引进的本省四大名种之一。属于早生种适合制造包种茶之品种,树型大且直立,枝叶稍疏,幼芽肥大且密生洱毛,呈紫红色,叶片形状与台茶十二号及台茶十三号接近,但锯齿较锐利,树势强健,产量中等。本品种大部分分布在台北县淡水茶区,目前以石门乡居多,所制成的条型或半球型包种茶,具有特殊香味,但因成茶色泽较差而售价较低,制造铁观音茶泽外观优异且滋味良好,品质与市场需求有直追铁观音种茶树所制造产品的趋势。  大叶乌龙:本省四大名种之一。属于早生种,适合制造绿茶及包种茶品种,树型高大直立枝叶较疏,芽肥大洱毛多呈淡红色,叶片大型且呈椭圆形,叶色暗绿,叶肉厚树势强,但收成量中等。本品种目前则零星散布于台北县汐止,深坑,石门等地区,面积逐年减少中。  铁观音:属于小叶种,晚生种适制铁观音茶,树型大枝条粗,但枝叶及芽密度很疏,幼芽稍带红色,叶型长椭圆至狭长型,平铺,叶缘起伏大,呈波浪状,锯齿大但不锐利,叶肉极厚且富有光泽,树势较弱且收成量少,本品种目前仅栽培于台北市文山区的木栅地区,是最佳的铁观音茶种。  四季春:是由木栅地区茶农选出之茶种,属小叶型,极早生之包种茶品种,树型中大型且开张,枝叶及芽密生,幼芽呈淡红色,叶型较近纺锤型,两端较尖锐,叶色淡绿,具细且锐之锯齿,叶肉厚且具光泽,树势强,采摘期极长且收成量高。 偏联系数,Partial connection number 1)Partial connection number偏联系数 1.Based on the problem of partial connection number,this paper presents a ranking of interval number method for partial connection number.针对偏联系数问题,提出了一种基于偏联系数的区间数排序方法。 2.Based on the set pair analysis(SPA) of partial connection number this paper presented a decision making model of partial connection number,and an example was given,it was manifested that this method was not only a simple and convenient,but also was an effective method.在集对分析的基础上针对联系数问题,提出了一种基于偏联系数的决策模型,并通过具体的实例说明该方法简单有效。 3.Based on the set pair analysis(SPA) of partial connection number for connection number theory method in which both the certain and uncertain problems.在集对分析的基础上针对联系数问题,利用联系数中关于不确定与确定性问题的理论方法,提出了一种基于偏联系数的决策模型,并通过该方法证实了算法的简单有效性。 1.Apply of Partial Connection Number in the Analysis Development Trend of Bidding Enterprise;偏联系数在投标企业发展趋势分析中的应用 2.The Relevancy of CPI Bias and Engel's Coefficient AbnormityCPI偏差与恩格尔系数异常的关联度 3.A systematic deviation of a value from a reference value.某数值偏离参考值的一种系统偏差。 4.horizontal-time dilution of precision钟偏差系数(gps用语 5.confidence interval for partial regression coefficients偏回归系数的置信区间 6.underrepresented member states(在联合国)任职人数偏低的会员国 7.The reported 257 experimental data for 21 systems were well correlated and the total absolute average deviation (δAAD) is 1.15%.对21个体系257个氨基酸溶解度数据进行了关联,总体绝对平均偏差为1.15%。 8.Migraine and obesity are associated in several ways.偏头痛和肥胖在多个方面存在联系。 9.outlying villages, with poor communications与外界联系不便的偏僻村落. 10.A New Method of Track Correlation with System Bias一种系统偏差条件下的航迹关联方法 11.Multiple frequency-offset in VMA-OFDM system and MLE algorithm for channel-jointVMA-OFDM系统中多频偏和信道联合MLE算法 12.No Bus Bias – The bus system has lost connection with all modules that provide bias.无母线偏压 ‐母线系统已失去与提供偏压模组的联系 13.The hardening function was formed by incorporating an equivalent plastic deviator strain and a volume strain.联合等效塑性偏应变和体应变构造硬化函数. 14.Parametre Analysis on Lateral-Torsional Coupling of Soil-asymmetric Structure Interaction System;偏心结构—地基土相互作用平扭耦联参数分析 15.Comparison and Application of Standardized Regressive Coefficient & Partial Correlation Coefficient;标准化系数与偏相关系数的比较与应用 16.Application of Correlation Coefficient and Biased Correlation Coefficient in Related Analysis;相关系数与偏相关系数在相关分析中的应用 17.Structural Influencing Coefficient of Eccentrically K-braced Steel Frames;K型偏心支撑钢框架的结构影响系数 18.Mathematical Analysis on Commensalism Lotka_Volterra Model of Populations;偏害关系的Lotka_Volterra模型的数学研究 Partial positive connection number偏正联系数 3)Partial negative connection number偏负联系数 4)partial connection number ME偏联系数物元 5)polarization coefficient偏振系数 1.Thus in common receiving gathers,firstly calculate the polarization coefficient of direct wave for each trace,and then use the resulted coefficients as weights to determine the main polarization direction in detector coordinates via weighted least square metho.因而,可以在共检波点道集中,首先计算各道直达波的偏振系数,再用偏振系数作为权系数,采用加权最小二乘算法直接计算出检波器坐标中的主偏振方向,以此准确估算出检波器方位。 6)Deviation factor偏差系数 1.With a drop in formation pressure, the parameters which closely related to the flow coefficient of the exponential deliverability equation are varied, such as gas deviation factor, gas viscosity, reservoir permeability, effective thickness and so on.随着地层压力的下降,与指数式产能方程流动系数密切相关的参数,如天然气偏差系数、天然气粘度、气层渗透率、有效厚度等都是变化的。 2.On the basis of analysis of the raw materials,using the fineness modulus of aggregate mixture,the deviation factor of synthetic gradation and objective gradation as technical indexes,the best aggregate ratio is attained through the application of computer operations.在骨料原材料分析的基础上,以合成级配与目标级配的偏差系数、骨料混合料的细度模数作为技术指标,通过计算机应用程序的运算,获得定量化的骨料最佳级配。 直接联系与间接联系  普遍联系的两种重要形式。直接联系在时间、空间和层次上比较接近的事物、要素之间所发生的相互依赖、相互制约的关系。间接联系指事物和现象之间通过较多的中介、中间环节而发生的相互依赖和相互制约的联系。事物间的直接联系和间接联系的界限是相对的,绝对的直接联系,不需要任何中介的联系是没有的。一般来说,在时间、空间和层次上间隔距离越大、中间环节越多的事物之间,联系越带有间接性;反之,就越具有直接性。    直接联系和间接联系在事物发展过程中所起的作用不同。直接联系具有当下直接现实性的特征,因而对事物的存在和发展起比较现实的重要作用;间接联系由于经过较多的中间环节和中介,其作用的程度往往不具有直接联系那样的现实性。在社会生活中,生产力决定生产关系、生产关系反作用于生产力以及二者构成的矛盾运动的规律,是社会现象间最直接的联系,因而对社会及其发展起重要的决定性作用。作为上层建筑的艺术、道德、哲学和宗教等社会意识形态同生产力的联系,则通过经济基础(生产关系)的中介和折光,它们同生产力的联系较为间接一些,对社会生产力发展的作用就不如生产关系和生产力的联系那样的根本和直接。    在实践活动中,应首先抓住事物间的直接联系,但也不可忽视事物的间接联系。间接联系和直接联系一样,往往也体现着本质联系,并且对事物的发展有着重要作用。一般说来,事物、现象间的直接联系,容易引起人们的注意,间接联系易为人们所忽视。所以,人们要全面地理解和把握事物,就必须通过把握事物的直接联系进而把握事物的间接联系,从联系的总体上揭示事物的本质,揭示现象间交互作用的复杂情景以及各种联系在事物发展中的具体作用。   体质指数(BMI),body mass index(BMI) 1)body mass index(BMI)体质指数(BMI) 1.Distributive Characteristics of Body Mass Indices (BMI) of University Students in Shanghai;上海市大学生体质指数(BMI)的分布特征 2.Distribution Characteristics and Analysis of Students Body Mass Index(BMI) in Changchun Normal University长春师范学院大学生体质指数(BMI)的分布特征与分析 3.Intervention Research on Student’s Physical Fitness with Abnormal BMI Index in Higher Vocational Colleges高职院校BMI指数异常学生身体素质干预研究 4.Research on the Physique of Inland College Students of Tibetan Nationality with Different BMI Indexes不同BMI指数的内地藏族大学生体质特征研究 5.A Study on the Constitution of College Students with Different BMI Indexes高职院校不同BMI指数学生体质特征研究 6.The Contrast Analysis of 1995 and 2005 the University Student Physical Endowment Index Number (BMI) in ChangChun City Varieties;1995、2005年长春市大学生体质指数(BMI)变化的对比分析 7.A Research of Rationality on Methods of Calculating Adult Women s Body Surface Area;成年女子BMI指数与身体机能和素质的相关性比较研究 8.THE CORRELATION ANALYSIS OF THE COLLEGE STUDENTS TAT RATE AND BODYUASS INDEX;大学生体脂率与BMI指数的相关分析 9.The Relationship Between Body-Mass Index (BMI) and the Prevalence Rates of Two Kinds of Diseases Related to Better Living Conditions;体重指数BMI与两种富裕性疾病患病率的关系 10.Research on the Method of Obesity Evaluation Standard Based on the Relationship between Energy Index and Body Mass Index;基于能量指标与体重指数(BMI)关系的评价肥胖标准的方法研究 11.Correlation Analysis between Fat Percentage,BMI and Body Weight Index in Female Heavy Events Athletes;女子重竞技运动员体脂率与BMI、标准体重指数的相关分析 12.Relationship between Body Ingredient and Associated Indexes like BMI of Middle-Aged Ladies in Physical Training;健身中年女性身体成分与BMI等相关指数关系的研究 13.The Study on Effect of Improving Self-concept of Higher Vocational School Students with Abnormal BMI by Group Counseling团体心理辅导促进BMI指数异常高职生自我概念的实验研究 14.Influence on Body Mass Index of Adult Overweight Suffers Treated with Catgut Implantation at Acupoint Plus Auricular-plaster Therapy with Seeds穴位埋线结合耳穴压丸对成人超重者体重指数(BMI)的影响 15.Different Sports Courses Teaching Pattern Experiment to Abnormal BMI Exponent Student Studies不同体育教学模式对BMI指数异常学生的干预实验 16.The Research on the BMI Index of Farmers from Age 20 to 69 in Guangxi;对广西20~69岁农民的BMI指数的研究 17.Tentative Stduy into the Relation Between BMI and Strength among People Aged from 18 to 3918-39岁人群BMI指数与力量关系初探 18.Research on Difference between BMI Classification to Physical Function and Body Shape of Male Police College Students;公安院校大学男生不同BMI指数与身体机能、形态指标的差异性比较研究 body mass index(BMI)体重指数(BMI) 3)body mass index (BMI)体重指数(BMI) 4)BMIBMI指数 1.Research on Difference between BMI Classification to Physical Function and Body Shape of Male Police College Students;公安院校大学男生不同BMI指数与身体机能、形态指标的差异性比较研究 2.OBJECTIVE To evaluate Body Mass Index (BMI) and the relationship with daily life system of school-age students in Harbin.结果用BMI指数判断学龄儿童的肥胖发生情况,在男生10~12岁和13~15岁2个年龄组的肥胖检出率显著高于2000年我国大城市的水平,而女生未表现出来。 3.Objective: to investigate children s BMI and their blood fat level in Yangzhou,study the relationship between overweight or obesity and the blood fat level abnormity.方法统计分析246例体检儿童的BMI指数和血脂水平,以BMI指数水平将246例体检儿童分为正常组和超重或肥胖组,比较两组间多种血脂水平异常的发生率。 5)BMI indexBMI指数 1.Relationship between college students BMI index and psychological health status together with their correlation study;大学生BMI指数与心理健康状况的关系及其相关因素的研究 2.An Analysis of the Heart and Lung Function and BMI Index of Government office Workers in Guangzhou;广州市公务员心肺功能及BMI指数现状的分析 3.This paper makes analyses on the reasons for obesity of the students with abnormal BMI index in higher vocational colleges and finds out the ways to make reasonable effects and interventions on obese student’s constitution by exercise.肥胖已是全球瞩目的公共卫生问题,本文对高职院校BMI指数异常学生中的肥胖成因做出分析研究,找出通过体育锻炼对肥胖学生的身体素质进行合理的影响与干预的方法,辅助以合理的膳食,来改善其异常的BMI指数。 6)body mass indexBMI指数 1.To investigate the difference of body mass index in children and adolescents among Shaanxi province of China, American and Dutch.【目的】 对陕西、美国、荷兰三地儿童青少年BMI指数 (bodymassindex)进行比较 ,分析BMI指数的地区差异 ,为儿童青少年超重、肥胖的评价标准的制定提供参考。 迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数 迁移效率指数、偏好指数和差别指数迁移效率指数是用于测定两地间人口迁移效率的指标。它是净迁移对总迁移之比。计算公式为:EIM一摇寿纂拼又‘。。上式中,}人么夕一材方}为i、]两地净迁移人数;从少+材户为i、]两地总迁移人数;El入了为迁移效率指数。 EIM的取值范围为。至100,如某一地区的值越大,反映迁移的的影响也越大。如果计算i地区与其他一切地区之间的人口迁移效率指数EIM厂,则: }艺材。一芝Mj、}EIM汀艺。+乏M,(j笋i) 迁移偏好指数是从一个地区向另一地区的实际迁移人数与期望迁移人数之比。计算公式为:____M.___材尸2行一:一二子一一不石一二,么M“ 了厂‘.厂‘、八 }二不十二六二1 、厂厂7上式中,M“为从i地迁到j地的实际迁移量;艺材。为总的人口迁移量;尸为总人口;M尸I,j为迁移偏好指数。通过计算迁移偏好指数,可以反映各地区的相对引力。 迁移差别指数是反映具有某种特征的迁移人口与非迁移人口区别的指数。例如,专业技术人员的人数所占比重,各种文化程度人数所占比重等,以便研究人才流失和其他间题。计算公式为:M‘从IMD、一翌不丝xl。。 .义V‘ N上式中,M为迁移人数;M,为具有i特征的迁移人数;N为非迁移人数;N‘为具有i特征的非迁移人数;了八了D、为迁移差别指数。 植物性神经,Autonomic nerves 1)Autonomic nerves植物性神经 1.In the article,we introduced the advance on study of uterine mast cells (MCs) and autonomic innervation of uterus in recent years,expounded effect of autonomic nerves on uterine immunity by uterine MCs and regulation of substance P on uterine immunity.本文概述了近年来子宫的植物性神经支配、子宫肥大细胞 ( MC)的最新研究概况 ,阐述了植物性神经通过子宫肥大细胞对子宫免疫的影响及 P物质对子宫免疫的调节。 2.Most of the experiment rats whose autonomic nerves controlling uterus were cut off couldn′t pregnancy,nidation was delayed in the other rats.选用成年雌性 Wistar大鼠 ,采用外科手术方法分别在妊娠前和妊娠后切断支配大鼠子宫的植物性神经 ,观察了切断神经对 Wistar大鼠着床的影响 ,并用常规组织学方法观察了子宫肥大细胞 ( MC)数的变化。 3.Only general description of autonomic nerves in swine head was found in literatures at home and from abroad, and a description of swine tympanic plexus in detail had not been found.国内外有关文献对猪头部的植物性神经仅作了一般的描述,对猪的鼓室神经丛则未见有详细的描述。 1.skinregetative reflex皮肤植物性神经反射 2.Autonomic nerve is disorder, see the person at introversion disposition commonly; Eat oaten have a look have the effect.植物性神经紊乱,一般见于内向型性格的人;吃燕麦看一看有没有效果。 3.autonomic reflex epilepsy植物神经反射性癫痫 4.plant neurophysiology植物神经系统生理学 5.AN EEG AND CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 135 CHILD PATIENTS WITH AUTONOMIC NERVOUS EPILEPSY135例小儿植物神经性癫痫的脑电图及临床分析 6.Acute Pandysautonomia:Case Report and Review of Literature急性全植物神经失调症(一例报告和文献复习) 7.Preliminary Study on the Biocompatibility of the Silk Fibroin Conduits-Based Nerve Grafts人工神经移植物丝素蛋白导管的生物相容性的初步研究 8.Interpretation of the Biological Essence of Meridians (Jingluo) with Plant Neurobiology and Animal Nerval Evolution从“植物神经生物学”和动物神经进化看经络的生物学本质 9.Clinical study on the role of Shenjinzaitong in patients with PVS after brain injury神经再通口服液治疗脑外伤后持续性植物状态的临床研究 10.The Research and Application of the Recombinant Nerve Substitute Combined with Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells;复合脂肪源性间充质干细胞的重组合神经移植物的研制和应用 11.Study of Pharmacologically Active Constituents with Neurotrophic Factor Potentiating Activity from Two Natural Medicinal Plants;两种药用植物增强脑神经成长因子作用的活性成分研究 12.A branch, as of a plant, nerve, or blood vessel.枝梢如植物、神经或血管的枝杈 13.The Effect of Athletic Training on Cardiac Autonomic Nervous Function;运动训练对心脏植物神经功能的影响 14.Experimental Study of the End-to-side Bypassed Nerve Grafting to a Peroneal Neuroma-in-continuity;神经旁路移植治疗连续性神经瘤的实验研究 15.Experimental Study on Reimplantation of Ventral Root into the Spinal Cord after Brachial Plexus Avulsion;臂丛神经根性撕脱伤后神经根回植的实验研究 16.often cultivated for the decorative foliage.经常作为装饰性植物种植。 17.Effect of bFGF on nerve regeneration correlating with neuron in autogenous nerve transplantation;bFGF对自体神经移植后神经再生和神经元相关性的影响 18.Fuel Oil Plants Screening Model Based on BP Neural Network;基于BP神经网络建立生物燃料油植物筛选模型 autonomic nerve植物性神经 1.In order to study the relation of autonomic nerves and cellular immune in uterus, the uterus samples were collected from SD rats whose autonomic nerves controlling uterus had been cut, and then stained using the toluidine blue.为探讨植物性神经与子宫局部细胞免疫的关系 ,选用性成熟 SD大鼠 ,手术切断支配子宫的植物性神经 ,用组织学方法做子宫的石蜡切片 ,甲苯胺蓝染色 ,镜下计数 ,观察了肥大细胞 ( MC)数的变化。 3)autonomic seizures植物神经性发作 1.Objectives:To explore the relation between epileptiform discharge and children with autonomic seizures.方法:对167例临床诊断为植物神经性发作儿童的24h动态脑电图进行回顾性分析。 4)autnomic epilepsy植物神经性癫痫 5)cardinal autonomic nerve心脏植物性神经 1.The development of a microcomputer-based system for analysis of cardinal autonomic nerve;微机心脏植物性神经分析系统研制 6)Autonomic nervous index植物性神经指数 植物性神经植物性神经vegetative nerve  又称“自主神经”,是整个神经系统的一部分。主要分布于内脏、心血管和腺体。植物性神经中含有内脏感觉纤维和内脏运动纤维,内脏感觉纤维的细胞体亦位于脑、脊神经节中,故一般说植物性神经,主要是指内脏运动成分而言。植物性神经在脑的各中枢,特别是在大脑皮质的控制下调节内脏的活动和机体的新陈代谢,保障内环境的平衡。根据形态和功能的不同,植物性神经又分为交感神经和副交感神经,交感神经在周围分布极广,除在胸腹脏器外,遍及头颈各器官以及全身的血管和皮肤。副交感神经在周围分布不如交感神经广,大部分的血管、汗腺、立毛肌、肾上腺髓质等无副交感神经分布。除以上这些器官外,其他脏器和心脏皆受交感和副交感神经支配。   骨骼肌纤维,skeletal muscle fiber 1)skeletal muscle fiber骨骼肌纤维 1.Transmission electron microscopic observation on skeletal muscle fibers of lipoidosis;脂质沉积症骨骼肌纤维的电镜观察 1.The Contribution of Ezrin in Human Skeletal Muscle Fibers Regeneration;Ezrin蛋白在人类骨骼肌纤维再生过程中的作用 2.A Study on the Transition of Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types under Varied Conditions;骨骼肌纤维类型在不同的条件下的转化研究 3.Preliminary Studies of FoxO1 Regulation Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types Transition in PigFoxO1调控猪骨骼肌纤维类型转化的初步研究 4.Experimental Studies on Reconstruction of Tissue Engineering Rat Skeletal Fibers with Ideal Directivity in Vitro;体外构建具有理想方向性组织工程化大鼠骨骼肌纤维的实验研究 5.Interval Sprint Training and Endurance Training Effect on the Muscle Fiber of Skeletal Muscle;间歇速度训练和耐力训练对大鼠骨骼肌纤维类型的影响 6.Experimental Research on Effect Upon Mice′s Skeletal Muscle Type Brought by Jump Training of Various Intensities;不同强度的跳跃训练对大鼠骨骼肌纤维类型影响的实验研究 7.Effects of Great Intensity Centrifugal Exercise on the Skeleton Muscle Fiber Type and MyoD、Myogenin Expression in Growing Rats大强度离心运动对发育期大鼠骨骼肌纤维类型及MyoD、myogenin表达的影响 8.Modified procedure for the histochemical demonstration of myosin ATPase改良骨骼肌肌纤维分型ATP酶染色方法 9.THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MUSCLE FIBER COMPOSITION AND LACTATE THRESHOLD IN UNTRAINED AND WELL-TRAINED MEN骨骼肌Ⅰ、Ⅱ型纤维组成与乳酸阈的关系 10.Glial fibrillary acidic protein expression in skeletal muscle in mice神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白在小鼠骨骼肌中的表达 11.Effects of auto-skeletal muscle satellite cell transplantation on myocardial fibrosis in myocardial infarction rats骨骼肌卫星细胞移植对心肌梗死大鼠心肌纤维化的影响(英文) 12.It is characterized by the existence of myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), which is a hypersensitive spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle fibers.激痛点是存在于骨骼肌肉纤维里之紧绷肌带上的过度敏感小点。 13.Molecular Mechanism of Porcine Skeletal Muscle Growth and Myofiber Type Distribution;猪骨骼肌生长及肌纤维类型分布的分子机理研究 14.Effect of Aerobic Exercise on PGC-1αExpression and Muscle Type Switch;有氧运动对C57BL/6小鼠骨骼肌PGC-1α表达和肌纤维类型影响的研究 15.Effects of Endurance Training on PPARδ Expression and Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type in C57BL/6 Mice;有氧运动对C57BL/6小鼠骨骼肌PPARδ表达和肌纤维类型的影响 16.Influences of Chronic Hypoxia and Treadmill on Body Weight and Myofibril ATPase Activity of Skeletal Muscle in Rat;慢性低氧跑台训练对大鼠体重及骨骼肌肌原纤维ATPase活性的影响 17.The Two Forms of Glycogenolysis in the Contracting of Different Types of Skeletal Muscles;骨骼肌不同类型肌纤维在收缩中两种形式糖原的分解状况 18.Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on the Composition of Myofiber Types in Skeletal Muscle Cells of Pigs共轭亚油酸对猪骨骼肌肌纤维类型组成的影响研究 single skinned skeletal muscle fiber去膜骨骼肌纤维 3)Skeletal muscle fiber type骨骼肌纤维类型 4)fibrous skeleton纤维骨骼 1.Observation of cardiac fibrous skeleton in goats;山羊心脏纤维骨骼的观测 5)fibrous skeleton心纤维骨骼 1.Object To observe and measure the fibrous skeleton of hog heart, in order to accumulating comparative data for the further study.目的 观测猪心纤维骨骼 ,为猪心的研究和比较解剖学积累资料。 6)Gene Skeletal Muscle α-actin骨骼肌α肌纤蛋白 肌纤维    肌纤维  muscle fiber  即“肌细胞”。因肌细胞呈纤维状故又称肌纤维。肌细胞的结构特点是细胞内含有大量的肌丝、具有收缩运动的特性,是躯体和四肢运动和体内消化、呼吸、循环、排泄等生理活动的动力来源。肌细胞内的基质称“肌浆”,肌细胞的内质网称肌浆网,肌细胞的细胞膜称“肌膜”。肌纤维之间有少量结缔组织、血管、淋巴管及神经。   抗阻运动,Resistance exercise Active resistance motion主动抗阻运动 3)Progressive resistant exercise渐进性抗阻运动 4)Working Impedance运行阻抗 5)operational impedance运算阻抗 6)active resistive (exercise) (AR,A-R)主动阻力运动,主动抗阻训练 α-型抗结晶抗絮凝酞菁蓝分子式:CAS号:性质:红光蓝色粉末。属于稳定α-型晶相。具有良好的耐溶剂稳定性。在溶剂中不发生色光与晶型的转变。日晒牢度7~8级。以铜酞菁母体与甲醛缩合,其产物与N-羟甲基苯二甲酰亚胺反应,生成的N-羟甲基苯二甲酰亚胺衍生物与铜酞菁母体以1:10质量比混合,再经酸溶,析出,过滤,漂洗,干燥得最终产物。用于高档油墨、涂料及塑料的着色。 石器时代,Stone Age 1)Stone Age石器时代 1.Does Acupuncture Therapy Come from Stone Age;针刺疗法起源于石器时代吗? 2.Study on the Essential Process and Their Concept Framework of Formularies an Origin Time of Sport in Stone Age石器时代:体育运动原始形成期的本质过程及其概念框架 3.This paper focuses on the formation of dance in the Stone Age,its perfection during the Shang-Zhou chronology period and its development during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States periods.阐述了石器时代乐舞的形成,夏商周时期舞蹈的完善及春秋战国时期舞蹈的发展。 1.neolithic period【地质】新石器时代 2.A stone implement of the Neolithic Period.新石器新石器时代的石头器具 3.a stone tool from the Neolithic Age.石器时代的石制工具。 4.A stone implement of the Paleolithic Age.旧石器旧石器时代的石头工具 5.Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cultures in West Asia西亚新石器时代和铜石并用时代文化 6.Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cultures in North Africa北非新石器时代和铜石并用时代文化 7.The Stone Age has been divided into two periods: the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age.石器时代分为两个阶段:旧石器时代和新石器时代。 8.Stone Age settlements石器时代的居民点. 9.From the Stone Age to present,从石器时代到今天, 10.the pal(a)eolithic man旧石器时代的人(类) 11.the ethnography of paleolithic humans.旧石器时代的人种研究。 12.The Neolithic Age(New Stone Age)was beginning.新石器时代正在开始。 13.Southeast Asian Palaeolithic Cultures东南亚旧石器时代文化 14.West Asia in the Palaeolithic西亚旧石器时代考古 15.America in the Palaeolithic美洲旧石器时代考古 16.Europe in the Palaeolithic欧洲旧石器时代考古 17.South Asia in the Palaeolithic南亚旧石器时代考古 18.Africa in the Palaeolithic非洲旧石器时代考古 paleolithic age旧石器时代 1.The results indicated that as early as 700 Ka ago,Chinese men in the early paleolithic age had already adopted heat treatment metho.对我国旧石器时代30处有关用火遗迹所得到的研究结果进行的详细分析,可以看出当时所用的主要材料是石质、骨质、角质和木质材料。 3)Neolithic Age新石器时代 1.Morphological Characters of Plant Opals from Motor Cells of Rice in the Neolithic Age of the Taihu Region;太湖地区部分新石器时代遗址水稻硅酸体形状特征初探 2.Application of EDXRF and artificial neural networks to provenance studies of the archaeological pottery sherds during Neolithic Age in Gansu Province, China;能量色散X荧光光谱和人工神经网络在甘肃新石器时代陶片分类研究中的应用(英文) 4)neolithic[英][,ni:?'l?θ?k][美]['ni?'l?θ?k]新石器时代 1.A Study of Neolithic China s Painted Pottery and Ornamentation;中国新石器时代彩陶纹饰研究 2.Evolution Dynamics of the Chinese Neolithic Cultures;中国新石器时代文化演变动力分析 3.5000Bp and unearthed at Guangrao Neolithic Site of Shandong.通过对山东广饶新石器时代大汶口文化墓地 90年代发掘的 61具成年头骨进行小变异特征出现率的观察与统计并在此基础上进行聚类分析和主成分分析研究认为 ,广饶人群的蒙古人种地区类型属于东亚类型。 5)the New Stone Age新石器时代 1.Tremolite jadeware of the New Stone Age in Lingjiatan ruins, Anhui Province;安徽含山县凌家滩遗址新石器时代闪石类玉器研究 2.Series Trace of Development Process of Ancient Civilization in Shanxi ——Research on Houses Development in the New Stone Age in Shanxi;山西古文明发展历程系列追踪(之一)——山西新石器时代房屋发展研究 3.The emergence and development of the painted pottery reflected the historic progress of mankind in the New Stone Age.彩陶的产生和发展是新石器时代人类历史演进的重要标志之一 。 6)The Neolithic age新石器时代 1.On the Man-land Relationship in the Neolithic Age in the South of Hebei Province;河北省南部新石器时代人地关系研究 2.Culture and Environment across the Hangzhou Bay in the Neolithic Age;杭州湾两岸新石器时代文化与环境 石器时代石器时代StoneAge以使用石器为标志的人类物质文化发展阶段。始于约250万年前,至铜石并用时代止。按照发展水平,一般区分为旧石器时代、中石器时代和新石器时代。此时生产水平低下,人类社会处在原始群和原始氏族社会时期(见原始公社制)。 唤醒水平,arousal level 1)arousal level唤醒水平 1.A Further Discussion On the Relationship Among Arm Movement Stability,Arousal Level and Trait Anxiety;手臂动作稳定性与唤醒水平、特质焦虑等关系的再探 2.On Approach to the Influences of Arousal Level on Referees' Administrative Performance运动裁判执法表现受唤醒水平影响之初探 3.Based on the relationship of arousal level 、attention and tennis sports,analyze the effects of arousal on tennis sports;At the same time,presents the different arousal level traits of tennis athletics in training stage and competition stage.以唤醒水平、注意和网球运动的特点这三者间的关系为基础,初步分析了唤醒水平对网球运动的影响;并针对网球运动训练和竞赛的不同特点阐述了运动员唤醒水平的不同特点。 1.Influence of Arousal Level on Sanda Athletes Form;唤醒水平对散打运动员竞技状态的影响 2.The Influence of Relaxation Treatment on Wakening Level and Sports Performance;放松疗法对唤醒水平和运动成绩的影响 3.Characteristics and Analysis of the Pre-examination Mental Arousal of College Physical Education Entrance Examination Participants体育高考考生考前心理唤醒水平特征分析 4.On Approach to the Influences of Arousal Level on Referees' Administrative Performance运动裁判执法表现受唤醒水平影响之初探 5.A Further Discussion On the Relationship Among Arm Movement Stability,Arousal Level and Trait Anxiety手臂动作稳定性与唤醒水平、特质焦虑等关系的再探 6.Effect of Arousal Level under Orientation of Target and Non-target on Basketball Shooting Veracity;目标与非目标定向下唤醒水平对篮球投篮准确性的影响 7.Research on Physiological Monitoring Parameters and Emotional Arousal Level of Sailors and Soccer Players;帆船帆板和足球运动员情绪唤醒水平的生理监测指标与评价研究 8.Point out the methods that adjust athletics arousal level, the aim is to advance sports performance and to improve the effectiveness.初步介绍调节运动员唤醒水平的常用方法,以提高运动员的运动成绩,改善运动效果。 9.Waking the horizon uping that carries, silent mermaid.唤醒地平线那一端,沉默的美人鱼。 10."You mean to use this young sailor to wake her up?"“你打算用这个年青水手去唤醒她么?” 11.To awaken from or as if from sleep.叫醒唤醒或像是从睡梦中唤醒 12.Invalid awakening state. Slept in %hs; awoke in %hs.唤醒状态无效。休眠于 %1!;而唤醒于 %2!。 13.Your beauty shines forth to bring joy, peace and comfort as the dawning sun breaks though the blackness of night to awaken the land.你的美丽如同打破黑夜,唤醒大地的朝阳,给人快乐,平静和安慰。 14.The name of Sinbad the Sailor, as may well be supposed, awakened in him a world of recollections, as had the name of the Count of Monte Cristo on the previous evening. "Proceed!" said he to the host.水手辛巴德这个名字大概已唤醒了他的种种回忆。“讲下去吧 15.It showed that: (1) the operation of mortality salience did raise the death anxiety of those undergraduates, the mean score of anxiety was 2.28±0.49;结果发现:(1)死亡提醒操作确实唤醒了大学生的死亡焦虑,焦虑平均值为2.28±0.49; 16.Do you have a wake-up service?你们是否提供唤醒服务? 17.arouse sb. from a deep sleep把某人从熟睡中唤醒 18.a knock on the door aroused us.敲门声把我们唤醒了。 optimal arousal level最佳唤醒水平 3)awake[英][?'we?k][美][?'wek]唤醒 1.The application of intraoperative ultrasound in the awake surgery of the cerebral eloquent areas;超声检查在唤醒麻醉下脑功能区病变切除术中的应用 2.This paper introduces AVR Sing le -Chip Microcomputer AT90S8515which can be awaked from power-down mode by external interrupt,has very hig h capcity and very low price,and it s application in the Auto Measure&Report System of water s situation.介绍具有中断唤醒功能、极高性能价格比的AVR单片机AT90S8515,及其在水情自动测报系统中的应 4)Awakening[英][?'we?k?n??][美][?'wek?n??]唤醒 1.From the perspective of Colin Wilson s humanism,this thesis,combining the analysis of the representative heroes in Hemingway s works with Hemingway s experience,points out that the focal point of Hemingway s works is not "loss";whereas he bent on inspiring people s struggling consciousness and awakening people s shumber spirit and will by fundamental themes such as wars,bullfights and lo.通过对海明威笔下的具有代表性的主人公形象的细致分析,结合其本人的经历,就会发现海明威作品的核心并非"迷惘",他运用战争、斗牛和爱情的基本主题去呼唤抗争意识,唤醒人们沉睡的精神和意志,证实自己的存在价值。 5)Arousal[英][?'rauz?l][美][?'ra?zl?]唤醒 1.The Trends of the Research on the Relations between Arousal and Exercising-operation;唤醒与运动操作关系研究的发展动态综述 2.Influence of Arousal Level on Sanda Athletes Form;唤醒水平对散打运动员竞技状态的影响 3.By means of the document-based research,this paper discusses the concepts of stress,arousal and anxiety in sport psychology in order to explicate the relationship among these concepts.采用文献资料法,对文献进行整理,对应激、唤醒和焦虑的概念进行探讨,旨在阐明三者之间的关系。 6)awaken[英][?'we?k?n][美][?'wek?n]唤醒 1.As education is a kind of awakening, Chinese education in nature is a kind of awakening education.教育就是一种唤醒,语文教育在本质上就是一种唤醒教育。 2.Therefore,awakening their self-awareness is important to change the state.然而,在对西部一些少数民族地区的调查中发现,生活在农村中的少数民族女性并没有享受到应有的社会权利,而要想改变这一切,唤醒其自我意识是首要的。 唤醒①叫醒:他把我从睡梦中~。②使醒悟 :~民众。 元学习,meta-learning 1)meta-learning元学习 1.Distributed association rules mining algorithm by sampling and meta-learning;利用抽样技术和元学习的分布式关联规则挖掘算法 2.A Research on "Meta-learning" of Physical Education for Undergraduates;大学生体育“元学习”研究 3.The forming mechanism of the core competences based on meta-learning;基于元学习的企业核心能力形成机理 1.From learning to metalearning--the significance of learning under the scientific construction;从学习到元学习——科学意义建构下的学习 2.Metalearning Ability s Affect on English Learning;元学习能力的差异对英语学习的影响 3.Knowledge Media · Meta-Learning Environment · Learning Support;知识媒体·元学习环境·学习支持服务 4.On the Theory of Metalearning and Its Enlightenment to Instruction in Mathematical Learning;元学习理论及其对数学学习指导的启示 5.Meta - Learning and Developing of University Student s P. E. Leaning Ability;元学习理论与大学生体育学习能力的培养 6.The Experimental Study for the Education of Chemical Metalearning Ability on General Review for Entrance Examination to University;高考总复习中化学元学习能力培养的实验研究 7.Research on Applying Metalearning Theory on Instructing Chemistry Revision in Senior 3;运用元学习理论指导高三化学复习的实验研究 8.The interrelationship between learners metalearning and learning English level;单项元学习能力与学习英语水平的相关分析 9.computer assisted learning task计算机辅助学习单元 10.Improving the Efficiency of Students Study by Cooperative Learning and Metacognition Training;通过合作学习与元认知训练提高学生学习效率 11.Investigation and Analyses about Differences of Meta-cognition in Learning Mathematics of High School Students between the Han and the Tibetan;藏、汉学生数学学习元认知差异的研究 12.Fostering Learner Autonomy by Developing Learner Motivation and Metacognition;提高学习动机和元认知能力 培养学习者自主性 13.Study on Metacognitive Strategies and Autonomous Learning;元认知策略支撑语言学习者自主学习探讨 14.Effects on the Performance of Study From Strategy and Meta-cognition Training;学习策略的元认知训练对学习成绩的影响 15.A Study of the Acquisition of English Vowels by Chinese EFL Learners: An Acoustic Perspective中国外语学习者英语元音习得的声学研究 16.An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Metacognitive Learning Strategy and Vocabulary Learning元认知学习策略与英语词汇学习关系研究 17.Learning Resource Designing and Sharing in Ubiquitous Learning Environment--The Concept and Architecture of Leaning Cell泛在学习环境中的学习资源设计与共享——“学习元”的理念与结构 18.Developing Metacognitive Strategy Through Learning Journals;以学习日志培养中学生的元认知策略 metalearning元学习 1.On the Theory of Metalearning and Its Enlightenment to Instruction in Mathematical Learning;元学习理论及其对数学学习指导的启示 2.In view of these characteristics,if the teacher uses the science strategy to raise student s metalearning capability in the geographic teaching process consciously,it will improve the student s quality of study and enhance the efficiency of study,and will build the solid foundation for student s lifelong study.元学习是关于学习本身的学习,它具有激励性、计划性、准备性、意识性、方法性、控制性、反馈性、评价性和总结性等基本特征。 3.we could enhance student s metalearning ability through following ways: reforming the content of course and t.元学习是学习过程中导致个体认知结构和心理结构改善的活动。 3)meta learning元学习 1.A fast distributed algorithm for mining adjustable accuracy association rules is presented using sampling and meta learning.利用抽样及元学习技术提出一种快速的分布式开采可变精度的关联规则算法 。 4)diverse study多元学习 5)learning modules学习单元 6)learning cell学习元 部分学习与整体学习部分学习与整体学习part learning and whole learning  部分学习与整体学习(part learningand whole learning)在运动学习和记忆学习中,根据对学习内容的处理方式可以分成部分学习和整体学习。部分学习就是将材料分成几个部分,每次学习一个部分:整体学习就是每次学习整个材料。一般来讲,整体学习的效果优于部分学习。但是,课题复杂彼此没有意义联系的材料,用部分学习的效果好:课题简短或具有意义联系的材料,用整体学习的效果好。在进行学习时,可以将部分学习与整体学习结合起来,先进行整体学习再进行部分学习,或者相反。这种相互结合的学习方式叫做综合学习,效果更好些。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)   宁波地区,Ningbo area 1)Ningbo area宁波地区 1.Analysis of traditional settlement and folk house characteristics in Ningbo area of East Zhejiang;浙东宁波地区传统聚落与民居特色探析 2.Analysis on the Feasibility of the Application of the Air Cooled Heat Pump Units in Ningbo Area;宁波地区风冷热泵机组应用的可行性分析 1.On typical soft soil foundation treatment method in Ningbo area宁波地区典型软土地基处理方法探讨 2.Researching in the Species Diversity Character of Vegetation within Ningbo;宁波地区植被的物种多样性特征研究 3.The Research and Application of Traditional Residential Settlement in Ningbo;宁波地区民居聚落特征的研究及应用 4.Research on the Change of Seats of Three Administrative Areas in the Region of Ningbo during Sui and Tang Periods;隋唐时期宁波地区州县城址沿革三题 5.The clinical analysis of the factors related macrosomia in 248 cases.宁波地区248例巨大胎儿临床分析 6.Some Ideas on"A Long Line of Trousseaus"in Ningbo论宁波地区“十里红妆”的设计思想 7.A Research on Today s Ningbo-Group Businessmen s Motivations of Running Schools in Ningbo;当代宁波帮商人在宁波地区捐资办学的动因分析 8.Study on Technology of Forage-Goose System in Ningbo Area;宁波地区种草养鹅模式的技术体系研究 9.A Research on Certificate Fever and the Involved Strategies among Ningbo College Students;宁波地区大学本科生考证热的现状与对策研究 10.Study on the Present Developing State of Traditional PE in Higher Education in Ningbo Area;宁波地区高校民族传统体育开展现状与研究 11.An Investigation on the Housing Marketing Concept of Ningbo Based on Advertising Texts;从广告文本探析宁波地区住房营销观念 12.Analysis on Character and Reason of the Crime Committed by the Floating Population in Ningbo;宁波地区外来人口犯罪特征及原因分析 13.Strategic Alliance;战略联盟——宁波地区证券经纪行业的选择方向 14.The Research and Investigation on the Present Development Situation of P.E Teaches in the Middle Schools of Ningbo Region;宁波地区中学体育教师科研状况调查与分析 15.Some Problem of Enterprises ERP System Application in Ningbo;宁波地区企业ERP应用存在的若干问题研究 16.The Status Quo of Processing Industries in Ningbo and the Countermeasures;宁波地区加工贸易发展现状及对策分析 17.The Present Situation and Development Trend of Wall Materials in the Ningbo Area;宁波地区新型墙体材料现状与发展趋势 18.Preferable Rebuilding Energy Efficiency Measures of Existing Residential Building in Ningbo宁波地区既有居住建筑改造节能优先措施研究 Ningbo[英]['ni?'b?u][美]['n??'bo]宁波地区 1.Main Pests Endangering Myrica rubra in Ningbo and Their Prevention and Control;宁波地区杨梅主要虫害及其防治 2.The Status Quo of Processing Industries in Ningbo and the Countermeasures;宁波地区加工贸易发展现状及对策分析 3.7 of the investigated samples are selected that are in good conditions of growth and suitable for growing in large number in Ningbo areas.对引进的23个日本梅花品种的成活率、生长势、着花状况、花色及花期天数等5个指标进行了研究,从中筛选出7个生长性状优良、适合宁波地区推广的日本梅花品种;对选出的品种分别进行"T"字形芽接和切接的嫁接技术研究,总结出一套适合宁波地区操作的日本梅花品种嫁接技术。 3)Ningbo region宁波地区 1.The first hard clay is found in Ningbo region too.文中对采自宁波地区第一硬土层及上覆海相层和下伏地层中的19个样品进行了光释光测年和14C测年,结果表明,第一硬土层的母体形成于45~55ka BP,它并非连续分布,局部被后期海侵剥蚀而未保留,与上覆海侵层是突变关系。 4)Ningbo Urbanization宁波地区城市化 5)Ningbo urban area宁波城区 1.High spatial resolution remote sensing data from both QUICKBIRD and Landsat ETM+ is utilized to assess urban area land use and associated thermal effects by taking Ningbo urban area as a case study.选取宁波城区为研究对象,利用高分辨率的QUICKBIRD多光谱影像数据与Landsat ETM+热红外波段数据探求城市地区土地利用类型的热环境效应。 6)Ningbo[英]['ni?'b?u][美]['n??'bo]宁波市区 1.Study on the Rational Ratios of Housing and Land Price——Taking Ningbo as an Example;论住宅地价占房价的合理比例——以宁波市区为例 太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)standards of PASC: see Pacific Area Standards Congress; PASC Ta iPingyang Diqu Bioozhun Hu呼ib沁幻Zhun太平洋地区标准会议标准(s切md田心sofR巧C)见太平洋地区标准会议。 传统体制,traditional system 1)traditional system传统体制 1.Since the 1990s,our country also has carried on a series of reforms to the public utilities traditional system.城市公用事业民营化已成为当今世界性的发展趋势,我国也从20世纪90年代以来,对公用事业的传统体制进行了一系列改革。 1.Research on the Efficiency and Equality of the Traditional Labor System in China传统体制下劳动制度的效率与公平研究 2.Inheriting process on national and traditional physical education cultures in China;论我国民族传统体育文化的传承机制 3.Studies on Heat and Mass Transfer Mechanism of Solid Adsorption Refrigerating System;固体吸附式制冷系统传热传质机理的研究 4.The president created media hype by visiting cities down south.总统访问南部乡下,制造媒体宣传。 5.Incorporation of crop residues; conventional tillage.把作物残体混入土壤的传统耕作制。 6.A Research on the Traditional Chinese Political Theoretical System of the Early Empire Based on Thorough Interpretation of the Original Text Xinyu (新语);帝制初期中国传统政治理论体系建构 7.On the Traditional Political Culture and The Reform of Poh tical System;论我国传统政治文化与政治体制改革 8.On Chinas Conventional Social System and Its Internal Tension;试论中国传统社会体制及其内在张力 9.After the abolishment of imperial examination system, traditional officer selection and mechanism renewal appeared fault.科举制废除后,传统的官员选拔体制出现断层。 10.Political System,Historical Traditions and the Choice of Government Audit System in China;政治制度、历史传统与中国政府审计体制选择 11.Institutional innovation and ethical reflections of traditional system of "three rural issues"对传统“三农”体制的制度创新和伦理思考 12.SOCIALIST MARKET ECONOMY SYSTEM SHOULD BE TO SUBLATE THE TRADITIONAL PLANNED ECONOMY SYSTEM社会主义市场经济体制应是对传统计划经济体制的扬弃 13.Deng Xiao-ping' s transcending of traditional culture is the premise of system reformation.邓小平对传统文化的超越是体制改革的前提。 14.the instructing principle for the reform of traditional system of urban residential district is proposed;提出了改革传统城市社区管理体制的指导原则; 15.Discussion on Modern Integration with Traditional Chinese Medicine Suit Measures according to Three Categories of Etiological Factors System论传统中医学“三因制宜”体系的现代整合 16.Solid Material Loading Technology and System Study for Dentifrice R&D Manufacturing;牙膏研发制造中固体物料传输技术与系统研究 17.The Research of Intelligent Control for Integrated Automobile Powertrain System;汽车动力—传动系统一体化智能控制技术研究 18.Research on the Driving Control System of Steady-frequency for Light Source in Optical Fiber Gas Sensing;光纤气体传感中稳频光源驱动控制系统的研究 Traditional enciphered system传统加密体制 3)Conventional cryptography system传统密码体制 4)traditional financial system传统财政体制 1.the traditional financial system consumes the rural resourses,which produces the route dependence;2.产生这一矛盾的深层原因主要包括两个方面:一是传统财政体制对农村资源的汲取产生了路径依赖,二是现代公共财政的制度缺失制约着国家对公共产品的供给。 5)traditional productuion system传统生产体制 6)traditional autocratic governmet system传统专制政体 《北京传统曲艺总录》  北京传统曲艺作品名目集。傅惜华编,1962年出版。本书著录了清代初叶至中华人民共和国成立前在北京地区流行的各种传统曲艺作品名目4000余种,分为16卷。其中,八角鼓类包括岔曲3卷、牌子曲(单弦)1卷、快书(联珠调)1卷,共为5卷;石派书1卷;鼓词小段1卷;莲花落1卷;时调小曲类包括马头调3卷、西调1卷、66种有调名的时调小曲3卷、缺失调名的杂曲1卷,共为8卷。另外,清代北京流行的子弟书作品,编者另有《子弟书总目》一书单行出版,不包括在本书之内。    本书在编纂时据以著录的清代以来的曲艺总集、选集,包括刻本《霓裳续谱》、《白雪遗音》等20种,钞本《万花小曲》、《百万句全》等27种;同时还引用了北京以发卖戏曲曲艺单行钞本为业的百本堂、别埜堂两家书铺的钞本曲艺目录11种、未署编者的曲艺目录 1种,顾颉刚编《蒙古车王府曲本分类目录》1种,刘复、李家瑞编《中国俗曲总目稿》1种,《通俗读物编刊社书目提要》1种。除以上有版本可据的曲目外,还著录了少量曾在北京曲艺场所演唱过的、流传在艺人口头的曲艺作品名目。每一曲目,都著录了曲名、版本源流、公私收藏处所,并简单介绍了曲目内容、题材来源。少数有作者姓名可考的也作了著录。   街舞,Street dance 1)Street dance街舞 1.A general view on offering a course of street dance in colleges and universities;高校开设街舞课程可行性分析 2.This essay investigates and analyses the present situation of street dance in universities in Wuhan.针对武汉市高校体育的开展形式、现状,对健身街舞在武汉高校中的开展前景作了较详细的调查、分析。 3.Through the questionnaires of the street dancers joining in the fitness centers or community gymnasi- ums,or taking the street dance courses in college or in public,as well as the interviews with the street dance teams attending the major national competitions,this paper generally studies the features of street dance injuries and pre- cautions against it.通过对部分健身俱乐部、社区健身广场、舞蹈培训班和高校街舞课程的健身街舞学员和参加全国大中型街舞赛事的竞技街舞队进行访问和问卷调查,初步研究了街舞运动的损伤特点和预防措施,为街舞运动科学健身、训练提供了理论依据。 1.Street Dance Development From National Street Dance Match in 2004;从2004年全国街舞大赛看健身街舞的发展 2.The General Situation of the Street Dance and the Teaching of It in Artistic Colleges in Our Country我国街舞发展概况与艺术院校街舞教学 3.Let the pulsating hip-hop music excite your senses while you become a real hip hopper!让脉动的街舞音乐刺激你的感官,并成为一名真正的街舞者! 4.Hip-hop pop to Folk Dance Teaching of the Enlightenment;街舞的流行给民族民间舞蹈教学带来的启示 5.In the mid-1980s, breakdancing became popular.二十世纪八十年代,街舞开始流行, 6.Discuss about Hip-hop Elective Course of University关于高校街舞选修课教学过程的探讨 7.Influence of Hip-hop Dance on Physical and Mental Health of female College Students探析街舞对高校女生身心健康的影响 8.Feasibility Research on Opening Hip-hop Elective in University and College对高校开设街舞选修课的可行性研究 9.Exercise,do exercise to keep fit the analysis of the street dance characteristics to the aerobics;对健美操运动和健身街舞特点的分析 10.Personal view on the Management and Teaching of the Street Dancing Course of Higher Education;普通高校街舞选项课组织与教学管见 11.Exploration Into the General Structure of Street Dance in Collage Textbooks;普通高校《街舞》教材整体框架设计 12.Street Dancing-a New Sports Issue 21st century;街舞——21世纪体育科学研究新课题 13.Influence of hip-hop dance on students weight and lung function;街舞对学生体重及肺功能影响的研究 14.Join the hottest hip-hop party and step into the spotlight and show your moves.加入到这狂热的街舞派对,在聚光灯下展示你的舞步。 15.The cabaret is right on the street corner.那家歌舞餐厅就在街角。 16.The boys flourished flags in the street.孩子们在街头到处执旗挥舞。 17.Kids were break-dancing at the street corner.孩子们在街道的拐角处跳霹雳舞。 18.The street was solid with dancers.街上跳舞的挤得水泄不通。 hip-hop街舞 1.Analysis on Hip-Hop’s Popularity Throughout the World from the Perspective of Physical Culture;街舞运动风靡全球的体育文化分析 2.Discuss about Hip-hop Elective Course of University;关于高校街舞选修课教学过程的探讨 3.Comparative Analysis on Characteristics between the Hip-hop and Aerobics;街舞与健美操项目特征之比较 3)Hip-hop dancing街舞 1.Reasons why hip-hop dancing is popular in the world and its developing tendency;街舞运动风靡于世界的原因分析及趋势预测 2.With the rapid development of Hip-hop dancing team,every university established their deputations of Hip-hop dancing team,which helps the development of Hip-hop increasing greatly,whereas the problem of expanses for deputations restricts this development.目前许多高校都建立了自己的街舞代表队,为我国街舞运动的发展做出了贡献,但高校街舞队的经费问题一直制约着队伍的发展。 3.Comprehensive prevention measures for the injuries was proposed for the purpose of making the education and training of hip-hop dancing more scientific and further promoting the development and improvement of college students hip-hop dancing level.通过对齐齐哈尔大学街舞课中学生运动损伤情况进行调查研究,对其运动损伤的特点及原因进行了分析,并具有针对性地提出预防损伤的综合措施,以期使街舞教学和训练更具有科学性。 4)Street Dancing街舞 1.A Research on the Origin of Street Dancing from USA during the Latter Half of the 20~(th) Century;20世纪下叶街舞运动诞生于美国渊源所探 2.Street dancing has been popular since its birth in late 1970s, however China drops behind in research of it.街舞自70年代末、80年代初诞生以来即风靡于世界;现今我国街舞理论发展滞后;从自然科学、人文科学和社会科学三个领域来展现街舞理论的科研方向,同时把三个领域包含的各个学科研讨范畴与街舞实际相结合,并指出体育科学研究新领域--街舞理论研究课题的选题方向。 5)hip-hop dance街舞 1.Influence of hip-hop dance on students weight and lung function;街舞对学生体重及肺功能影响的研究 2.The hip-hop dance originates from Europe and America, which includes lots of distinctive action.街舞是一种起源于欧美的舞蹈,其动作富有鲜明的个性特征,近年来在我国的流行和普及程度越来越高。 6)street dance健身街舞 1.Exercise,do exercise to keep fit the analysis of the street dance characteristics to the aerobics;对健美操运动和健身街舞特点的分析 街舞名词街舞名词www.sbacn.com2005-3-9SBA官方网站B-BOY  Breakingboy,boogieboy,只要是跳break的都叫b-boy。CREW  B-boy的团体。BATTLE  个人或b-boy团体间的挑战(俗称尬舞)。BURNED  专门用来指称在尬舞时被打败的团体或个人。ROUTINES  由几个舞者一起连结或执行舞蹈动作。PERFECTIONS  指的是一个b-boy最好的动作。WACKEDorWACK  当一个人做错了动作。SLIDES  拉着自己滑过地板。Slide这个名字就告诉b-boy该做"滑"的动作。BITE  从别人那里偷学动作。1990(***)  B-boy倒立且旋转,然后随着身体重量的移转由一只手换到另一只手做动作,做到脚着地为止。(俗称手转)2000(*****)  用一只手倒立,尽可能的旋转直到脚着地为止.(又称倒立手转)AIRPLANES(****)  风车加上双手向两旁尽量伸展高到你可以抓住它们。AIRSWIPES(*)  开始时,双手双脚都放在地上,脸朝上。一只手支撑住身体的重量脚往上踢然后旋转,在脚着地前另一只手先着地。如果做得正确的话应该整个身体都能旋转到。APPLEJACKS(**)  一个最基本的动作向其它b-boy挑战尬舞。双脚蹲下,背向后仰双手支撑,然后一只脚向空中踢,踢的越高越好。然后双脚向后跳跃,重复。BACKSPIN(***)  利用背部作旋转的表演。所有的重量平衡在背的上半部,脚缩起来尽量靠近身体。旋转的要诀就是双脚在空中做圆形的划动。(俗称背旋)BACKSWIPE(***)  和airswipe是相同的,但是除了当你的脚在一半的时候加进来,你改变方向回到开始时的动作。BARRELS(****)  风车,双手环抱在前。BELLYMILL(****)  就像风车一样,不同的是他不是用手或用头去转,而是用胃(肚皮)。BHUDDA(****)  和UFO类似,除了膝盖是在伸直的双手中,然后双脚是离开地面的。BOOMERANG(*****)  开始时坐在地上,双脚在身前形成V字形。然后手撑在双脚间,接下来撑起身体,只有手能碰地。然后转圈。BRONCO(**)  先从脚开始,然后是只有一只手向下,脚往后踢然后脚又再次放下,重复所有的动作。BUNNYHOP(*****)  类似像flare,不同的是双脚在身前伸直向上,然后转圈上下跳动。CANNOABALL(****)  在cannonball的动作中双手环抱着膝盖。CRAZYLEGS(****)  就像airswipes,但不只做一个。作airswipes一次又一次且动作中间不停顿。CRICKETS(****)  一个几乎和handglide相同的旋转动作,除了当旋转的手离开地面旋转又重回地面时,会有偶而重量转变成为推挤手。如果做的好,看起来就像是连续的旋转动作。DOUBLE99(*****)  就像作一个2000(Onehand99),但是当你要放下一只手换成另一只手时,踢脚以得到速度然后续作2000(Onehand99)的动作,每一只手持续的作不停下来。DOWNROCK(*)  用手的中心支撑着整个舞者的重量然后腿和脚持续的作有节奏的圆形的舞动,腿和脚的动作又是绕着手的动作做。通常会结合freezes和hesitations动作,并且是在其它动作之后紧接着做。ELBOWGLIDE(****)  动作和位置类似像手转,不一样的是用手轴转而手释放在腹部的位置。FLARE(****)  类似像风车,脚一样要在空中做很大的圆圈,但是不要动肩膀,而是将重量放在双手上。FISTGLIDE(****)  动作和位置类似像手转,不一样的是用拳头转。FLOAT(*)  用手让身体做水平的平衡,但是除了脚之外,脚要弯曲以帮助平衡。GENIES(****)  用手作风车并且横跨过整个胸部。GODOWN  当b-boy在尬舞时,当他很有可能会输掉时所做的动作。HALO(*****)  风车的动作,但是却不是由肩膀转到肩膀而是用头去转。(俗称刷头风车)HANDGLIDE(****)  和Bboy在做float的动作相似,不同的是只有一只手支撑身体,另一只手帮忙去推着旋转。(我们称为"直升机"HEADSLIDE(**)  当一个headslide动作完成后反转,用头停住。HEADSPIN(****)  用你的头转。要用手和脚去开始旋转。 学术论坛,academic forum 1)academic forum学术论坛 1.Methods By using self-designed relative problem questionnaire of nursing forum, a investigation was performed on 85 representatives attending second young academic forum "Nursing Care and Human Health" of Zhejiang province.方法自编护理论坛相关问题调查问卷 ,对 85名参加“浙江省第二届青年学术论坛护理与人类健康分论坛”的代表进行问卷调查。 2.The TV academic forum which is founded by both scholar and media gives our audiences an ideological and spiritual feast.由学者与媒介“共舞”缔造的电视学术论坛向观众呈送了一道思想的盛宴与精神的饕餮大餐。 1.Research on the Construction of School-based Academic Forum--Taking the Academic Forum of Hebei Polytechnic University as an Example校本学术论坛建设研究——以河北理工大学学术论坛建设为例 2.An Overview of 2007 China (Wenzhou) Industrial Arts Academic Forum;2007中国(温州)工艺美术学术论坛综述 3.Chjnese and Russian Learnjng Forum on Urban Design and Architectural Features in Harbjn中俄哈尔滨城市设计暨建筑风格学术论坛 4.To Cultivate the Innovation Capability of Graduates by use of Lanching Learned Forum;以开设学术论坛培养研究生的创新能力实践 5.Comment and Prospect of Sinicizing Academic Forum;对学术论坛中国化的现实批判及愿景展望 6.Cultural Logic·Commercial Logic:the TVAacademic Forum under the Competitive Phenomenon;文化逻辑·商业逻辑:博弈格局中的电视学术论坛 7.News from Inner Mongolia Forum on Law of Regional National Autonomy;内蒙古自治区民族区域自治法学术论坛综述 8.Emphasizing Academic Standard,Deepening Discipline Construction:A Report on the First "PKU-FDU Comparative Literature Symposium;强调学术规范 深化学科建设——首届“北大复旦比较文学学术论坛”综述 9.Review on the 2007 academic forum on transportation economy theory anti policy and development of industry economies;“2007年运输经济理论与政策暨产业经济学发展”学术论坛会议综述 10.An Initiatory Academic Forum -- The Opening Speech of the Forum on China and Southeast Asian Nationalities;一个具有开创意义的学术论坛——在“中国与东南亚民族论坛”开幕式上的讲话 11.Expounding the Nature of the Youth with Innovation--A Review of the Third Youth Forum;用创新注释青年的本质——第三届青年学术论坛印象 12.Review on Value of "TIYUOL" Academic Internet Forum and Its Development“体育在线”网络学术论坛发展历程回顾与价值解读 13.Beijing University and Music Education in China;北京大学与中国音乐教育——为“北京大学与艺术教育高级学术论坛”而作 14.Pageant of art of Erhu performance--Review on Academic Forum of Heritage and Development of Erhu Art in New Century;二胡艺术的一次盛会——“新世纪二胡艺术的传承与发展学术论坛系列活动”综述 15.A Call for Originality in China s Humanities and Social Sciences: A Review of Peak Academic Forum on China Issues and Theoretical Originality;呼唤中国人文社会科学的原创性——“中国问题与理论原创”高层学术论坛综述 16.Permanent Forum on Science and Technology for Development科学技术促进发展常设论坛 17.The Application of AJAX Technology in Teaching Forum ProductionAjax技术在教学论坛制作中的应用 18.International Biotechnology Forum国际生物技术论坛(生技论坛) academic discussion/forum学术讨论/论坛 3)Academic Forum on the Internet网上学术论坛 1.A Study on How to Build a Academic Forum on the Internet for College Students;建立大学生网上学术论坛的初步探讨 4)sinicizing academic forum学术论坛中国化 1.At present,the sinicizing academic forum appears three mistakes that are imitation form.目前,学术论坛中国化呈现出三个发展误区:形式摹仿、国际立场与区域性断裂严重、论坛文化构建的无目标性,因此学术论坛中国化的价值取向应由传播层面向教育层面转变,并应积极致力于文化层面的建设,依据各级各类学术论坛文化定位和内容结构选择的异同形成独具文化结构的品格特征。 5)construction of academic forum学术论坛建设 6)terminology forum术语论坛 《国际先驱论坛报》《国际先驱论坛报》InternationalHeraldTribune美国人在法国巴黎出版的英文对开日报。前身是1887年10月4日美国人J.G.本内特出版的《纽约先驱报》的欧洲版。1935年改名《纽约先驱论坛报》。第二次世界大战期间停刊,1944年底复刊。1959年由惠特尼电台和电视台、《华盛顿邮报》、《纽约时报》合股经营。1967年5月22日改用现名。《国际先驱论坛报》还以卫星传送版面在伦敦、苏黎世、香港、新加坡、海牙、马赛、迈阿密等地印刷发行,行销164个国家和地区。每日平均14版,广告占30%。 欠发达区域,less-developed region 1)less-developed region欠发达区域 1.The Development of Less-developed Region in the East-coast Developed Provinces of China;东部沿海发达省份欠发达区域发展研究 2.High-Level human resources play a strategic role in the social and economic development of less-developed regions.高级人力资源开发在欠发达区域经济增长中具有战略性地位和作用。 3.The main content of less-developed region development includes how to guide regional economic activity entities in forming rational spatial interactions and what mechanism to adopt to integrate regional productivity in regional spaces, thus enhancing regional core competitiveness.欠发达区域开发的主要内容包括如何引导区域经济活动主体形成合理的空间相互作用关系,以及采用何种机制在地域空间上整合区域生产力,从而提高区域的核心竞争力。 1.Man-Earth Relationship in Less Developed Regions in China and Governments Action;我国欠发达区域人地关系与政府作为 2.The Development of Less-developed Region in the East-coast Developed Provinces of China东部沿海发达省份欠发达区域发展研究 3.Location Effect of Industrial Agglomeration and It’s Revelation to Undeveloped Region;产业集聚的区位效应及其对欠发达区域的启示 4.Talent Back-floating of Outgoing Farmer-workers and the Development of Less Developed Region;外出务工、智力回流与欠发达区域经济发展研究 5.Strategic idea of the Develops above Average about TV Media in the Undeveloped Regional;经济欠发达区域电视传媒超常发展的战略构想 6.New Thinking on Problems of High-Level Human Resources Development in Less-Developed Regions;欠发达区域高级人力资源开发问题的新思考 7.A Study about Country Authority Structural Relations in Underdeveloped Country Area;经济欠发达区域乡村权力结构关系研究 8.Thinking about Developing the Regional Characteristic Economy in Underdeveloped Areas;欠发达地区发展区域特色经济的思考 9.The Phenomenon of Economic "Circulation inside the Region" in the Less-developed Areas;欠发达地区的经济“区域内循环”现象 10.Regional Late-developing Advantage and Development Strategy in the Small Town of Less-developed Area;区域后发优势与欠发达地区小城镇的发展战略 11.Issues and Policies of Regional Cooperation of under-Developed Provinces' Neighboring Areas欠发达省区毗邻地区区域协作的问题及对策 12.Regional Innovation and the Development of Under-Developed Region--Take Qinghai Province as Example;区域创新与欠发达地区发展——以青海为例 13.Coordinating Regional Development and Facilitating Innovation System Building in Less-developed Areas;统筹区域发展,重视欠发达地区创新系统建设 14.Industrial Clusters Development and Impact on Urbanization in Undeveloped Area;欠发达地区产业集群发展对区域城市化的影响 15.The Strategic Research of Country s Industrial Zone in Low Development District in China;欠发达地区县域工业园区发展战略创新研究 16.The Transmission of Regional Industry and the Economic Development of Underdeveloped Areas;区域产业传递与欠发达地区经济的发展 17.Sustainable Development of Communities in the Joint Administrative Areas in Under-developed Regions;欠发达行政交界区域社区的可持续发展研究 18.Research on the Construction of Regional Labor Brand in Underdeveloped Areas;欠发达地区的区域劳动力品牌构建研究 undeveloped regions欠发达区域 1.The function of regional innovation system becomes the most important factor for the economic growth in undeveloped regions.区域创新体系的功能是欠发达区域经济发展最重要的能力因素。 3)undeveloped region欠发达区域 1.Features and Causes of Capital Market in Undeveloped Region;我国欠发达区域资本市场主要特征及形成原因 2.It is very meaningful to explore industrial agglomeration for breeding industrial spatial groups in undeveloped region,reducing the gap between undeveloped region and developed region and realizing the coordinated development of regional economy.研究产业集聚,对于欠发达区域培育产业集群,对于缩小欠发达区域与发达区域的差距,实现区域经济协调发展,具有重要意义。 4)less developed region欠发达区域 1.In less developed regions in China,the contradictions between human activity and geographical environment are prominent,environment problem is getting serious,the man-earth relationship coordination is confronted with many obstacles,which are helpless for carrying out scientific development outlook and building up an overall relatively comfortable soci.欠发达区域人地矛盾突出,环境问题严重,协调人地关系面临诸多障碍,这对于落实科学发展观、全面建设小康社会构成制约。 5)development of less developed regions欠发达区域发展 6)education in undeveloped areas欠发达区域教育 区域经济规划(区域规划)区域经济规划(区域规划)区域经济规划(简称区域规划)是区域经济发展战略的具体安排,是战略思想的细化。区域规划应当是区域经济发展战略指导下的区域和产业发展的详细的安排。它包括区域发展、产业发展、土地利用、城镇体系等多方面的内容。它与发展战略的主要区别在于,战略应是粗线条的、具有指导意义的纲领;规划应是细线条的,具有实施功能的安排。 体育科技,sports science and technology 1)sports science and technology体育科技 1.Dialectical thoughts on the sustainable development of the Chinese sports science and technology;我国体育科技可持续发展的辩证思考 2.The development and reform of sports science and technology the system has been become an important part in economical development and society progress.体育科技体制改革与发展在政治、社会、生产和体育生活的作用已日渐为人们所重视 ,体育科技体制改革与发展是体育科技创造性劳动的物质基础 ,体育科技体制改革与发展水平的高低直接关系我国体育发展的动力和方向 ,体育科技改革与发展的差距是阻碍我国体育综合国力提高的一个重要因素。 3.in this paper,the economics values of sports science and technology were discussed from the viewpoints of mass sports and athletic sports.本文从竞技体育和群众体育两个方面探讨了体育科技具有的经济价值。 1.Effects on Modern Scientific Technology Development to the Athletics Sports现代体育科技发展对竞技体育的影响 2.Make use of the scientific and technological advantage in Beijing, integrate the scientific and technological resources and establish a new management system for sports science and technology.利用首都科技优势,整合科技资源,建立体育科技的新型管理体制。 3.Mechanism for Applying Sport Scientific & Technological Achievements to Competitive Sports;体育科技成果向竞技体育转化的运行机制研究 4.The Relationship between Innovation in Sports Science and Technology and the Enhancement of Sport Training;体育科技创新与竞技体育训练水平的关系探讨 5.How to Reinforce the Sports Science Journals in Serving the Competitive Sports体育科技期刊如何更好地为竞技体育服务 6.Make greater efforts to tackle the scientific and technological problems and provide better services to the competition sports.加强竞技体育科技攻关和服务。 7.Scientific and Technological Globalization and the Mentality of Sports Science and Technology Development in China;科技全球化与我国体育科技发展的思路 8.Analysis of Scientific and Technological Elements in Sports Scientific Journals;体育科技期刊编辑工作的科技含量探析 9.Research on Sport Scientific Developing Strategy in China Under the Background of Scientific Global ization;科技全球化背景下我国体育科技发展战略研究 10.Study of periodical Variation of Theses on P.E.scientific Researches from the Perspective of Sports Events;从体育事件看体育科技论文的周期性变化 11.Simply Analysing the Composition of Scientific and Technological Trained Personnel of Sports Holding the Personnel Training Direction of Sports;浅析体育科技人才结构,把握体育人才培养方向 12.Significance of Applying scientific and technological fruits into P.E. Pratice;运用体育科技成果指导体育实践的意义 13.Science and Sports--The Problems on Sports Science and Technology Development in the New Century;科技与体育——关于新世纪体育科学技术发展问题 14.Tech-Sport and Eco-Sport-the New Models of the Development of the Future Sport;科技体育和生态体育——未来体育发展的新模式 15.Functions of Scientific and Technological Education in the System of Teenagers Education;科技教育在青少年教育体系中的作用 16.Twice - revolution of Science and Technology and Development of Athletic Sports;两次科技革命与竞技体育运动的发展 17.(Three) Give Play to the Scientific and Technological Advantage and Use Science and Technology to Support the Leap in the Development of the Sports(三)发挥科技优势,以科技助体育跨越式发展 18.A Comparative Study of the Role of Science and Technology Organisations in Science Education Primary and Secondary Education;科技团体介入中小学科技教育模式的比较研究 sports science体育科技 1.New Thought and Measures for Quickening the Development of Fujian Sports Science;加快福建体育科技发展的新思路与新对策 2.It also calls for the necessity and urgency of sports information awareness and the application of Internet to serving the development of the Nation s sports science at an early date.研究概括阐释了因特网传输体育信息的技术特点 ,以及因特网对体育信息科学发展的重大影响 ,同时论述了建立体育信息意识和尽快应用因特网为我国体育科技事业服务的必要性和迫切性。 3)tech-sport科技体育 1.We believe it would continue two models-the technological sport(tech-sport) and the ecological sport(eco-sport).初步探讨了未来体育发展的新模式———科技体育和生态体育。 4)science and technology-oriented sports科技型体育 5)sports scientific-technologic outlook体育科技观 6)sports science periodical体育科技期刊 1.The sciece value upgrade and high-level editors are necessary for improving the sports science periodical.体育科技期刊的价值体现,离不开其学术价值的提升,离不开高素质的编辑人才。 2.In the view of the editors of sports science periodicals , editorial discovery is a precondition for topic finding , which is decided by the basic rules of scientific researches .从体育科技期刊编辑的角度讲,编辑发现是选题挖掘的前提,这是体育科研乃至所有科学研究的基本规律决定的。 河北科技大学体育工作部河北科技大学体育工作部在校党委、校行政的直接领导下,全面负责学校的体育工作。全面贯彻落实《学校体育工作条例》,以《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》为指导,树立科学发展观,大力推进体育课程的教学改革,探索校内群体竞赛的改革,加强师资队伍建设,开展体育科学研究,进行科学规范化的管理。体育工作部是以体育课程的课堂教学为主,以积极开展课外辅导、精心组织群体竞赛活动,加强学校运动队训练,提高竞技水平为中心,开设全校性选修课为辅的教学管理模式。体育工作部下设:部办公室、篮球教研室、排球教研室、足球教研室、舞美教研室、综合教研室。体育工作部有专职教师59人,专职管理人员3人,教辅人员5人;专职教师中教授5人,副教授14人,讲师21人,助教19人,具有研究生学历及硕士学位者13人。体育课程开设的专项课有:篮球、排球、足球、乒乓球、武术、跆拳道、轮滑、健美操与形体、手球和游泳。体育工作部的指导思想:在校党委,校行政的统一领导下,高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜,努力践行“三个代表”重要思想,贯彻落实《学校体育工作条例》, 以《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》为指导, 发扬团结、协作、奉献的精神,以开拓创新,求真务实,勤奋进取的工作状态,坚持科学发展观,肯抓课程的教育教学质量,不断提高教师队伍的整体素质。近年来,学生体育课成绩控制在正态分布范围。在全校的教师教学果评价中,一直列全校的前列,平均成绩87.42分。在我们抓好教学的同时,积极进行科学研究,在研究成果上得到了有关部门的认同克肯定。这些成绩的取得与体育部的科学管理,措施得当,学校领导的关怀有直接的关系,更离不开体育部全体员工辛勤的努力和踏实的工作态度,在未来的道路上,体育部将会借新校区建设之风,借省大学生运动会在我校召开之风,借08奥运圣火即将点燃之风,勇往直前,同我校其他兄弟学院共同携手,共谱新的篇章! 体育保健学,Sport hygiene 1)Sport hygiene体育保健学 1.Improve the Students Capability of the Physical Education in the Teaching Process of Sport Hygiene;体育高等专科学校《体育保健学》教学中学生能力的培养 2.Reformation of Curriculum and Teaching of Sport Hygiene in Higher Normal Colleges on the Background of the New-curriculum Reformation;论新课改背景下高师《体育保健学》课程与教学改革 3.A discussion on teaching reform of sport hygiene experiment论体育保健学实验教学改革 1.On the Present Teaching Situation of "Sport Hygiene" for Physical Education Majors;体育教育专业《体育保健学》教学现状与思考 2.The Course Structure and Systematization of Health Science in Exercise at Physical Education Speciality;体育教育专业体育保健学的课程结构与体系 3.The Teaching Reform of Health Science in Exercise on the Basis of Studying the P.E.Teaching State in Middle and Primary Schools;从中小学体育课现状谈体育保健学教学改革 4.Principles of Question Raising in Teaching Science of Physical Health Care《体育保健学》教学提问原则的探索 5.Making and Application the the CAI Courseware in Health Science of Sports;《体育保健学》CAI课件的制作及应用 6.My mention of designing computer software of ctockpile system of sanipractic of sport according to the newest development of computer asisted instruction;体育保健学CAI积件系统开发之我见 7.Parctice of Mentality Flement in PE and Health Care Teaching;心理学要素在体育保健学教学中的应用 8.Improve the Students Capability of the Physical Education in the Teaching Process of Sport Hygiene;体育高等专科学校《体育保健学》教学中学生能力的培养 9.Prevention and Health Care"in Health Education Should Be Paid Attention To in Schools Physical Education;学校体育教学应重视“预防保健”的健康教育 10.College P.E Should Strengthen Self health care Education;高校体育应加强大学生自我保健教育 11.Teaching Research of P. E. for the Students With Liver Disease;对肝病学生实施保健体育教学的研究 12.The Physical Education to Students of Health Care P.E.Class in Colleges and Universities;对高校保健体育班学生体育教育的研究 13.The 15-year long reforming practice of physical education health protection classes in universities;关于高校体育保健课教学的实践研究 14.The practical use of Exercise Prescription in the PE of Health protection;“运动处方”在保健体育教学中的实践 15.Keep-fit PE Teaching Contents Offered and Practice In Colleges and Universities;高校保健体育教学内容的设置与实践 16.Discussion on the Cultivating the Students' Consciousness of Lifetime Physical Culture and Health Care试论培养大学生终身体育保健的意识 17.Thinking about Traditional Chinese Medicine in Health Sports中国传统保健体育运动的中医学思考 18.Improvement of sports inferior group of university students psychology by P.E. health care course;改革保健课程 促进体育弱势大学生心理健康 health science in exercise体育保健学 1.In view of this situation,this article puts forwards that it is necessary for normal colleges to reform the teaching methods of health science in exercise.提出高等师范院校体育保健学教学方法进行改革的必要,并提出在理论教学和实践教学中的具体改革措施,提高学生综合运用知识的能力。 2.With the advance of society and physical education, health science in exercise , the compulsory course of the undergraduates in the institute of physical education, seems to be slightly out-of-date in the systematization of knowledge and its content.随着社会与体育事业的进步与发展 ,《体育保健学》作为体育院系本科体育专业的必修课 ,原有教材在知识体系和内容等方面都略显陈旧。 3)sanipractic of sport体育保健学 1.My mention of designing computer software of ctockpile system of sanipractic of sport according to the newest development of computer asisted instruction;体育保健学CAI积件系统开发之我见 4)physical education health teaching体育保健教学 1.From viewing the present situation that university students are short of physical education health consciousness and have poor ability of medical supervision, the author raised the thought of opening physical education health teaching so that teachers and students can improve the ability of medical self-supervision,and it also can make the students take scientific exercises.针对大学生体育保健知识贫乏和健身锻炼的医务监督能力较差的现状,提出在普通高校开设体育保健教学的思路,旨在提高师生对自我医务监督的重视程度,从而促使学生进行科学的健身锻炼,为终身体育锻炼奠定基础。 5)health keeping sports保健体育 1.Through studies on the nature of health keeping sports,this paper puts forth the five developing tendencies of the Chinese health keeping sports and analyzes the causes and contents of these tendencies,which include more participants,more scientific activities,forms with more individuality, consumer guided operation mechanism and comprehensive idea of values.通过对保健体育本质的分析研究 ,阐述未来若干年内中国保健体育的基本发展趋势即参与者将进一步普遍化 ,活动内容将逐步走向科学化 ,形式将逐步走向个性化 ,运行机制将由福利主导型转向消费主导型 ,价值观念将由单一化走向综合化。 6)Sport Hygiene体育保健 1.The Research of Experimental Curriculum Reform and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Sport Hygiene体育保健学实验课程改革及其实效性评价的研究 洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles) 洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。 通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:[email protected]:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。 主动模式,active mode 1)active mode主动模式 1.The electromagnetic radiated interference is classified into passive mode and active mode.电磁辐射干扰分为被动模式和主动模式。 2.DISCONNECT THE MODE DOOR ACTUATOR CONNECTOR.断开模式门主动器接头。** 3.An Initiative Mode of Group-Buying Online;新型的网络团购模式:主动式网络团购 4.A Study on Interactive Teaching Pattern Dominated by Both Students and Teachers in Vocational School;职业中学双主体互动教学模式的研究 5.Active Database Pattern Based on SQL Server;基于SQL Server的主动数据库模式研究 6.My Opinion on the "Auto-Participation Teaching Pattern" in P.E. and Health Class;体育与健康课的“主动参与教学模式” 7.Exploration on the Construction of Curriculum Model of "Leading by Posts and Driving by Item" in Higher Vocational Education;“岗位主导、项目带动”课程模式构建探究 8.Personal Initiative: A New Work Model in 21 Century;个人主动性:21世纪的新型工作模式 9.Utilization of Initiative Educational Model in "Foundational Japanese" Course;主动性教学模式在《基础日语》中的运用 10.Initiating the Consciousness of Competitive Job to Adapt to Market Requirement;倡导竞争上岗意识 主动适应市场模式 11.Active Services' Implementation Technology Based on SaaS Model基于SaaS模式的主动服务实现技术 12.The Governmental Character of Digital Villages' Constructing Mode政府主导推动模式下数字村镇的建设 13.Study on Fuzzy Control of Semi-active Suspension for Track Vehicle履带式车辆半主动悬架模糊控制研究 14.Practical Exploration of the Open Dynamic Systems Teaching Mode of Entity;主体性开放式动态系统教学模式的实践探索 15.To Promote the Learner Autonomy of Foreign Language by the Model of Interactive Classroom;通过互动式课堂模式促进学习者学习自主性 16.On "Interactively Concentrated Mode" among Subjects in Technological Innovation;论技术创新主体间的“互动聚核式”合作模式 17.Research into initiative-feedback education pattern in network environment;网络环境下的主动反馈式教学模式研究 18.Research on Active Object Pattern for Streaming Media VOD Model主动对象模式在流媒体点播模型中的应用研究 Pro-active B/S mode主动式B/S模式 3)"passive/active" pattern"被动/主动"模式 4)drive roller die主动式辊拉模 5)active control mode主动控制模式 1. This article calculates the formation and detachment of the droplets in the active control mode based on the developed analytical model, analyzes the influence of various factors on the oscillation and detachment of the droplets, and designs the complex pulse waveform and pulse parameters which can realize the "one drop per pulse" transfer mode reliably.对主动控制模式下熔滴的形成和脱离过程进行了计算,分析了各种因素对熔滴振荡和脱离过程的影响,设计了可靠实现一脉一滴过渡的复合脉冲电流波形及其脉冲参数。 6)active movement mode主动变位模式 植物命名的模式和模式标本 科或科级以下的分类群的名称,都是由命名模式来决定的。但更高等级(科级以上)分类群的名称,只有当其名称是基于属名的也是 由命名模式来决定的。种或种级以下的分类群的命名必须有模式标本根据。模式标本必须要永久保存,不能是活植物。模式标本有下列几种: (1)主模式标本(全模式标本、正模式标本)(holotype)是由命名人指定的模式标本,即著者发表新分类群时据以命名、描述和绘图的那一份标本。 (2)等模式标本(同号模式标本、复模式标本)(isotype)系与主模式标本同为一采集者在同一地点与时间所采集的同号复份标本。 (3)合模式标本(等值模式标本)(syntype)著者在发表一分类群时未曾指定主模式而引证了2个以上的标本或被著者指定为模式的标本,其数目在2个以上时,此等标本中的任何1份,均可称为合模式标本。 (4)后选模式标本(选定模式标本)(lectotype)当发表新分类群时,著作未曾指定主模式标本或主模式已遗失或损坏时,是后来的作者根据原始资料,在等模式或依次从合模式、副模式、新模式和原产地模式标本中,选定1份作为命名模式的标本,即为后选模式标本。 (5)副模式标本(同举模式标本)(paratype)对于某一分类群,著者在原描述中除主模式、等模式或合模式标本以外同时引证的标本,称为副模式标本。 (6)新模式标本(neotype)当主模式、等模式、合模式、副模式标本均有错误、损坏或遗失时,根据原始资料从其他标本中重新选定出来充当命名模式的标本。 (7)原产地模式标本(topotype)当不能获得某种植物的模式标本时,便从该植物的模式标本产地采到同种植物的标本,与原始资料核对,完全符合者以代替模式标本,称为原产地模式标本。